PDFThis document describes the setup of the machine, some of its dimensional limits, use of the Roland SRP Player software (for generating toolpaths from STL files), and some aspects of the process whereby an .RML NC file from MasterCAM is used. Harvard GSD (It could use some significant improvements.) View file |
name | Guide to Roland MDX-40-A_2022.pdf |
Edit the NC FileThe .RML file that is generated by MasterCAM needs to be edited before it can be run on the Roland Template FilesBelow is an empty MasterCAM template files with a number of supported toolpaths included. The settings assume that 2" foam material is being used, so changes would be necessary for other material characteristics. Four tools are defined, if using a tool other than one included, a new tool will have to be defined. It is necessary that toolpaths using different tools be posted separately so that each tool can have a new Z calibrated on the machine between toolpaths. Info |
icon | false |
title | Recommended: Template File for Fanuc Machine Definition and Post Processor |
| Template Files on Sharepoint: Foam_Small_Roland_Mill This template file includes a Drill operation and is intended to be used with the Fanuc Machine Definition, Control, and Post Process (see below). |
Review the NC FileThere are two post-processors that you can select in MasterCAM to output an NC file for the Roland Mill, we recommend using the "Fanuc 3X Mill" machine definition as there are problems and limitations related to the Roland machine definition and post. Info |
icon | false |
title | Recommended: Fanuc Machine Definition and Post Processor |
| The files that are most up-to-date can be found on the computer connected to the Roland Mill. The Fanuc 3 Axis Mill Machine Definition, Control, and Post Processor will output an .NC file. This .NC file should be reviewed for errors and needed corrections before it is run on the Roland Mill. Do this within MasterCAM's code | editor or a text of your choosing - Remove:
- the first line of the file: "!1"
- the last line of the file: "!0"
- Add:
- the command to start the spindle at the beginning of the file: "!MC 12000" (Note: the speed of the spindle will still be controlled with the VPanel, not the RML file or any settings established in MasterCAM.)
- the command to stop the spindle at the end of the file: "!MC 0"
- Save the file with an extension of .RML (some text editors will save it with a .NC or a .TXT, which might have to be removed)
Note |
Alternatively, replace the ROLAND MDX40 3 AXIS MILL INCH.PST file that is saved to C:\Users\Public\Documents\shared mcamx7\mill\Posts with the one that can be found on goliath: Z:\Software\Mastercam\Folder_Migrate_MCX_X7\put_contents_in_shared Mcamx7-mill-Posts |
Template File Below is an empty MasterCAM template file with a few toolpaths included within it (Rough Parallel, a few Finish Parallel options, and a 2D Contour toolpath). The settings assume that 2" foam material is being used, so changes would be necessary for other material characteristics. Only one tool is defined ROLAND_TEMPLATE.MCX-7 - Check for the correct Spindle Speed and Feedrate for the tool. This can be done by searching for M3 (spindle ON) and G1 (move with feedrate).
The speed is indicated by the Sxxxxx setting near the M3 (spindle ON/CW) command at the beginning of the program. The speed is given in RPM and the range is 4500-15000, for most tools and materials we will run near the top of the range. An example can be found on line number N130 with a G0, G90, G54 and then Z1.5 followed by the speed and spindle ON: N130G0G90G54Z1.5S15000M3 The feedrate for the Roland will vary from 30 IPM (inches per minute) to 120 IPM max. For low density foam, we can take light cuts at 70-90 IPM and G0 rapid/retract rates will be at the max of 120 IPM. The standard chipload charts are a reasonable place to start, but may have to be adjusted downward to meet the limitations of the machine. Look for the G1 commands and they will contain an F (feedrate) setting. An example here can be found at line number N160, with a G1 to Z.75 followed by a feedrate of 90 IPM: N160G1Z.75F90. - Check for Z0 and Z-, to prevent cutting into the machine table, this can be done by searching.
- Check for X- and Y-. This does not cause damage, but if G54 is set to the physical 0,0 (bottom left) then the machine will not move into negative territory. You can shift your model slightly and adjust stock on the table to compensate.
- Return to MasterCAM and make corrections there, if either of the above conditions need to be corrected.
Things to note: - In the VPanel, users must set the 0,0,0 of the "G54" coordinate system before cutting the RML file.
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- The NC file does contain the spindle speed as defined in MasterCAM for the tool/toolpath.
- Coordinates are displayed in inches.
- Drilling operations are supported.
- When aborting a job the machine will NOT automatically retract to a safe location: make sure you manually lift the tool up above the stock before resuming or starting a new job, etc.
- Toolchanges are not supported by the Roland MDX-40A. MCX files that use multiple tools must output the toolpaths for different tools separately and re-calibrate a new Z for each toolchange.