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POP is cesm's ocean model.
Running CESM on Harvard
Latest release on official GitHub:
CESM2 with SPCAM : 2018 or later): instructions to download yourself
CESM1.1.1 with SPCAM (Feb 2013) is downloaded in ~pchan/spcam2_0-cesm1_1_1/
CESM1.2.2 (Jun 2014) is downloaded in ~leiw/n/holystore01/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/cesm1_2_2/
SPCAM3.5.0 (Feb 2009) is downloaded in ~kuang/Model/origSPCAM/
Register in
Edit ~/.bashrc to include following lines (for CentOS7):If you do not yet have "huce file access", request it from RC. If you see groups=...10047(huce)...
when you run id
, then you already have the access.
Edit ~/.bashrc to include following lines (**updated June 2023 for rocky8**):
module load intel/1723.0.40-fasrc01 impiintelmpi/20172021.28.1740-fasrc01
module load netcdf-fortran/4.16.30-fasrc02fasrc03
module load perlnetcdf-modulesc/
module load ncf/1.0.0-fasrc01 perl_modules/5.10.1-fasrc13ncf
export UCX_TLS=ib
export I_MPI_HYDRA_IFACE="ib0"
If you never use cpan (package manager for Perl) before, after loading perl-modules, enter cpan
, respond: yes, blank, yes.., then exit cpan. (takes several minutes)
If you need POP2 (e.g. compset B), enter cpan
, key in: install Switch
, then exit cpan.
cp /n/home05/pchan/spcam2_0-cesm1_1_1/scripts/ ~/ #please copy a newer version after the CentOS7 update
2. Edit
Edit ~/ # look at TODO’s. For details, see "about".
Partition is default to be huce_amd, which works in most of the case. For more about HUCE's partitions, see Odyssey job queues.
3. (Advanced user): prepare namelist and SourceMods
If you already know what namelist (user_nl_*) or SourceMods you are going to use, cd to the directory with user_nl_* and/or SourceMods. should be run in this directory.
4. Run (~12 mins)
Make sure you are not in nx nodes (not in rcnx01 or holynx01).
Make sure you have modules loaded as step 1.
E.g. ~/ c1test f19_f19 F_2000 64
5. Final check
You can modify SourceMods here, but if you do so, you will have to do $CASE.clean_build and rebuild the model with
CASE=`./xmlquery -valonly -silent CASE`
srun -p huce_intel,test -c 4 -t 100 --mem=4000 ./${CASE}.build
You can modify namelist here. Often you don't have to rebuild the model. should give you a sentence like this:
2018-06-15T13:30:20 TEST-ONLY-sbatch: Job 46319755 to start at 2018-06-15T13:30:23 using 64 processors on holy2c[12315-12316]
If you are not satisfied with the queue time, or any sbatch setting, you can modify $, and run this command to test the setting:
echo -n `date +%FT%T` TEST-ONLY-; sbatch --test-only ${CASE}.run
6. Submit the model
Make sure you are not in nx nodes (not in rcnx01 or holynx01).
Make sure you have modules loaded as step 1.
Follow instructions from printout of, for example:
cd /n/home05/pchan/cesm_caseroot/c1test
This script combines create_newcase, cesm_setup and build. It is originally written by Andy Rhines, and further developed by Wanying Kang, Minmin Fu and Packard Chan. You do not have to use this script if you want to do each step separately.
How to modify:
OUTPUT is the path of large file storage where all Build/Run and Short Term Archive will be located. Default is kuanglfs, which works only for Kuang's group. "/n/regal/`id -gn`/$USER/cesm_output/${CASE}" will work well if you want to use regal.
Partition is default to be huce_amd. To use huce_intel, uncomment the 3rd-4th lines.
Email notification is default off. Turn on by uncommenting the relevant line.
DOUT_S is now default true. This switch turns on the short term archive procedure, which moves things out of RUNDIR when job completes, i.e. (1)-(3) in the following figure. If you want to leave everything in RUNDIR, set to false.
STOP_N and STOP_OPTION set the length of the model run.
Setting GET_REFCASE to false may cause problem for some compset (e.g. B_1850_CN). Now using default from compset.
DOUT_S_SAVE_INT_REST_FILES is a switch that can stop "short term archive" from deleting your intermediate restart files. However, those restart files will not be put in one folder for restart, but distributed across components.
BRANCH is one way of restarting a model from some restart files, disabled by default.
Not much speed up can be obtained when GMAKE_J >4, based on some tests with F_2000. This number should be same as srun -c argument for build.
What to expect:
Right after create_newcase, copying user_nl_* and SourceMods might results in "cp: No match". These errors can be safely ignored.
Right after build, there are two lines that print out all non-empty, uncommented lines in user_nl_*; and list files in SourceMods. You might see "ls: No match" if no files are in SourceMods, please ignore.
Test-only sbatch is submitted to test sbatch settings. See step 5.
In case directory, a link named "scratch" will point you to the Build/Run/Short-term Archive directory.
The current is copied to the case directory. (xxx: bugs identified, to be fixed)
More about CESM
Directories and files in CESM
The above figure is adapted from p.48.
CESM1.1.1 (with SPCAM) is downloaded in ~pchan/spcam2_0-cesm1_1_1/
CESM1.2.2 is downloaded in ~leiw/cesm1_2_2/
There is no need to copy the CESM download folder.
The inputdata directory is located in /n/kuanglfs/pchan/CAM_input. Packard has opened write access so everyone should be able to download inputdata when needed. Please only download data that you need, as the whole data set is >20T in size.
CASE directory is default to be under ~/cesm_caseroot/$CASE
Build/Run directory and Short Term Archive is changed to use the same directory. That is, atm, lnd, etc. from short term archive, and bld and run, will now locate under the same folder in the same level.
Short term archive is procedure when the job completes, move files out of run directory, which are (1)-(3) described in the above figure.
Long-term archive is not needed on Odyssey, as there is no HPSS disk.
What to expect?
When the job is running, or the job got error and didn't reach the short-term archive, expect to see log files and output (e.g. history) files in run directory.
Naming conventions of nc files:
*.h* files are history files. Similar for r (restart), i (initial), d (diagnostic).
Default for CAM is to only output monthly history files. If your run is less than one month, you might get no history files. (Jan has 31 days.) To increase output, see namelist.
Namelist in CESM
xxx: migrating from
What is namelist?
Namelist in this page refers to text files read in by Fortran NAMELIST statements. In many numerical models (including CESM), namelist are used to specify runtime options, without having to rebuild the model. Sample namelist looks like:
char_variable = "a char variable",
logical_variable = .true.,
real_variable = 12.3,
int_array = 1, 2, 3, 4,
Read more about Fortran namelist in: link1, link2, link3.
How namelists are built in CESM?
$RUNDIR/*_in are namelists directly read by Fortran program. They are recommended NOT to be edited directly, but instead, indirectly through user_nl_* and env_*.xml. The processes of indirectly creating namelists are as follows:
Before submitting job:
- calls cesm_setup and $
- Both cesm_setup and $ call preview_namelists
- preview_namelists
- calls Buildconf/$comp.buildnml.csh
- copies *_in to CaseDocs/
- Buildconf/$comp.buildnml.csh
- call $CCSMROOT/models/**/bld/build-namelist, which create namelist Buildconf/*conf/*_in
- copy *_in to $RUNDIR (overwrite)
- build-namelist
- takes “infile” from user_nl_*
- writes out Buildconf/*conf/*_in and Buildconf/*.input_data_list
When job is submitted:
- $CASE.submit submits $
- $ calls preview_namelists
- Same things happen again.
How to modify namelists in CESM?
If possible, always use user_nl_* and env_*.xml.
E.g. ./xmlchange SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME=/path/to/
If impossible, manually change $RUNDIR/*_in, and disable copying (overwriting) in Buildconf/$comp.buildnml.csh
grep -Ev '^\s*$|^\s*!' user_nl_*
can display all non-empty uncommented lines in user_nl_*./preview_namelists can update namelists (and input_data_list)
- grep '' Buildconf/*.input_data_list
can list out all input data. DIN_LOC_ROOT=`./xmlquery -valonly -silent DIN_LOC_ROOT`
./check_input_data -inputdata $DIN_LOC_ROOT -check
can check input dataSection &seq_infodata_inparm in drv_in can be checked in $RUNDIR/cpl.log.$LID
Always compare default namelist and new namelist
Sometimes, user_nl_* are not interpreted literally. E.g. specifying prescribed_ozone_file could remove lines for prescribed_ozone_cycle_yr, prescribed_ozone_name, etc.
Never edit namelist in CaseDocs/ or Buildconf/, they are overwritten every time and NOT read by Fortran program.
http://www** Cluster update May 2024: CESM1 had compilation issues. If you need to run CESM1, please email sweidman at g dot harvard dot edu for instructions (until I update this wiki page). **
**Rocky8 update**
The netcdf software is now in two locations (netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran). CESM will break unless you put them in the same folder. One option is to copy the files for netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran in /n/sw/ into one folder in your home directory and combine the files in bin, lib, and include into the same folder. You can also copy
/n/home04/sweidman/netcdffolder into your home directory.
Then, edit your .bashrc file to include the lines:
export NETCDF_HOME='/n/home04/sweidman/netcdffolder/' (replace with the location of your combined netcdf folder)
** **
cp /n/home05/pchan/spcam2_0-cesm1_1_1/scripts/ ~/ #please copy a newer version after May 2018 (the CentOS7 update)
2. Edit
Edit ~/ # look at TODO’s. For details, see "about".
Partition should default to be huce_cascade or huce_ice. (huce_amd was decomissioned, 2/3/2020.) For more about HUCE's partitions, see Harvard cluster job queues.
3. (Advanced user): prepare namelist and SourceMods
If you already know what namelist (user_nl_*) or SourceMods you are going to use, cd to the directory with user_nl_* and/or SourceMods. should be run in this directory.
4. Run (~12 mins)
Make sure you have modules loaded as step 1.
E.g. ~/ c1test f19_f19 F_2000 64
5. Final check
**Update Rocky 8**
Open your $ file and comment out the line that looks like "srun --mpi=pmi2 --ntasks=64 --cpu_bind=sockets --cpu_bind=verbose --kill-on-bad-exit $EXEROOT/cesm.exe >&! ccsm.log.$LID"
Instead, uncomment the line that looks like "mpirun -np 64 $EXEROOT/cesm.exe >&! ccsm.log.$LID" just above it.
** **
You can modify SourceMods here, but if you do so, you will have to do $CASE.clean_build and rebuild the model with
CASE=`./xmlquery -valonly -silent CASE`
srun -p huce_intel,test -c 4 -t 100 --mem=4000 ./${CASE}.build
You can modify namelist here. Often you don't have to rebuild the model. should give you a sentence like this:
2018-06-15T13:30:20 TEST-ONLY-sbatch: Job 46319755 to start at 2018-06-15T13:30:23 using 64 processors on holy2c[12315-12316]
If you are not satisfied with the queue time, or any sbatch setting, you can modify $, and run this command to test the setting:
echo -n `date +%FT%T` TEST-ONLY-; sbatch --test-only ${CASE}.run
6. Submit the model
Make sure you have modules loaded as step 1.
Follow instructions from printout of, for example:
cd /n/home05/pchan/cesm_caseroot/c1test
This script combines create_newcase, cesm_setup and build. It is originally written by Andy Rhines, and further developed by Wanying Kang, Minmin Fu and Packard Chan. You do not have to use this script if you want to do each step separately.
How to modify:
OUTPUT is the path of large file storage where all Build/Run and Short Term Archive will be located. Default is kuanglfs, which works only for Kuang's group. "$SCRATCH/`id -gn`/$USER/cesm_output/${CASE}" will work well if you want to use $SCRATCH.
Partition is default to be huce_amd. To use huce_intel, uncomment the 3rd-4th lines.
Email notification is default off. Turn on by uncommenting the relevant line.
DOUT_S is now default true. This switch turns on the short term archive procedure, which moves things out of RUNDIR when job completes, i.e. (1)-(3) in the following figure. If you want to leave everything in RUNDIR, set to false.
STOP_N and STOP_OPTION set the length of the model run.
Setting GET_REFCASE to false may cause problem for some compset (e.g. B_1850_CN). Now using default from compset.
REST_N determines how often restart files are saved. Default is only once, after the run completes. For a long run, uncomment this line and change to something like 1 (nyears) so you can restart your run if the job fails.
DOUT_S_SAVE_INT_REST_FILES is a switch that can stop "short term archive" from deleting your intermediate restart files. However, those restart files will not be put in one folder for restart, but distributed across components.
BRANCH is one way of restarting a model from some restart files, disabled by default.
Not much speed up can be obtained when GMAKE_J >4, based on some tests with F_2000. This number should be same as srun -c argument for build.
In general, the above parameters and more can be changed after you initially build the model by using ./xmlchange <VARIABLE NAME>=<new value>. Often, the variables you want to change are listed in env_run.xml. You will need to rebuild the model if you make any changes here - see step 5.
What to expect:
Right after create_newcase, copying user_nl_* and SourceMods might results in "cp: No match". These errors can be safely ignored.
Right after build, there are two lines that print out all non-empty, uncommented lines in user_nl_*; and list files in SourceMods. You might see "ls: No match" if no files are in SourceMods, please ignore.
Test-only sbatch is submitted to test sbatch settings. See step 5.
In case directory, a link named "scratch" will point you to the Build/Run/Short-term Archive directory.
The current is copied to the case directory. (xxx: bugs identified, to be fixed)
More about CESM
Directories and files in CESM
The above figure is adapted from p.48.
There is no need to copy the CESM download folder. (for CESM1, which someone already downloaded for you)
The inputdata directory is located in /n/holystore01/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/cesm_2_1/inputdata
. Seb has opened write access so everyone should be able to download inputdata when needed. Please only download data that you need, as the whole data set is >20T in size.
CASE directory is default to be under ~/cesm_caseroot/$CASE
Build/Run directory and Short Term Archive is changed to use the same directory. That is, atm, lnd, etc. from short term archive, and bld and run, will now locate under the same folder in the same level.
Short term archive is procedure when the job completes, move files out of run directory, which are (1)-(3) described in the above figure.
Long-term archive is not needed on Harvard cluster, as there is no HPSS disk.
What to expect?
When the job is running, or the job got error and didn't reach the short-term archive, expect to see log files and output (e.g. history) files in run directory.
Naming conventions of nc files:
*.h* files are history files. Similar for r (restart), i (initial), d (diagnostic).
Default for CAM is to only output monthly history files. If your run is less than one month, you might get no history files. (Jan has 31 days.) To increase output, see namelist.
Namelist in CESM
xxx: migrating from
What is namelist?
Expand |
Namelist in this page refers to text files read in by Fortran NAMELIST statements. In many Fortran numerical models (including CESM), namelist are used to specify runtime options, without having to rebuild the model. Sample namelist looks like:
How namelists are built in CESM?
$RUNDIR/*_in are namelists directly read by Fortran program. They are recommended NOT to be edited directly, but instead, indirectly through user_nl_* and env_*.xml. The processes of indirectly creating namelists are as follows:
Before submitting job:
- calls cesm_setup and $
- Both cesm_setup and $ call preview_namelists
- preview_namelists
- calls Buildconf/$comp.buildnml.csh
- copies *_in to CaseDocs/
- Buildconf/$comp.buildnml.csh
- call $CCSMROOT/models/**/bld/build-namelist, which create namelist Buildconf/*conf/*_in
- copy *_in to $RUNDIR (overwrite)
- build-namelist
- takes “infile” from user_nl_*
- writes out Buildconf/*conf/*_in and Buildconf/*.input_data_list
When job is submitted:
- $CASE.submit submits $
- $ calls preview_namelists
- Same things happen again.
How to modify namelists in CESM?
If possible, always use user_nl_* and env_*.xml.
E.g. Change the path to an input data file: ./xmlchange SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME=/path/to/ (this can also be listed as a line in user_nl_cam).
E.g. To customize CAM output, edit user_nl_cam according to userguide, and master field list: v1.1.1, v1.2.2.
If impossible, manually change $RUNDIR/*_in, and disable copying (overwriting) in Buildconf/$comp.buildnml.csh
After modifying the namelist, run ./preview_namelists to submit the changes.
grep -Ev '^\s*$|^\s*!' user_nl_*
can display all non-empty uncommented lines in user_nl_*./preview_namelists can update namelists (and input_data_list)
- grep '' Buildconf/*.input_data_list
can list out all input data. DIN_LOC_ROOT=`./xmlquery -valonly -silent DIN_LOC_ROOT`
./check_input_data -inputdata $DIN_LOC_ROOT -check
can check input dataSection &seq_infodata_inparm in drv_in can be checked in $RUNDIR/cpl.log.$LID
Always compare default namelist and new namelist
Sometimes, user_nl_* are not interpreted literally. E.g. specifying prescribed_ozone_file could remove lines for prescribed_ozone_cycle_yr, prescribed_ozone_name, etc.
Never edit namelist in CaseDocs/ or Buildconf/, they are overwritten every time and NOT read by Fortran program.
Compset is a short form for "component set", which specifies component models, forcing scenarios and physics options for those models.
Commonly used compset are: F_2000 (atmosphere and land only for 2000), F_2000_SPCAM_sam1mom (SPCAM), FC4AQUAP (aquaplanet, only CESM1.2+)
List all available compset by ~pchan/spcam2_0-cesm1_1_1/scripts/create_newcase -list
, or browse
Compset is a short form for "component set", which specifies component models, forcing scenarios and physics options for those models.
Commonly used compset are: F_2000 (atmosphere and land only for 2000), F_2000_SPCAM_sam1mom (SPCAM), FC4AQUAP (aquaplanet, only CESM1.2+)
List all available compset by modelnl/compsets.html
You can view technical details about compset in under case root directory, after you have created a case with that compset.
To create a new compset (e.g. Aquaplanet in SP-CESM), use the -compset_file argument in create_newcase:
See sample_compset_file.xml for an example.
(from ~pchan/spcam2_0-cesm1_1_1/scripts/create_newcase -help)
Make a copy of ~pchan/spcam2_0-cesm1_1_1/scripts/sample_compset_file.xml to your directory and edit it. And edit create_newcase -list, or browse to add '-compset_file' argument when it calls create_newcase.
Details coming
SourceMod related
You can view technical details about compset in under case root directory, after you have created a case with that compset.
To create a new compset (e.g. Aquaplanet in SP-CESM), use the -compset_file argument in create_newcase:
See sample_compset_file.xml for an example.
(from ~pchan/spcam2_0-cesm1_1_1/scripts/create_newcase -help)
Make a copy of ~pchan/spcam2_0-cesm1_1_1/scripts/sample_compset_file.xml to your directory and edit it. And edit to add '-compset_file' argument when it calls create_newcase.
Details coming
SourceMod related
Technical Note (283 pp.):
Reference Manual:
CAM uses dry static energy as prognostic variable (instead of temperature). Detailed discretization is implemented in geopotential.F90:geopotential_dse, and described in 4.11.5 in cam4_desc.pdf.
Parallelization and indexing
Restart and looping
Following link is not public yet:
Technical Note (283 pp.):
Reference Manual:
CAM uses dry static energy as prognostic variable (instead of temperature). Detailed discretization is implemented in geopotential.F90:geopotential_dse, and described in 4.11.5 in cam4_desc.pdf.
Parallelization and indexing
Restart and looping
Based on CESM1.1.1. Following link is now public (9/27/2019).
Bugs and technical notes
/n/holylfs & /n/kuanglfs are near end of life. Both disks store inputdata. Please transition to /n/holystore01/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/cesm_2_1
For CESM1, the command is ./xmlchange DIN_LOC_ROOT="/n/holystore01/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/cesm_2_1/inputdata"
For CESM2 (who follows our GoogleDoc instructions), the command is ln -sfT
A temporary link has been created pointing from /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS to /n/holystore01/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS. This temporary link will be removed when /n/holylfs decommission. Please run the above commands before the decommission.
The new place is limited to huce group. Updates (if any) will be posted here.
(last update: 7/30/2020)
Technical notes on how the model is ported to OdysseyHarvard cluster:
1. Missing pio directory in /models/utils/pio
svn checkout ./cesm1_2_2/models/utils/pio
2. Missing file
svn checkout ./cesm1_2_2/tools/cprnc/genf90
Unconfirmed: aquaplanet - src.aquap do not take effect.
References (look for practical sessions)
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