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Physics 95 Fall 2016


Thanks for signing up for a Physics 95 presentation. You're our speakers on Sept 16. As you may recall we have the students prepare a bit by reading a paper or two ahead of time. Can you please send me, by end of this week at the latest, one or two PDF files of papers that pertain to the topic you'll be discussing? Ideally, these would be Physics Today level overviews accessible to undergraduates. Also if you send me a title we'll post it for the grad students as well. 


Physics 95 attracts an audience of undergrads and beginning graduate students. One goal of the course is to map out the research frontier in physics so some introductory comments putting your work in broader context would be much appreciated. Also, I hope you'll take 5-10 minutes in the beginning to describe your personal story, and how you ended up doing what you do. 

We'll have 45 minutes total available for each of you. 


Here's the drill for Wednesday:

We'll gather at mailboxes in Lyman at 6 pm then have dinner with students in Lyman 425, dinner runs 6-7 pm

Presentations runs 7-8:30 in J356, so 45 minutes for each of you

at 8:30 pm we'll do ice cream and informal discussions, ending no later than 9 pm.


Many thanks!

Student presentation topics

studenttopic 1topic 2



The goal of this tutorial is twofold. First, students will learn about a range of modern physics research topics from experts at Harvard as well as from one another. Every Wednesday evening a faculty member speaks on his/her area of research, preceded by assigned reading and a student presentation designed to introduce the basic physics, as well as important developments and burning problems at the frontiers of that particular research area. Second, the tutorial provides structured activities to help students develop practical skills for their future careers, expanding knowledge on unfamiliar subjects, participating in discussions, presenting and writing clearly about complex topics, and engaging in self and peer evaluation.


TF tasks:

  • collect next Monday's submissions into a single PDF file
  • figure out how to get Google Form to capture information on each speaker. 
  • video camera and tripod
  • web site curation
  • file uploads on Canvas


Assessment and grading:



Presentation Types:

scientific meeting 15 min talk 
advice to capitol hill
responsing to a reporter 
elevator speech
press release
blog post

Typical week



  • contact faculty member 2 weeks ahead of time, beg for papers by Monday to give students an entire week, or else cancel talk
  • get papers. 
  • Get title, abstract optional. 
  • Get point person who will attend class and answer detailed subject questions. That person can also participate in on-line discussion.
  • staff person for food is Wilhelm. Monika knows details. Get order in for Wed. Once Talk is set make posters and send emails to G1 and undergrads
  • Use Wilhelm and not Dale. 

Class meeting:

1-2 student 15-20 minutes presentations per meeting, then discussion. Include point person from research group. 


Papers should be ready on web site for subsequent Wed. Send ahead of them to students who are doing their talks on that topic.

Send out message saying papers available. 

Give them guidance on what papers to read

Meet Thurs or Fri with students who are presenting the following Monday. Define scope of presentation.

Lab tours would happen here if we do it. 

Dinner: establish rapport. G1's can come but should attend the talk. I should go. Help the faculty member engage students in conversation, and talk about career trajectory. 

Dept pays for dinners, it's catered now. Law school seems easier. 

dinner 6:30

seminar 7:30 

ice cream 8:30

adjourn 9:00


students should read papers in preparation for Monday, and have email discussion about them. That has been a struggle to get engagement. Ask Melissa how she made that work. 

contact students who are going to be presenting on Monday.


Structure and Meeting times

Mondays 3:00-4:15 (90 75 minutes)


Wednesdays 7-9 pm (180 minutes)




Sept 26, 28Columbus day holiday on Monday, no class
weekDatesMonday topicsWednesday seminar topicassignment for following MondayResources
1Sept 1

NA - no class on Monday

org meeting, course goals, assessment


Wed topics are course structure, expectations, nature of assignments, grading, and structure of subfields of physics

theory & experiment

the research frontier


none, that next Monday is a holiday. But assignment for subsequent Monday is to make single-page outlines of pros and cons regarding applicability of physics to the life sciences, which we will discuss

2Sept 7, 9

Labor day holiday on Monday, no class 


Feedback form
3Sept 12, 14

CWS: Discussion of outlines- make a single-page outline with pro and con of physics methods to the life sciences. Discussion about outlines and their importance.

Converting an outline into a presentation

Abstracts and scientific meetings.Finkbeiner

all: watch Jamous youtube.

reporter question - spy satellites. Send PDF to Stubbs no later than midnight Sunday

4Sept 19, 21

CWS: Making an overhead for a presentation- single-slide exercise on spy satellites, go over their slides

  • Who is the audience?
  • What's the main message?
  • What will make the case the most persuasively? Graphics? Plots? Bulleted list?
  • Does the overhead make sense as a "stand-alone" ?
  • Font sizes and readability- on laptop, as handout, or on projector?

Elevator speech assignment

5Sept 26, 28

elevator speech exercise

Group A assignment for Monday- presentation and discussion

Assignment for group B: prepare an abstract (250 word max) appropriate for a professional meeting, that will attract an audience to your talk and that coveys the key message you hope to convey.

6Oct 3,5

Lab tours!

MM (Stubbs gone)

resources for making talks.

Tufte article

Basics of powerpoint for scientists

Nature papers on scientific presentations

Pick topics by Wednesday Sept 28

pick a topic for an oral presentation and abstract for a meeting (15 8 minutes+2 for questions)

find an example of the worst overhead.

write down what your own weaknesses are, and how you plan to address them in this class.

Pick two different topics by Monday Oct 17. One as a science meeting talk, the other as a public presentation to an educated but non-physics audience. We'll make abstracts for the first, and press releases for the second.

7Oct 10, 12Columbus day holiday on Monday, no class



8Oct 17, 19


Scientific talks, the good, the bad and the ugly. Class discussion about presentations- pace, content, goals, NYT example. What makes a good presentation? Tell a story!


Group A assignment for Monday- presentation and discussion

Assignment for group B: prepare an abstract (250 word max) appropriate for a professional meeting, that will attract an audience to your talk and that coveys the key message you hope to convey.

 6Oct 3,5

MM (Stubbs gone)

group A gives taped 15 minute presentations

group B turns in abstract

Second language issues

(Don't assume they have read the material, go over it)

show example from law school prof.

pace and number of slides.

Use slide numbers and keep track of time!

Avoid technical failures- check things out. Your machine, or theirs? PPT issues between PC and Mac. Embedded videos. Driving projectors.

backup slides

giving the talk- the first few sentences, describe all plot axes, look at the audience.

Short written documents: Abstracts and press releases.
different goals, different audiences, different structure.  


Group A assignment is to prepare abstracts

Group B assignment is to prepare presentations

79Oct 10, 1224, 26

MM (Stubbs gone)

Group A talk #1

group B abstracts on topic #1


make appointments to review go over taped talks 
810Oct 1731, 19Nov 2

MM (Stubbs gone):

group B gives 15 taped minute presentationsGroup B talk #1

group A turn in abstracts on topic #1

119Oct 24, 26Nov 7, 9

MM (Stubbs gone)

review of what's been learned, class discussion on student presentations.



Elevator speech assignment 10Oct 31, Nov 2

CWS : Students give their Elevator speeches


  11Nov 7, 9

CWS: Communicating with the public- pubic lectures, press releases, blogs


group A talk #2

group B press release on topic #2

Draft Press release on topic of choice

watch Stubbs LSST spiel on Youtube

select presentation topic #2 for everyone. Presentation #2 is for a non-technical audience- advice to a Senate committee on a technical topic of your choice: solar energy, STEM education, quantum computing, nuclear weapons, etc.

12Nov 14, 16

CWS: Class review of press releases, discussion


make appointments to review taped talks.

MM (Stubbs gone):

group B talk #2

group A press release on topic #2

13Nov 21, 23

MM (Stubbs gone)here:

Group A taped 15 min talks topic #2
Group B turn in position papers 


Thanksgiving break

14Nov 28, 30

MMStubbs here:

Group B 15 min talks topic #2
Group A turn in position papers 

Last class, celebration!


15reading period

Final posters due Wed Dec 9


Sept 9Levinerequested papers
Sept 16Walsworth, Parkpark title and papers sent
Sept 23Finkbeiner 
Sept 30Silvera, Cohen 
Oct 7Doyle, Gabrielse 
Oct 14Desai 
Oct 21Kovac 
Oct 28Dvorkin 
Nov 4Westervelt 
Nov 11Brenner 
Nov 18Jaffe 
Nov 25none (thanksgiving) 
Dec 2Mazur, Yacoby