Mono claimed: 600 nm =====> is actually: 602.523 nm
Mono claimed: 700 nm =====> is actually: 702.057 nm
Mono claimed: 800 nm =====> is actually: 801.333 nm
Mono claimed: 900 nm =====> is actually: 900.352 nm
Mono claimed: 1000 nm =====> is actually: 999.114 nm
6. Based on these results, the monochromator appears to be underestimating the true center wavelength by about 2nm, though that offset is not uniform.
7. We adjusted the monochromator by about 2nm, though there will be a small systematic error in our final wavelength solution due to that non-uniformity
$ cd Documents/PythonScripts/CBP
$ python
>>> import monochromator as mono
>>> my_mono = mono.CornerStone260('COM3') #Need to check which COM port mono is read at
>>> my_mono.GoWave(700)
>>> my_mono.Calibrate(702)
>>> exit()