(The two plots are the same data, just different y-scales). The bottom plot shows that there is still plenty of good data even towards the end, though the top plot shows that the number of out-of-focus images does increase with time. There may even be some periodicity in the FWHM going out of focus.
I will start analyzing the equivalent widths of all files tonight.
Update 4/14/15
Each file has 5 different filter numbers that are stored both in the header and in the file name. Below are examples of the filters; all these images are within the same few minutes
- Filter 0: no filter
- Filter 1:
- Filter 2
- Filter 3
- Filter 4
Filter distribution over all images:
In the first few months + last few months, the images alternate between all 5 filters. There is no date for most of 2012, and all the data in 2013 only uses filter 4.
- find out the wavelength cut-off for these filters, which will make the analysis much easier and computationally faster.
- Analyze all images using filter 4, performing a polynomial fit on the four passes in each image
Equivalent widths for all filter 0 data
As shown above, the only data with no filters are the first few months and last few months. First I plot all the filter 0 data, to illustrate the gap in data. Then I follow with the data from the first few months and last few months individually.
Note: These data are averages over entire days, i.e. each data point is the average equivalent width of that line over all images in that day. There are associated statistical uncertainties, but for clarity I have not plotted them below. I will plot them in a different section.
In total:
First few months: this is mostly similar to the plot under the section "Beginning analysis of entire set"
Last few months: this is all new data.
The first thing I noticed is the behavior in all lines starting at the end of May 2014. The stable Ox A and Ox B lines sharply dip down, and oscillate. The water lines also begin to oscillate but do not dip down. I plan on looking into this by looking at the physical images and checking if my algorithm ran into an issue here.
Equivalent widths for filter 0 data, with statistical uncertainties
These are the same as the plots before, but now with error bars that represent the standard deviation associated with the average taken over every day.
First few months:
Last few months: