Command Interface
Inspired by the gbphot2 command line software, I propose we have a list of fix commands to make the measurements described above:
pb measureSolarCellQE
pb measurePandoraThroughput
pb measureNDTransmission
pb expose
pb spectrographCalib
pb monochromatorCalib
The arguments come after. Here is an example of how the command line would look like:
pb expose --wavelength 500 --dose 1e11 --aperture 10um --filters ND3
pb measureSolarCellQE --lambda0 350 --lambdaEnd 750 --step 10 --repeats 5
pb measureNDTransmission --lambda0 400 --lambdaEnd 700 --filters ND1,ND2
We also have commands to access files, set setups, and set the properties of the instrument.
pb getConfigFilePath
pb setConfigFile --filename
pb getCalibrationFiles
pb setSpectrographCalibrationFile --filename
pb setMonochomatorCalibrationFile --filename
Or more basic commands:
pb home
pb openShutter
pb setWavelength 300
pb getWavelength
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