See this checklist in a printable form: ArchivesSpace EAD Checklist
For person loading finding aid (Paula and Johanna)
- Are there links to other finding aids already posted in HAD? _____________
- Are there archived web sites? Double check extent, added entries, and add links
- Send email to Research Services with name of creator and urn after loading
- Check eadid in HAD and on spreadsheet. Should this collection have a new number, or is it replacing an old file?
- Updated finding aids: Why was finding aid updated? Check new work
- Are there digital objects which need to be deleted before finding aid can be loaded?
- Save original on R drive.
In Plain Text view:
- Check EAD header: does the finding aid use the LOC schema (<ead> contains
- Check titleproper: it should match the unittitle in the descriptive summary
- Is the eadid (sch/rca number) filled in?
- Is creator the HOLLIS 100 field? Check HOLLIS and LOC authority heading file
- Is sponsor tag needed? If not, delete
Descriptive Summary:
- Unitid: Are all the call numbers included? Are semicolons used?
- Origination: Is the creator name in indirect order (last name first)?
- If records of an organization, change persname to corpname
- If the records are for a family, change persname to famname
- Unitdate: Is the date normalized correctly with normal and type attributes?
- Circa dates: use actual date without five-year cushion and add approximate to certainty attribute
- If bulk and inclusive dates, or broken date range, are they in separate unitdate tags?
- No punctuation allowed in tags
- Extent: analog:
- Is feet spelled out?
- Separate extent tags for space occupied and container summary (one physdesc tag)
- Do not use a 0 in front of a decimal (i.e use .63 instead of 0.63)
- Extent: digital content:
- Use altrender attribute with whole for analog and part for digital
- For digital, megabytes and files in separate extent tags
- Extent: AV collections: all separate physdesc tags with altrender “part” attributes (<physdesc altrender="part"><extent>404 videotapes</extent></physdesc>)
- Are there extra spaces in tags? Search [blank space]</ in plain view.
- Processinfo: Do not mark up date or name of processor
- Acquinfo: Do not mark up accession number or name of donor
- Preferred citation: use only inclusive dates
- Related material: Use <relatedmaterial> not <separatedmaterial> for all
- Are there other finding aids (addenda, audio or video) that should be linked?
- Test URN or permalink to make sure that it works. For older finding aids, prefer URN over permalink.
- Arrangement: do not list subseries.
- Check all external references (hrefs) to see if they work
- Are smart quotes or long dashes used? Search entire document: ’ “ ” —
- Two bio note tags can be used for family papers, etc.
- Are extrefs (hrefs) filled in and do they work?
- Do not use lists or chronlists
Scope and Content:
- Do not mark up unitdates in scope and content note
- Do not use lists or chronlists
- Are extrefs (hrefs) filled in and do they work?
- Check to see if series are nested properly by clicking on the beginning <c> tags for series, subseries, etc.
- Do the <c> tags use the item attribute?
- Do not use title render="doublequote." Only mark up “true” titles (no brackets, etc.)
- Notes: Use odd tag
- Are notes written correctly? (Should not describe contents of folder, just location, etc.)
- Are notes separated by a p tag when there is more than one note?
- Are the notes inserted between the </did> and the </c>?
- (2 folders), etc. should not be inside note tags.
- Is the accessrestrict tag used for restrictions instead of note?
- Search for x.x to find empty folder numbers and min. for minutes
- Is memorabilia tagging correct? (use physdesc and physfacet)
- AV tagging: <unittitle>Title. Tape x.</unittitle><physdesc><physfacet>type, time, etc.: Audiocassette. ca.30 minutes. Side 2 blank. </physfacet></physdesc></did><scopecontent><p> more info</p></scopecontent></c>
- AV: Do not use REQUEST AS notes
- Websites: Is title descriptive and include url? If changing old title, also change the title attribute.
Added Entries:
- Only acceptable tags: <corpname>, <famname>, <genreform>, <geogname>, <persname>, <subject>. Do not use <name> or <title>.
- Subdivisions: There should be two dashes with no space around dashes.
- Take out periods at end of headings if present. No spaces in added entry tags.
- Author not included in finding aid added entries (include in MARC)
- Websites: include Web archives
- Are the added entries in the correct tags?
- Geognames: anything beginning with a geographical name is a geogname
- Corpnames: Anything beginning with a corporate name is a corpname
- Persname: Author followed by name of work is a persname. Corpname for BWHBC, etc.
- Corpnames: Meeting names (Democratic National Convention) are corpnames
- Titles (i.e. Family Circle) must go in as subjects
Separation Record:
- Is the separatedmaterial tag used?
- Are titles marked up properly?
- Are there extra spaces in tags?
- Must be MMS ID
- Must include <head>Alma ID</head>