920 Cataloging Statistics field
Current practice :
LTS instructions on the use of the 920
Usage at Schlesinger:
92011$$a type of cataloging $$d Title cataloged date (yyyymmdd) $$e SL $$f six character net id (what your 3 letter/3 number computer user is)
92011$$a ce $$d 20210330 $$e SL $$f abc123
Full list of $$b Type of cataloging codes and definitions for use by Schlesinger
cc = Copy/clean cataloging – no edits
se = Copy/simple edits
ce = Copy/complex edits
oc = original cataloging
saoc = Serial title added/original
sacc = Serial title/copy cataloging
sace = Serial title/complex editing
sah = serials added holdings
sai = serial title/issues only added
la = Local holding added to existing record in Alma (that has other library's holdings on it)
dbc = database cleanup
ca = copy added (i.e. an additional Schlesinger copy)
va = vol. added (to an already cataloged holding)
cs = copy switched (doesn’t count as cataloged that date, but will be reflected in that’s year’s work)
cr = copy replaced (again doesn’t count as cataloging – also add 852 #x Replacement copy)
dbc = database cleanup (doesn’t count as cataloging; represents cleanup/upgrade work on older records as you encounter them)
Historical use of Harvard-Defined Reporting Fields prior to Alma 920 field
583 Housing statements
(These are not displayed in the catalog)
5830_$$3 cover $$a housed $$c 20210330 $$x Colibri $$2 pda $$5 sch
Dust jacket
5830_$$3 dust jacket $$a housed $$c 20210330 $$x polyester film $$2 pda $$5 sch
5830_$$a housed $$c 20210330 $$i envelope $$2 pda $$5 sch
5830_$$a housed $$c 20210330 $$z polyethylene zip lock bag with stiffener $$x Gaylord $$2 pda $$5 sch583
5830_$$a housed $$c 20210330 $$i box $$x CMI $$2 pda $$5 sch
538 Conservation notes
563 Binding statements
The $$5 sch is not necessary now, but can still be included.
563_ _$$a Bound in original [color] cloth. $$5 sch
563_ _$$a Bound in original [color] boards; in dust jacket as issued. $$5 sch
563_ _ $$a Bound in original [color] cloth; in dust jacket as issued. $$5 sch
563_ _$$a Bound in original color illustrated boards. $$5 sch
563_ _$$a Bound in original color illustrated paper covers. $$5 sch
563_ _$$a Bound in original paper covers. $$5 sch