Currently Received Serials List
This is a list of print serials that we currently have an active subscription for OR purchase all new issues of (for independent titles that don't offer a subscription option). This list will be updated as new titles are added, old titles are discontinued, or we cancel our existing subscriptions. Anything NOT marked with an "x" in the EBSCO title? column is a subscription directly from the vendor, whether purchased with a manual renewal or received as a gift.
Title | MMSID | Notes | EBSCO title? |
ALL news | 990092226710203941 | no active order but sometimes appears | |
Bon appétit | 990024471620203941 | x | |
Boston spirit | 990097675400203941 | ||
Bust | 990080430110203941 | x | |
CTA (Call to Action) news | 990029411080203941 | x | |
Celebrate life | 990044368310203941 | x | |
Cherry bombe | 990144911000203941 | ordered issue by issue | |
Chop chop | 990146502230203941 | x | |
Christopher Kimball's Milk Street magazine | 990152337930203941 | x | |
Conscience | 990006479240203941 | ||
Cook's country | 990127678280203941 | x | |
Cook's illustrated | 990027915420203941 | x | |
Cosmopolitan | 990021110560203941 | x | |
Cuisine at home | 990089062080203941 | x | |
Differences | 990013750040203941 | x | |
Eagle Forum report | 990150506910203941 | x | |
Earth's daughters | 990006124860203941 | x | |
Eaten : the food history magazine | 99153701593703941 | irregular subscription | |
Environmental nutrition | 990059738460203941 | x | |
Essence | 990001296500203941 | x | |
Feminist studies : FS | 990001310440203941 | x | |
Food & foodways | 990004139700203941 | x | |
Food & history | 990097813770203941 | x | |
Food & wine : the guide to good taste | 990004246380203941 | x | |
Food network magazine | 990127676640203941 | x | |
Food, culture, & society | 990102705350203941 | x | |
For the culture | 99155267219803941 | ordered issue by issue | |
Gastronomica : the journal of food and culture | 990085835460203941 | x | |
Gender & history | 990015773500203941 | x | |
Girlhood studies : an interdisciplinary journal | 990119915750203941 | x | |
Girls' life | 990099089920203941 | x | |
Good housekeeping | 990013217150203941 | x | |
Good medicine | 990028746190203941 | ||
Harper's bazaar | 990001311100203941 | x | |
Harvard women's health watch | 990035029240203941 | x | |
IAWM journal / International Alliance for Women in Music | 990061017120203941 | x | |
Insights : notes from the CCWH | 990152731730203941 | x | |
Intermezzo | 990100077830203941 | x | |
Journal of lesbian studies | 990056105680203941 | x | |
Journal of women & aging | 990016969790203941 | x | |
Kazoo | 990153078640203941 | x | |
Latina style | 990127676660203941 | x | |
Lesbian connection | 990004184450203941 | x | |
Library journal | 990001396330203941 | routed to curator, back issues not retained | x |
Lilith | 990001409940203941 | x | |
Lux | 99156433856803941 | ||
Maize | 990105676080203941 | x | |
MaryJanesFarm | 990115958060203941 | x | |
Media report to women | 990004357750203941 | x | |
Millie | 99156558183003941 | ||
Mom egg review | 990144538980203941 | x | |
Mother warriors voice | 990088631030203941 | x | |
Ms | 990019746020203941 | x | |
Network connection | 990023635240203941 | x | |
New beauty | 990099334310203941 | x | |
New Moon girls | 990120559900203941 | x | |
New women/new church | 990001521230203941 | x | |
News from the Schlesinger Library | 990080543400203941 | shelved in PV with RAD Ref. Periodicals | |
Newsletter - Association for Women in Mathematics | 990004307040203941 | x | |
Newsletter (Jessie Street National Women's Library) | 990110670720203941 | ||
Nursing history review | 990028799690203941 | x | |
Oregon women's land trust newsletter | 990004130140203941 | ||
Out | 990041438290203941 | x | |
Petits propos culinaires | 990024903530203941 | x | |
Praxis : journal of gender & cultural critiques | 990129528560203941 | x | |
Radcliffe magazine | 990122611870203941 | shelved in PV with RAD Ref. Periodicals | |
Rain and thunder | 990102993560203941 | ||
RBM : a journal of rare books, manuscripts, and cultural heritage | 990083981930203941 | x | |
Repast : quarterly newsletter of the Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor | 990083335450203941 | ||
Resources for gender and women's studies : a feminist review | 99153699862603941 | x | |
Revista de estudios de género y sexualidades | 99153854814403941 | x | |
SageWoman | 990005677960203941 | x | |
Signs | 990001271020203941 | x | |
Sinister wisdom | 990004093940203941 | x | |
Taste of home | 990032037220203941 | x | |
The advocate | 990001391410203941 | x | |
The natural family | 990149210160203941 | x | |
The reporter [OLOC] | 99156813980203941 | ||
The Phyllis Schlafly report | 990004120700203941 | x | |
The pioneer woman magazine | 99156175776703941 | x | |
The Woman's pulpit | 990001380150203941 | ||
The women's health activist | 990097676430203941 | x | |
The Women's review of books | 990001628930203941 | x | |
Violence and victims | 990005812310203941 | x | |
Vogue | 990001345140203941 | x | |
Whetstone | 99155857170203941 | ||
While entertaining | 99156433882403941 | ordered issue by issue | |
Woman's day | 990003972830203941 | x | |
Woman's world | 990007782060203941 | x | |
Women & music | 990073490940203941 | x | |
Women & performance | 990003845730203941 | x | |
Women in the arts | 990021313960203941 | ||
Women lawyers' journal | 990001345580203941 | x | |
Women's health | 990101016980203941 | x | |
Women's history review | 990021680070203941 | x | |
Women's studies quarterly [WSQ] | 990001562700203941 | x | |
Women's studies | 990001104360203941 | x | |
Zontian | 990004067790203941 | x |
Vault 1 Shelf List
This is a list of everything that should be on the shelves in Vault 1, including both currently received and ceased titles (as chosen in discussion with Research Services team). The titles are listed in shelf order. Some titles have holdings split between Vault 1 and HD–make sure to check the records for details of which years are on-site or not. This list will be updated as as new titles are added, old titles are discontinued or cancelled, or titles are moved entirely off-site.
Title | MMSID | Currently rec'd? | |
1 | 9 to 5 newsline | 990025115300203941 | |
2 | The advocate | 990001391410203941 | x |
3 | ALL news | 990092226710203941 | x |
4 | Allure | 990089287740203941 | |
5 | The American cattlewoman | 990016258580203941 | |
6 | American girl | 990086342770203941 | |
7 | Bitch | 990080429630203941 | |
8 | Bon appétit | 990024471620203941 | x |
9 | Boston spirit | 990097675400203941 | x |
10 | Bride's | 990075675650203941 | |
11 | Bust | 990080430110203941 | x |
12 | CTA (Call to Action) news | 990029411080203941 | x |
13 | Celebrate life | 990044368310203941 | x |
14 | Cherry bombe | 990144911000203941 | x |
15 | Chop chop | 990146502230203941 | x |
16 | CLUW (Coalition of Labor Union Women) news | 990004306230203941 | |
17 | Conscience | 990006479240203941 | x |
18 | Cook's country | 990127678280203941 | x |
19 | The cook's magazine | 99156848482903941 | |
20 | Cook's | 990012983140203941 | |
21 | Cook's illustrated | 990027915420203941 | x |
22 | Cosmopolitan | 990021110560203941 | x |
23 | Country woman | 990099330650203941 | |
24 | CUB (Concerned United Birthparents) communicator | 990079197390203941 | |
25 | Cuisine at home | 990089062080203941 | x |
26 | Curve | 990063028100203941 | |
27 | CWI (Clearinghouse on Women's Issues) newsletter | 990031421160203941 | |
28 | DES (Diethylstilbestrol) action voice | 990129651310203941 | |
29 | Differences | 990013750040203941 | x |
30 | Discovery girls | 990099335170203941 | |
31 | Eagle Forum report | 990150506910203941 | x |
32 | Earth's daughters | 990006124860203941 | x |
33 | Eaten | 99153701593703941 | x |
34 | Edible Boston | 990110668560203941 | |
35 | Environmental nutrition | 990059738460203941 | x |
36 | Essence | 990001296500203941 | x |
37 | Feminist studies (FS) | 990001310440203941 | x |
38 | Food & foodways | 990004139700203941 | x |
39 | Food & history | 990097813770203941 | x |
40 | Food & wine | 990004246380203941 | x |
41 | Food, culture, & society | 990102705350203941 | x |
42 | Food network magazine | 990127676640203941 | x |
43 | For the culture | 99155267219803941 | x |
44 | Gastronomica | 990085835460203941 | x |
45 | Gender & history | 990015773500203941 | x |
46 | Girlhood studies | 990119915750203941 | x |
47 | Girls' life | 990099089920203941 | x |
48 | Glamour | 990014434220203941 | |
49 | Good housekeeping | 990013217150203941 | x |
50 | Good medicine | 990028746190203941 | x |
51 | GRLSQUASH | 99153781411003941 | |
52 | Harper's bazaar | 990001311100203941 | x |
53 | Harvard women's health watch | 990035029240203941 | x |
54 | IAWM (International Alliance for Women in Music) journal | 990061017120203941 | x |
55 | Insights : notes from the CCWH (Coordinating Council for Women in History) | 990152731730203941 | x |
56 | Intermezzo | 990100077830203941 | x |
57 | The international women's news | 990128441960203941 | x |
58 | Jane | 990103025030203941 | |
59 | Jewish woman magazine | 990099330890203941 | |
60 | JW | ||
61 | Journal of lesbian studies | 990056105680203941 | x |
62 | The journal of men's studies | 990027043800203941 | |
63 | Journal of women & aging | 990016969790203941 | x |
64 | Journal watch, women's health | 990081962470203941 | |
65 | Kazoo | 990153078640203941 | x |
66 | Latina | 990074741900203941 | |
67 | Latina style | 990127676660203941 | x |
68 | Lesbian connection | 990004184450203941 | x |
69 | Lilith | 990001409940203941 | x |
70 | Lux | 99156433856803941 | x |
71 | Mademoiselle | 990004176690203941 | |
72 | Maize | 990105676080203941 | x |
73 | Make/shift | 990113873540203941 | |
74 | Martha Stewart living | 990022766720203941 | |
75 | MaryJanesFarm | 990115958060203941 | x |
76 | Media report to women | 990004357750203941 | x |
77 | Midwifery today with international midwife | 990080068550203941 | |
78 | Christopher Kimball's Milk Street magazine | 990152337930203941 | x |
79 | Millie | 99156558183003941 | x |
80 | La Mode illustreé | 990098194940203941 | |
81 | Mom egg review | 990144538980203941 | x |
82 | Mother warriors voice | 990088631030203941 | x |
83 | Ms | 990019746020203941 | x |
84 | Native foodways | 990145797670203941 | |
85 | The natural family | 990149210160203941 | x |
86 | Network connection | 990023635240203941 | x |
87 | The Networker | 990004161610203941 | |
88 | New beauty | 990099334310203941 | x |
89 | New Moon girls | 990120559900203941 | x |
90 | New women/new church | 990001521230203941 | x |
91 | Newsletter (Association for Women in Mathematics) | 990004307040203941 | x |
92 | Newsletter by, for, and about women in civil defense | 990024981620203941 | |
93 | Newsletter (Jessie Street National Women's Library) | 990110670720203941 | x |
94 | Nursing history review | 990028799690203941 | x |
95 | O : the Oprah magazine | 990083664540203941 | |
96 | On our backs | 990004144020203941 | |
97 | Oregon women's land trust newsletter | 990004130140203941 | x |
98 | Out | 990041438290203941 | x |
99 | Petits propos culinaires (PPC) | 990024903530203941 | x |
100 | The Phyllis Schlafly report | 990004120700203941 | x |
101 | The pioneer woman magazine | 99156175776703941 | x |
102 | Porter | 990142265060203941 | |
103 | Praxis | 990129528560203941 | x |
104 | Rain and thunder | 990102993560203941 | x |
105 | RBM : a journal of rare books, manuscripts, and cultural heritage | 990083981930203941 | x |
106 | Repast : quarterly newsletter of the Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor | 990083335450203941 | x |
107 | The reporter (OLOC) | 99156813980203941 | x |
108 | Resources for gender and women's studies : a feminist review | 99153699862603941 | x |
109 | Revista de estudios de género y sexualidades | 99153854814403941 | x |
110 | SageWoman | 990005677960203941 | x |
111 | Sassy | 990049694790203941 | |
112 | Saveur | 990044559460203941 | |
113 | Self | 990024882110203941 | |
114 | Seventeen | 990004080560203941 | |
115 | Shape | 990078855260203941 | |
116 | She shreds | 990137123010203941 | |
117 | Signs | 990001271020203941 | x |
118 | Sinister wisdom | 990004093940203941 | x |
119 | Taste of home | 990032037220203941 | x |
120 | Telewoman | 990004104800203941 | |
121 | Today's Christian woman | 990006633210203941 | |
122 | Travelgirl | 990099334750203941 | |
123 | Violence against women | 990056119450203941 | |
124 | Violence and victims | 990005812310203941 | x |
125 | Vogue | 990001345140203941 | x |
126 | Voice for the unborn | 990119105860203941 | |
127 | Whetstone | 99155857170203941 | x |
128 | While entertaining | 99156433882403941 | x |
129 | Woman's day | 990003972830203941 | x |
130 | The Woman's pulpit | 990001380150203941 | x |
131 | Woman's world | 990007782060203941 | x |
132 | Women & music | 990073490940203941 | x |
133 | Women & performance | 990003845730203941 | x |
134 | Women in sound | 990149999020203941 | |
135 | Women in the arts | 990021313960203941 | x |
136 | Women lawyers' journal | 990001345580203941 | x |
137 | Women's health | 990101016980203941 | x |
138 | The women's health activist | 990097676430203941 | x |
139 | Women's health journal | 990016714300203941 | |
140 | Women's history review | 990021680070203941 | x |
141 | The Women's review of books | 990001628930203941 | x |
142 | Women's studies | 990001104360203941 | x |
143 | Women's studies quarterly (WSQ) | 990001562700203941 | x |
144 | Working mother | 990024904630203941 | |
145 | Working woman | 990001411910203941 | |
146 | Zontian | 990004067790203941 | x |