Open ArchivesSpace
Go to
Log in with username and password
Username will likely be your last name followed by your first initial, such as smithj
Open a new Resource Record
Go to “Create” in the upper left of your screen and select “Resource” from the dropdown menu
Minimum data required to save
If you plan to just begin your finding aid front matter but perhaps not finish it, you are only required to fill in the following fields in order to save:
Houghton required data for collection level description
Below are listed the Houghton minimum requirements for publishing a finding aid. If you notice a field in ArchivesSpace that is not listed below, that field is optional and likely not used.
Basic Information
click “Add Agent Link”
Click “Add Note” on right
Select from the dropdown menu the type of note.
Content for note goes in “Content” field; ignore “Multi-Part Note” fields
Houghton required data for multilevel description
You will likely create more detailed description for a collection. This can be a simple inventory or series outline all the way to a very detailed file or item level listing. In DACS this is referred to as multilevel description. Each unit of description below the resource record or collection level record is referred to as an archival object in ArchivesSpace.
There are several ways to create multilevel description for collections.
Manually adding each archival object record
Using Rapid Data Entry to enter archival objects
Importing EAD
Importing csv or spreadsheet data