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SublibCodeDisplay text Comments

This is for any archival collection represented in ArchivesSpace that is shelved in "B" and/or "PF". This code tells staff that they need to look in ArchivesSpace to see the physical location of the object

HOUBbBoxed items/small broadsides
HOUBLUEBLUE STAR (Part of the Woodberry Poetry Room)
HOUBLUEFBLUE STAR f (Part of the Woodberry Poetry Room)
HOUBLUEPBLUE STAR p (Part of the Woodberry Poetry Room)Flat files
HOUBLUEBBLUE STAR b (Part of the Woodberry Poetry Room)

Shelved with other Blue Star material

HOUBOUND[Check holdings]Use for non-parent titles in a bound-with, only the main title with the item record will have the actual location (GEN, HD) of the item.
HOUFfBooks more than 28 cm.
HOUGgObsolete, do not use
HOUWIDHarry Elkins Widener Collection
HOUWIDF Harry Elkins Widener Collection fBooks more than 28 cm.
HOUWIDPF Harry Elkins Widener Collection pfBooks more than 46 cm.
HOUHDBLUHarvard Depository (Part of the Woodberry Poetry Room)Blue Star material at HD
HOUHDHarvard Depository
HOUHLCBHOU-LC bBoxed items/15 x 11 folder (small broadsides)
HOUHLCFHOU-LC fBooks more than 28 cm.
HOUHLCPFHOU-LC pfBooks more than 46 cm.
HOUHLCPHOU-LC pLarge broadsides
HOUHLCPPHOU-LC ppOversized broadsides
HOUHYDEHyde Collection
HOUHYDBHyde Collection bBoxed items/Small broadsides
HOUHYDFHyde Collection fBooks more than 28 cm.
HOUHYDPHyde Collection pLarge broadsides
HOUHYDPPHyde Collection ppOversized broadsides
HOUHYDPFHyde Collection pfBooks more than 46 cm.
HOUMmMiniature books (less than 10 cm.)
HOUMANUManuscript DepartmentMS-Ref books
HOUPpLarge Typ broadsides; Houghton-classed books more than 46 cm
HOUPFpfBooks more than 46 cm.
HOUPFBRpf (br)Large accession broadsides (obsolete?)
HOUPFHRZpf (horz)Large horizontal books
HOUPFCPF CabinetFlat files
HOU PPppOversized broadsides
HOURRReading Room
HOURRFReading Room fBooks more than 28 cm. (?)
HOU ROOSRoosevelt
HOU TRCLCTRC-LCRoosevelt books, LC class
HOU TRLCFTRC-LC fRoosevelt books, LC class, more than 28 cm.
HOU TRCBTRC bRoosevelt boxed collections
HOU TRCFTRC fRoosevelt, more than 28 cm (Roosevelt class)
HOU TRCPFTRC pfRoosevelt, more than 46 cm (Roosevelt class)
HOU TSTechnical ServicesMezzanine; Pusey Cataloging; Manuscript section; Preservation Librarian's Office
HOUWISDFWisdom fThomas Woolf books more than 28 cm.
HOUWISDPWisdom pfThomas Woolf books more than 46 cm.
SublibCodeDisplay Text Comments
LAM (for Poetry Room)GENGEN Only in use for circulating items shelved in WPR. HOU BLUE is the default for Poetry items housed in Houghton. HOU HDBLU is the default for HD Blue Star.
LAM (for Poetry Room)POECASSCASSETTEShelved in WPR
LAM (for Poetry Room)POECDCDShelved in WPR
LAM (for Poetry Room)POECDROMCDROMShelved in WPR
LAM (for Poetry Room)POEDATDATShelved in WPR
LAM (for Poetry Room)POEDISCDISCShelved in WPR
LAM (for Poetry Room)POEDVDDVDShelved in WPR
LAM (for Poetry Room)POEREFREF
LAM (for Poetry Room)POETAPEATAPE ARCHIVEShelved in Houghton basement
LAM (for Poetry Room)POEVIDVIDEOShelved in WPR
LAM (for Poetry Room)POEMEDIA [none] for all A/V archival copies (Shelved in Houghton basement); holdings suppressed from public display
SublibCodeDisplay textComments
THEACTHTAct.Ed. HTC-LCObsolete, do not use
THEBbBoxed items/Small broadsides
THEBOUND[Check holdings]Use for non-parent titles in a bound-with, only the main title with the item record will have the actual location (GEN, HD) of the item.
THEFfBooks more than 28 cm.
THEHDHarvard Depository
THEPFpfBooks more than 46 cm.
THEPPppDo not use. [Oversized broadsides (in case ranges)]
THEPPFPPF Case Range-full drawerUse for Case ranges on P1
THEPFDPFD Case Range-half drawerUse for Case ranges on P1, 45 x 61 cm
THERRReading RoomDo not use. Obsolete.
THERRFReading Room fDo not use.  Obsolete.
THETLCBHTC-LC bBoxed items/Small broadsides
THETLCFHTC-LC fBooks more than 28 cm.
THETLCPFHTC-LC pfBooks more than 46 cm.
THETLCPHTC-LC pDo not use. [Books more than 46 cm.]
THETLCPPHTC-LC ppDo not use [Oversized broadsides (in case ranges)]
THEZObject AisleObject aisle on P1
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