Use this field to indicate the existence of a microfilm or other surrogate copy available.
$$a Terms governing use and reproduction
punctuation: Ends with a period.
Enter a statement describing the surrogate or microfilm number. For restricted materials, begin statement with “Restricted:”.
$$5 Institution to which field applies
punctuation: Ends with no punctuation.
For Houghton materials use the form: $$5 hou
For Harvard Theatre Collection use the form: $$5 the
For Woodberry Poetry Room materials housed at Houghton used the form: $$5 poe
[note: materials marked with a $$5 poe, have an 852 $$b HOU]
$$a Restricted: use microfilm on file (88-321).
$$a Restricted: use facsimile MS Typ 321.1.
$$a Microfilm on file (67-341).