- SpineOMatic is a Windows application–developed by Boston College–that works with Alma to print spine labels.
- The download, as well as documentation, are available here:
- You configure SpineOMatic to interact with Alma via the Alma Access tab:
- Choose the Use RESTful API option.
- Use the following for the ALMA URL: https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com
- To obtain the API Key, please submit a ticket via the LTS Alma Support Form: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ois:almasupport
- You configure call number prefixes via the Label Prefixes tab:
- Out of the box, SpineOMatic will base prefixes on the combination of library name and location name.
- Scan a barcode, the choose the Current XML tab to view the library name and location name needed to configure a prefix:
- In this example, the library name is Widener Library and WID-LC is the location name. The prefix we want to add to the label is WID-LC.
- This would be configured via the Label Prefixes tab as Widener Library+WID-LC=WID-LC:
- Use a semicolon to split your prefix between lines. For example, Widener Library+WID-LC Mid East=WID-LC;Mid East will print WID-LC and Mid East on separate lines. Consult the SpineOMatic documentation for more information on this, and other configuration options.