What is a digital object owner?
When is owner registration necessary?
What is a DRS owner code?
What is a DRS project billing code?
What object code should I use for DRS storage?
When should I request a new billing code?
If you are registering but do not yet have a project in the works, then use the billing code request form at a later time.
How does DRS billing work?
DRS services are billed quarterly in September, December, March and June. Each bill is calculated at a quarter of the annual fee, multiplied by the amount of gigabytes in storage on the 15th of that billing month. Fees are billed to the University accounting system using the 33 digit account code associated with the DRS billing code. See the DRS Billing Policies section of The LTS Library Systems Fees & Assessments for more information.
How can I find existing billing codes for my organization?
You can find a list of existing billing codes for your organization by using DRS Web Admin.
How do I change the 33-digit account number associated with a billing code?
You can do this by using DRS Web Admin.
What is an owner-supplied name?
Owner-supplied name is a unique identifier assigned to each deposited object that relates to local information about that object. This might be an accession number or some other unique local identifier provided by the object owner. See the DRS Batch Builder Guide for more information.
What is a URN?
A URN (also called a persistent identifier or name) is a persistent, location-independent identifier for a network-accessible resource. URNs generated from the HUL Name Resolution Service (NRS) look like this (urn-3:FHCL:12345) and are used like URLs (http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:12345). See the NRS section of this web site for more information.