Ex Libris Documentation
Harvard Alma working groups have summarized key updates below. See the Ex Libris monthly notes for complete details:
Acquisitions / Finance
- Nineteen new fields were added to the Update PO lines Information job. The job form was also updated by dividing it into sections so it is easier to locate the fields you need to update. The list of new fields is as follows:
- Additional PO line reference field
- Cancellation Restriction
- Cancellation Restriction Note
- Add labels from list
- Remove labels
- Create new label
- Reclaim interval
- Subscription interval
- Note to vendor
- Vendor reference number type
- Routing during receiving
- Binding during receiving
- Activation note
- Renewal date
- Subscription from
- Subscription to
- Renewal reminder period (days)
- Renewal note
- Internal note
For more information see Manual Jobs and Configuring Processes.
- A summary bar was added to the Pricing and Funding section in the PO line, indicating the total sum and the funding coverage percentile. Additionally, some minor display modifications were done to the entire Pricing and Funding section.
- The PO Line Description and Creator fields were added to the Transactions tab for Funds and Ledgers.
- To enable their display, check both fields in the table customization menu.
Analytics & Reporting
- Patron Expiry Date field was added to Fulfillment > Loan Details. It indicates the date that the patron's user account expires in the library that provided the loan. This is distinct from the Expiry Date field under Fulfillment > Borrower Details, which displays the date that the patron's user account expires in the institution.
Patron Expiry Date field is useful in a scenario where the patron has a long-term account in the larger institution but was given a short-term account in a specific library of the institution. In this case, this field allows you to run reports according to the expiry date for the specific library.
- The Locked Out Date field was removed from analytics from all the subject areas in which it appeared, as it no longer exists in Alma.
- DV Section field was added to Analytics Usage Tracking > Query Details. It displays the section of the Data Visualization dashboard that was used.
In addition, the following fields in the Query Details dimension were renamed for better clarity:
- Dashboard Name was renamed to Dashboard/Workbook Path
- Dashboard Tab was renamed to Dashboard Tab/Workbook Canvas Name
- Object Path was renamed to Report Path
- Object Report URL was renamed to Report URL
For more information, see Query Details.
- Two new out-of-the-box analytics objects were added to the Analytics Objects list for the Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests and Resource Sharing Lending Requests dashboards.
- In the Analytics object List, the default format to send scheduled reports is now Excel.
- The values of Available for Group, Available for Group Members, and Available for Resource Type fields under E-Inventory > Portfolio and E-Inventory > Portfolio Details for Consortia Members > Portfolio were not accurate. This was fixed.
- The values of Available for Group and Available for Group Members fields in the E-Inventory subject area were not accurate. This was fixed.
- When the Leganto - Monthly CRL report and the Leganto - Monthly RL report were sent as Excel files by email, the files did not display any data. This was fixed.
- The Purchase Requests (Analytics) > Purchase Request Details > Modification Details field was removed as it does not display meaningful data.
- In the Analytics Object List, if you viewed the preview of an Alma Analytics report and then tried viewing the preview of a Primo Analytics report, it did not open. This was fixed.
- When using the Microsoft Edge browser, clicking View Full Report did not work. This was fixed.
Course Reserves/Leganto
- It is now possible to add a Custom link to LMS help URL (Configuration > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles > Integration Type: LTI Tool > Actions tab) to direct users to a specified link for help using a link to a section or item in the LMS. When the Custom link to LMS help URL field is blank (default), users are directed to the Ex Libris Leganto help. For more information, see LTI.
- Based on customer feedback, it is now possible to manage collaborators from the Edit list page. Previously, it was only possible from the Manage list page.
- Based on customer feedback, the tooltips that appear on hover were adjusted to appear and disappear more quickly as the mouse moves across the page.
- When deleting sections or adding/removing section tags in bulk, these events are now included in the Notifications list.
- Analytics: The Link to PDF field was added to the Citations dimension of the Leganto Student Usage and Leganto Instructor Usage Events subject areas and the Reading List Citations dimension of the Course Reserves and Purchase requests subject areas. It displays the URL of the PDF of the citation.
- (NERS 8338): The Change Physical items information job can now be set to remove the Transit For Reshelving status from items. This makes it easy to correct the status of items that are incorrectly marked as in transit.
The following fields are now available to activate in the physical items search configuration. For more information, see Customizing the Search Results Record Fields.
- Public note
- Fulfillment note
- Internal notes
The following columns are now available to activate in the physical items list table. For more information, see Working with Table Columns.
- Condition
- Public note
- Fulfillment note
- Internal note 1
- Statistics note 1