Dynamical Vacuum Energy Effects (DEdot).
The topic of interest is whether we might experimentally address the notion of spatio-temporal coherence in the dynamical properties of the vacuum. One notional approach would be to look at fluctuations in the effective polarizability of the vacuum, manifested as fluctuations in the Lamb shift. Another notional possibility would be to look for fluctuations in the effective screened charge for various interactions.
Some Potentially Relevant Papers
DD review paper, DE_review.pdf
Paper on Noise Power Rolloff. DE_lab_Beck_2005.pdf
Dynamical vacuum effects in superconductors dynamic_DE_superconductors.pdf
Proton radius and dynamical lamb shift
Dynamical Casimir Effect dynamical_casimir_effect.pdf
Rebuttal to Beck noise power paper jetzer_theory_2006.pdf
Lamb Shift Enhancement lamb_shift_enhancement_2014.pdf
Perl paper on DE gradients Prel_2010_DE_gradient.pdf
Qbit dephasing via vacuum qbit_dephasing_2014.pdf
QBit Lamb shift observation 2008 qbit_lamb_shift_2008.pdf
Quantum vacuum fluctuations quantum_vacuum_fluctuations.pdf
Vacuum Amplification Review vacuum_amplification_review.pdf