Goal is to determine short term fluctuations in effective optical path from WWV and other beacons (NYC) through ionosphere.
One method is to measure phase fluctuations of a CW carrier on short time scales. This can be done with an SDR that is tuned near zero beat, so that lower mixing product phase reflects carrier phase.
GPS-disciplined receiver can be used to determine stability of local oscillator in SDR.
GPS receiver from ebay:
SDR code:
OSX shell script audio recording:
HUIT-FAS-MacBook-Stubbs:proposals cstubbs$ ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i "" -hide_banner
[AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f7f8d824c80] AVFoundation video devices:
[AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f7f8d824c80] [0] FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
[AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f7f8d824c80] [1] Capture screen 0
[AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f7f8d824c80] AVFoundation audio devices:
[AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f7f8d824c80] [0] ZoomAudioDevice
[AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f7f8d824c80] [1] MacBook Pro Microphone
: Input/output error
from GPT-4, time-tagged shell script
# Identify the external microphone device using its name or index
MIC_INPUT="Microphone Name or Index" # You may need to replace this with the correct name or index
# Directory to save the audio files
# Ensure the output directory exists
mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR"
while true; do
# Get the current minute
current_minute=$(date +"%M")
# Check if it's 7 minutes past the hour
if [ "$current_minute" -eq "07" ]; then
# Get the current time for time-tagging
timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# Capture the audio stream using ffmpeg
ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i ":$MIC_INPUT" -t 3600 "$OUTPUT_DIR/audio_$timestamp.wav"
# Sleep for the remaining of the hour to prevent capturing multiple times
sleep 53m
# Sleep for a minute before checking again
sleep 1m
To rotate polarization basis with 90 degree phase slip, we need a time delay of one quarter of a period.
WWV frequencies are 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz.
freq MHz | period (ns) | period/4 for 90 deg (ns) |
2.5 | 400 | 100 |
5 | 200 | 50 |
10 | 100 | 25 |
15 | 66.667 | 16.6667 |
20 | 50 | 12.5 |
25 | 40 | 10 |
NIST broadcast format: https://www.nist.gov/time-distribution/radio-station-wwv/wwv-and-wwvh-digital-time-code-and-broadcast-format
This box is useful:
Two magloops: one in horizontal plane, one in vertical plane. Vertical one in plane that points towards CO
Take output of one of them and feed into delay line.
Run A and (B-delayed) into signal combiner, which sums them. That picks out circular polarization
setting on delay line determines polarization we are monitoring
combination | polarization of E-field |
vert coil only | horiz E field |
horiz coil only | vert E field |
combine with 0 delay | 45 degree linear polarization |
combine with 180 delay | -45 linear polarization |
combine with 90 delay on A | circular 1 |
combine with 90 delay on B | circular 2 |
Note that we could inject a GPS-disciplined oscillator that is offset in frequency but within the SDR capture bandwidth as a phase reference, making the system immune to LO fluctuations with abiliity to measure Doppler.
Also inject GPS signal directly to measure LO systematics on SDR.
WWV signals
f | lambda |
2.5 MHz | 120 m |
5 | 60 m |
10 | 30 m |
15 | 20 m |
20 | 15 m |
25 | 12 m |
CO to MA propagation estimates:
ISM bands:
WWV: Minuts 8 from WWV and minute 48 from WWVH send out ionosphere diagnostic signals. See https://www.nist.gov/pml/time-and-frequency-division/time-services/wwvwwvh-scientific-modulation-working-group
These each last 45 seconds.
Reverse Beacon network is another source, see: https://www.ncdxf.org/beacon/ and https://www.reversebeacon.net/main.php?rows=10&max_age=10,hours&hide=distance_km
Pirate beacons: https://www.hfunderground.com/wiki/High_Frequency_Beacon
RWM from Russia transmits CW dashes, see https://www.sigidwiki.com/wiki/RWM. Did an initial experiment with that. See linked page below. Can we 'see' that from Boston? Sorta:
Transmitter RWM in Moscow transmits a CW waveform for around 8 minutes on the half hour, at frequencies that are close to WWV, namely (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RWM) 4.996 MHz with 5 kW and on 9.996 and 14.996 MHz with 8 kW
So at 15 MHz that's a wavelength of 20m. Should be workable at 2000 UT which is afternoon (4 to 5 pm). VOCAP above is for 8 kW transmit power.
Web SDrs
MA http://sigmasdr.ddns.net:8073/
DC: http://na5b.com/
UK: http://thescotts.ddns.net:8073/.
data files:
HF signal categorization
SDR with detuning option:
Selection of SDR that allows for MAC scripting, 14 or 16 bit digization.
dual-receiver SDR but only runs on windows machines: https://www.sdrplay.com/rspduo/
wiki page with summary of SDRs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_software-defined_radios#cite_note-Lunaris_SDR-64
Airspy HF+ Discovery looks promising- mac SW at https://groups.io/g/airspy/topic/using_airspy_devices_on_macos/88509576?p=
Parts list:
item | part number | vendor | price | notes | references | status |
magnetic loop antenna | DXE-RF-PRO-1B | DX engineering | 675 | have one, need one | ordered 8/3/2023 Order #4433160 | |
preamp | DXE-RPA-2 | 250 ea | BNC 12-18 V dc power at 150 mA | dxe-rpa-2.pdf | ordered | |
linear DC power supply for preamps | Tekpower TP3005T Variable Linear DC Power Supply, 0-30V @ 0-5A | amazon.com | 80 | provides clean regulated power to preamps | ordered | |
delay line for phase slip | DB64 | SRS | 695 | BNC | asked Helen on Aug 3 | |
50 ohm signal combiner | ZMSC-2-6+ | minicircuits | 74 | BNC | ZMSC-2-2.pdf | ordered 8/3/2023 Fed Ex ground order # M189BDEC83C0. |
low pass 30 MHz | BLP-30+ | minicircuits | 50 | BNC place this after the preamp | ordered 8/3/2023 Fed Ex ground | |
high pass at 2.6MHz | amazon | SMA, note there will be phase slips at WWV freq of 2.5MHz if this is used. Place it between antenna and preamp | https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N9SHS7P/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 | |||
SDR radio | Airspy HF+ Discovery | Airspy | 184 | SMA | ordered 8/3/2023 | |
GPS-disciplined osc. | GPSCSG V2.0 GPS Disciplined Oscillator GPSDO GPS Signal Generator Dual Output | ebay | 112 | SMA Adjustable frequency: 10KHz-220MHz - Frequency accuracy: ±0.2Hz - Output level: 12dBm±2dB (can be customized to any value from -10dBm to 10dBm; amplitude can be calibrated) - Frequency synthesizer crystal oscillator: TCXO - Phase noise: -132dBc at 10KHz - Output type: square wave - Harmonic rejection: even harmonics are better than -50dBc and odd harmonics are better than -10dBc Do we need a low pass filter on this? If so needs SMA connectors | can't find an online manual | ordered 8/1/2023 for mid-Aug delivery |
Fast storage scope option:
We could just run the amplified signals from the two magloops straight into a fast digitizing scope. For the 10 MHz WWV station, let's imagine we digitize at 100 Msamples/sec.
A pretty cheap 8 bit A/D scope can capture 14Mpoints, so around 7 Mpoints per channel per sample. That is 7/100 seconds or 70 msec of data, which is 7e5 cycles. Plenty!
External trigger input would allow us to lock onto GPS-disciplined oscillator. It can produce 200 MHz square wave that could trigger the scope.
one scope option: https://www.rigolna.com/products/digital-oscilloscopes/dho4000/
A First attempt:
an initial experiment, Aug 4 2023
HAMSCI resources:
Operational HF DF systems employing real time superresolution processing.pdf