Sept 1, 2022
Bought 4 seat licenses for MODTRAN6.
Downloaded MODTRAN6, additional utilities, and atmosphere generation tool.
These come as g'zipped tar files with a utility called 7z. It evidently does an install based on a repository. To get this installed on a Mac had to go into Preferences→ Security → General and allow 7z to be an OK thing to run.
Once that was done this ran to completion:
sudo ./macos/7za x ~/Downloads/Mod6_0_2r3full_allplat/Mod6_0_2r3full_allplat.7z.001 -o/usr/local/bin
MODTRAN6 Manual : MODTRAN 6 User's Manual.pdf
HUIT-FAS-MacBook-Stubbs:MODTRAN6.0 cstubbs$ cat README_installation.txt
MODTRAN6 Linux Installation for Release MODTRAN6.0
For the public release of MODTRAN6, data files are shipped as
binaries, precompiled binary executables are included for Linux,
MacOS, and Windows, and some additional software tools have been
included. These program files can be found in the "bin" sub-
directory for each of the supported platforms.
Setup instructions are given below, first for installation on
MacOS, then Linux, and finally for Windows.
MODTRAN Setup for MacOS:This
1) Create an environment variable MODTRAN_DATA to define the absolute path to MODTRAN's data directory.
Most MacOS systems load environment variables from the user's
.bash_profile configuration file. Open this file with your
preferred text editor, such as TextEdit or nano.
Add this parameter to the .bash_profile:
export MODTRAN_DATA=/home/user/Modtran6/DATA (use your actual path)
2) Register your license key
Modtran 6 includes a standalone license management utility to enter
and register a license key. To open the utility, enter the Modtran
"bin/macos" subdirectory and run this script:
Enter your 28-digit key in the text field and press the "Activate"
button to register the key. The license status will display
"Genuine" if the action is successful.
The Modtran console application can also register the license from a
terminal/command prompt. To register the license with this program,
enter the Modtran "bin/macos" subdirectory and type this command:
./mod6c_cons -activate_license <28-digit product key>
The program will report a message indicating the status of the
MODTRAN Setup for Linux:
1) Create an environment variable MODTRAN_DATA to define the absolute
path to MODTRAN's data directory.
Most Linux profiles use either bash or csh/tcsh shells. These shells
load environment variables from the user's .bashrc or .cshrc
configuration files.
(BASH) Add this parameter to the .bashrc:
export MODTRAN_DATA=/home/user/Modtran6/DATA (use your actual path)
(T/CSH) Add this parameter to the .cshrc:
setenv MODTRAN_DATA /home/user/Modtran6/DATA (use your actual path)
2) Register your license key
Modtran 6 includes a standalone license management utility to enter
and register a license key. To open the utility, enter the Modtran
"bin/linux" subdirectory and run this script:
Enter your 28-digit key in the text field and press the "Activate"
button to register the key. The license status will display
"Genuine" if the action is successful.
The Modtran console application can also register the license from a
terminal/command prompt. To register the license with this program,
enter the Modtran "bin/linux" subdirectory and type this command:
./mod6c_cons -activate_license <28-digit product key>
The program will report a message indicating the status of the
MODTRAN Setup for Windows:
The Windows installation program will typically perform all setup
necessary to configure and license Modtran 6. The manual steps
outlined below are carried out by that program.
1) Create an environment variable named MODTRAN_DATA to define the
absolute path to the DATA directory.
If the MODTRAN data files were installed to:
Using an command prompt:
1. Type the command:
(use your actual installation path)
Using the Windows control panel:
1. Click the START button and select "Control Panel"
2. Click on "System and Security"
3. Click on "System"
4. On the left panel, click on "Advanced system settings"
5. The "System Properties" window should display. Under the
"Advanced" tab, click on "Environment Variables ..."
6. Check that the variable MODTRAN_DATA is not already
assigned a value under either "User variables for ..."
or "System variables". If it is not already defined,
click "New ..." under "System variables"
7. In the "New System Variable" window, set "Variable name:"
to MODTRAN_DATA and set "Variable value:" to
(use your actual installation path)
8. Click OK in the Environment Variables window.
9. Click OK in the System Properties window.
You can verify that the environment variable was created by
opening a command window and typing "set".
2) Register your license key
Modtran 6 includes a standalone license management utility to enter
and register a license key. To open the utility, navigate to the
Modtran 6 program group and select the license manager shortcut:
Start -> MODTRAN 6 -> Settings -> Manage License
Enter your 28-digit key in the text field and press the "Activate"
button to register the key. The license status will display
"Genuine" if the action is successful.
our license key is NZT2-96IQ-FZ4A-4GVU-3JSD-QEDA-NWTA
sent request for offline authorization
added environment variable with data path to .bash_profile, and sourced that file.
HUIT-FAS-MacBook-Stubbs:~ cstubbs$ echo $MODTRAN_DATA
Java interface startup is in
OK, that didn't work. It looks for a lot of stuff in the data directory, so need to use
that did work, got an initial run to work. Here is a useful ref:
Sept 5, 2022
TAPAS online atmospheric throughput generation tool:
Feb 20, 2023
Go to
then do mod6gui
which will bring up this (JAVA) screen:
Clicking on Edit function brings up a range of panels
Unit conversions
It wants Ozone content as gm/cm^2 and we have it in Dobson units. Wikipedia says 1 DU is 2.69×1020 molecules per meter squared.
Molecular weight of O_3^16 is 47.992 gm/mole. One mole is 6.023E23 molecules. One square meter is 1E4 cm^2. So:
1 DU = 2.69E20 molecules/m^2 * (1m^2/1e4 cm^2) * ( 47.992 gm/mole) * (1 mole/6.023E23 molecules) = 2.1434e-06 gm/cm^2
so to get O3 in gm/cm^2 do (DU*2.1434e-06)
250 DU = 5.3586e-04 gm/cm^2
PWV is in mm, collapsing entire column density into some depth of liquid. MODTRAN6 wants gm/cm^2 of H2O. Density of water is 1 gm/cc, so 1 cm of water is 1 gm/cc.
So for this the conversion is 10 mm PWV → 1 gm/cc. Typical Pachon PWV is a few mm. Let's use a default 5mm PWV which corresponds to 0.5 gm/cm^2.
Set up point-to-point geometry from LSST elevation to 80 km, straight up.
Data go to ~/MODTRAN6
rename .tp7 output files with X.XX***.dat where X.XX is airmass to 3 sig figures
Matlab code ReadModtran6.m will then read in and act on these files. Need at least 4 of them.
The ***.psc output file is really simple; nm, T in two columns.
Default Atmosphere at zenith
Used MODTRAN6 to generate transmission data for Rubin elevation up to 100 km. Used 5mm PWV and 250 Dobson units. Used ReadModtran6.m MATLAB code to convert from cm^-1 to nm and extract total transmission, ozone, and water.
Stable Transmission is Transmission/(water*Ozone), and is basically the Rayleigh scattering portion in blue.
The quadnotch filter avoids the O2 lines, doesn't go that far into the red.
Looked up pressure vs. altitude for US Standard Atmosphere, did a fit vs. altitude and evaluated at Rubin elevation of 2647 m. Result is 7.3269 E 4 N/m^2 which is 0.73269 bar = 732.69 millibar
From Wikipedia:
If we add more material, need to use the product of transmissions. So compute a dimensionless quantity EAM, effective airmass, where EAM=(X)*(P/0.73269) and X is computed from zenith angle using formulation given above.
Also compute OEAM, Ozone effective airmass, as OEAM=(X)*(O3/250) where O3 is in Dobson units. This has no pressure dependence since Ozone is already total column density
Also compute WEAM, Water effective airmass, as WEAM=sqrt(X*PWV/5).
Wrote MakeAtmosphere.m that takes default transmission.
Here is the result of doubling water content, going from 250 to 300 Dobson units of ozone, and pointing at 60 degree zenith angle
Expected range of PWV is given by The GPS water vapor monitor and thermal astronomy at Gemini South (note this is an estimate from Paranal). So 5mm is a sensible default value.
Calspec standards that are both bright and rather AB-flat.
HR9087 00 01 49.42 -03 01 39.0 5.12 B7III
HR718 02 28 09.54 +08 27 36.2 4.28 B9III
HR1996 05 45 59.92 -32 18 23.4 5.17 O9V = Mu Col
HD60753 07 33 27.26 -50 35 03.7 6.70 B3IV
HR3454 08 43 13.46 +03 23 55.1 4.30 B3V
HR4468 11 36 40.91 -09 48 08.2 4.70 B9.5V
HR5501 14 45 30.25 +00 43 02.7 5.68 B9.5V
HR7001 18 36 56.33 +38 47 01.1 0.00 A0V = Alpha Ly
HR7950 20 47 40.55 -09 29 44.7 3.78 A1V
HR8634 22 41 27.64 +10 49 53.2 3.40 B8V
In general, A0V stars are good spectra for this purpose.
Here's a list of bright A0 stars from Simbad in the right dec band:
Polar A0 stars:
Exposure times
HD 185975 is V=8.1
In 30 sec integration it gets hologram peak of 2500, sum of 60K ADU at peak, in typical seeing. A mag 6 star is 7X brighter so we'd get peak of 17K ADU, not saturated. So 30 sec seems good for V=6-8.
March 5 2023- synthetic photometry
Downloaded MuCol CalSpec data files from STSCI.
data files are mucol_mod_004.fits and mucol_stis_006.fits:
used the TopCat utility to strip out columns of data from the model atmosphere file, resulting in MuCol.dat with extracted columns. wavelength is in Angstroms, fluxes are F_lambda, in Watts/m^2/A (I presume).
Also pulled out the data from the STIS observations of Mu Col, which is evidently better to use at CCD wavelengths. Columns in that file are
Called it MuColSTIS.dat
The data are energy per nm so to convert to photons per wavelength bin need to multiply by lambda- it takes more photons at longer wavelength to make same amount of energy.
BEWARE! Step size of wavelength intervals changes!!
Here is a plot of (lambda/8000)*F_lambda, which is photon spectrum for this source:
LATISS throughput estimates, ab initio
data files are in laptop directory /Users/cstubbs/data/AuxTel/throughput
Quadnotch curve is from Semrock, and is adjusted for Aux tel f/17 beam
Grating was digitized from Edmund catalog image using WebPlotDigitizer,
Grating is fused silica substrate, presumably included in throughput curve
LATISS entrance window is quartz, dewar window is fused silica. Quartz uncoated is 90% flat across all our bands. Fused silica is same.
Aluminum Mirror reflectance from Subaru data, digitized from
AuxTel primary mirror reflectance from
ITL QE curve is from BNL test stand data. Note AR coating could be different... it's a first estimate.
Aux Tel secondary and tertiary are Ag coated, better reflectance at 45 deg. Note there will be polarization effects!! Data from 6_30_45DEG UV350AG_UV-VIS-NIR-IR.xls
Secondary reflectance limits UV throughput of overall system, 10% at 323 nm, 665 AT 330 nm.
Hard to reconcile Al mirror from Subaru with our reflectance data:
These splined data sets are really only valid for 310-1100 nm. But the data run from 300-1200 nm.
Element | material | Raw data | splined to 300:0.1:1200 nm |
Primary | protected Al, in reflection | Aux tel measured reflectance Edmund Protected Aluminum | FinePrimary.dat |
Secondary | Ag in reflection | secondary.dat | FineSecondary.dat |
Tertiary | Ag in reflection | tertiary.dat | FineTertiary.dat |
LATISS window | quartz | flat at 90% | FineQuartz.dat |
disperser | fused silica for 300 line/mm grating, plus blazed diffraction efficiency | Grating | FineGrating.dat |
filter | unknown, likely UV transmitting but included in filter curve | SemrockQuadNotch.dat | FineQuad.dat |
dewar window | Fused Silica | flat at 90% | FineSilica.dat |
CCD | ITL CCD, Si with AR coating | ITL_QE_BNL.dat | FineQE.dat |
rough-estimated total Aux Tel throughput | Pri*sec*ter*0.9*0.9*grating*quad*CCD | TotalAuxtelThroughput.dat | |
look-to-zenith throughput for default atmosphere (see below) | Auxtel_0deg.dat | ||
Jermey Neveau's thoughput curve with hologram disperser |
Default atmosphere:
Zenith angle = 0
PWV = 5 mm
Ozone = 250 Dobson units
Barometric Pressure = 0.73269 bar
Atmos component | fine grid, 0.1 nm |
Stable well-mixed gases | FineStable.dat |
Ozone at 250 | FineOzone.dat |
Water | FineWater.dat |
Atmos at 0 deg zenith angle | Atmos_0deg.dat |
Atmos at 30 deg zenith angle | Atmos_30deg.dat |
Atmos at 45 deg zenith angle | Atmos_45deg.dat |
Atmos at 60 deg zenith angle | Atmos_60deg.dat |
Mu Col photon spectrum | MuColPhotons.dat |
Wrote SynPhot.m that integrates Mu Col photon spectrum against instrumental throughput and though various atmospheric columns, including top of atmosphere.
Linear fits to magnitudes of extinction vs. airmass produce:
band | Mu Col calculated extinctions mag/airmass | Mu Col magnitude extrapolated to zero airmass | photon-flat source, mag/airmass | photon-flat source extrapolated to zero airmass |
1 | 0.3892 | 20.5042 | 0.3857 | 22.4303 |
2 | 0.1899 | 20.4675 | 0.1866 | 21.9940 |
3 | 0.1171 | 21.9831 | 0.1169 | 23.1427 |
4 | 0.0970 | 21.5152 | 0.0963 | 22.3052 |
Color-airmass terms:
For a color difference of Mu Col -flat = delta(B1-B2) = (22.4303 - 21.9940) - (20.5042 - 20.4675) = 0.4363 - 0.0367 = +0.3996, we get an extinction difference of 3.5 mmag/airmass.
For a color difference of Mu Col -flat = delta(B3-B4) = (21.9831-21.5152) - (23.1427-22.3052) = 0.4679 - 0.8375 = -0.3696 we get an extinction difference of 0.7 mmag/airmass
Compare to photon-flat source:
Quick-look comparison with observations from March 2, 2023
Observations of Mu Col
If m=0 star is at row 339,
B1 starts at 1876+339 and goes to 2263+339
B2 starts at 2263+339 and goes to 2746+339
B3 starts at 2746+339 and goes to 2995+339
B4 starts at 2295+339 and goes to 3562+339
seq num | airmass | B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 |
1 is single bias frame for that night | NA | ||||
052-054 (omitted from fits) | 1.029 | 2.0363 | 1.8454 | 3.3374 | 1.2848 |
106-108 | 1.086 | 2.0365 | 1.8413 | 3.3213 | 1.2730 |
142-144 | 1.152 | 2.0664 | 1.8548 | 3.3253 | 1.2833 |
204-206 | 1.298 | 2.1417 | 1.8917 | 3.3636 | 1.3193 |
298-300 | 1.852 | 2.3909 | 2.0284 | 3.4647 | 1.4349 |
extinction coeff extracted from observations | 0.4620+- 0.015 | 0.2458+-0.005 | 0.1913 | 0.2131+-0.01 | |
TOA magnitude from observations | 1.5365 | 1.5729 | 3.1110 | 1.0406 | |
extinction excess: observed-predicted | 0.073 | 0.0559 | 0.0742 | 0.1161 | |
(assuming photometric conditions on that night... actually lowest airmass points look anomalous, omit them)
Problem in B4 could be hard-wired aperture photometry missing flux?
Or throughput curve being quite wrong?
Or more ozone than assumed?
Or code error somewhere? *note added: yes this was the issue. see below
Or a real physical aerosol effect??
What about spectrophotometry, at top of atmosphere? Compare colors since overall magnitude has zeropoint uncertainty
color | predicted | observed | difference |
B1-B2 | 0.0367 | -0.0364 | 0.0731 |
B1-B3 | -1.4789 | -1.5745 | 0.0956 |
B1-B4 | -1.0110 | 0.4959 | -1.5069 |
March 12 2023
I found and fixed an error in photometry extraction code used above, for the band-4 photometry. Redoing it correctly gives
Band | observed extinction, mags/airmass | observed-predicted extinction, mag/airmass | TOA magnitude |
1 | 0.4618 | 0.0727 | 1.5358 |
2 | 0.2467 | 0.0567 | 1.5707 |
3 | 0.1857 | 0.0686 | 3.1207 |
4 | 0.1488 | 0.0518 | 2.6222 |
TOA colors:
color | predicted | observed | Observed-predicted color difference |
B1-B2 | 0.0367 | -0.0349 | -0.0716 |
B1-B3 | -1.4789 | -1.5849 | -0.1059 |
B1-B4 | -1.0110 | -1.0864 | -0.0753 |
A toy example of determining excess extinction.
March 13 2023
Determined effective band center for observations of Mu Col by computing, band per band, lambda_eff=sum(lambda*detected photon spectrom on ground)/sum(photon specrum on ground) for atmosphere at 1.4 airmasses and Mu Col photon spectrum and estimated throughput.
Resulting band centers are
MuCol45B1Center =
MuCol45B2Center =
MuCol45B3Center =
MuCol45B4Center =
plot extinction excess vs. wavelength:
So overall there is scatter but a decreasing trend with wavelength. Note this is for single-image analysis and no flatfielding and no correction for m=0 contaminating stars. Let's pretend like the value at 507 is anomalous, and continue to get fit parameters:
define lambdanorm=lambda/500.
March 19 2023, wavelength solution for quadnotch + 300 l/mm disperser.
Images from March 16 2023 seq num 477 has a star with nice stellar atmosphere features. HD 73495 = Eta Pyxidis HR 3420. HD 73495. HIP 42334 is an A0V star.
Spectrum from RubinTV is
Copied images from 20230316 to local disk on laptop. Need to include bias frames as well as images of interest. Note that dispersion depends critically on disperser-to-CCD spacing so we should solve for it each time.
Note apparent m=0 stellar contamination at blue end of band3. We need to either subtract those out or median-filter with rotations.
Balmer lines are at
Downloaded seqnums
745-755 bias frames
Ran InjestAndAnalyze.m to create bias frames and full frame debiased images.
Ran Specexam2.m on frame AT_O_20230316_000477.full.debias.fits. m=0 star centroid is row 300.4 and col 1737.1
zoom on spectrum at absorption lines
March 21, 2023
Looking at band edges to get a broader estimate of wavelength solution. Plot of spectrum in black, abs(diff(spectrum)) in red:
Manual extraction of pixel row where flux begins to fall. This is notch band edge when convolved with seeing.
Band | blue edge nm | red edge nm | blue edge pixels | red edge pixels |
1 | 346.8 | 394.5 | 2280 | 2519 |
2 | 414.1 | 479.9 | 2673 | 3002 |
3 | 494.5 | 522.4 | 3115 | 3253 |
4 | 540.1 | 617.4 | 3385 | 3797 |
This gives what seems to be a decent dispersion solution, at 0.177 nm/pixel.
If seeing is of order 1 arcsec and we have 0.1 arcsec per pixel then spectral FWHM is around 10 pixels which gives a spectral resolution of around 1.8 nm. Not bad!
Center of m=0 star is row 312, add that in and see how it looks... wow! Still a really linear relationship.
lambda=(pix - m=0 row) * 0.1769.
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
p1 = 0.1769 (0.1744, 0.1795)
p2 = -55.15 (-62.48, -47.82)
Compare two images at different airmasses and therefore different parallactic angles to see stellar contamination:
image 299 from 20230302:
Extract full spectrum from 3 images, align in wavelength and then fit for TOA spectrum. We can then divide by Mu Col spectrum and get overall transmission function of telescope and instrument. A simple offset in pixel space ought to align the spectra since dispersion is so linear.
Pick images 107, 143, 205, 299 from 2023-03-02.
We want the cross-correlation of the resulting spectrum vectors. Do xcorr(spec,full107) and find offset for best match. We are already finely sampled at 0.177 nm/pixel.
image | xcorr peak | amount to shift to left | airmass |
107 | 4000 | 5 | 1.086 |
143 | 3986 | 19 | 1.152 |
205 | 3989 | 16 | 1.298 |
299 | 4005 | 0 | 1.852 |
circular shift of spectra: template=zeros(length(full107,1));
verify by plotting shifted spectra:
Highest airmass curve has degraded seeing, we'd have to correct for that.
For now, just fit to the three lowest airmass curves. In future, good to pick stars with no stellar features. K type stars perhaps?
Wrote TOAAuxTel.m that picks out subset of spectra and find extinction and top of atmosphere (TOA) photon spectrum. Cuts imposed in slope & TOA space:
March 31, 2023
Eske ran DM reductions on a more extensive data set of Mu Col observations, and we still see excess extinction but with non-power law wavelength dependence.
There also seems to be a dependence of color anomalies on az smearing ie.e PSF.
We need to validate the photometry code being used. One good comparison is to run Source Extractor and compare
Relevant Seq Nums are:
Mar 14 2023, HD 38666
403, 404, 405, 436, 437, 438, 444, 445, 446, 477, 478, 479, 485, 486, 487, 512, 513, 514, 536, 537, 538, 560, 561, 562, 595, 596, 597, 695, 696, 697
November 23, 2023
We've done an analysis of observations from Oct 10, 2023 on Aux Tel with masked quadband filter. There is about a 1% discrepancy between photometry and MODTRAN predictions.
This looks like the place to find Ozone dobson units:
NASA Ozone data cstubbs cat4Earthdata stubbs@g
do geographical search on latitude -30:14:40.68 longitude -70:44:57.90; = -30.245, -70.75
Well, that didn't work so well. Try this:
That works! Can get plots as well as CSV data files:
For our site:
I used MAtlab program MakeAtmosphereExtinction.m to generate band-integrated extinctions for stars of different temperatures. This used GPT to help with generation of MATLAB code.
best current estimate of Aux tel throughput: TotalAuxtelThroughput.dat. Note that this include the quadband filter as well as telescope and optics and detector QE.
angle-corrected quadband throughput: Quadband.dat