Testing Independence of Molecules against Target / Date Recorded
- Previously, I had created code that plotted equivalent widths / airmasses of particular air molecules ( H\alpha, H\beta, H2O, O2) for all dates or all stars to see if those air molecules are independent of the star or the date of observation, as expected.
- The code did not account for the different gratings through which the molecule eq widths were measured, so I made some adjustments to separate the files based on gratings to see if the independence of molecules against stars/dates was stronger.
- The code still outputs the best linear fit through the lines, r^2 of lin fit, and covariance coeffs:
Independence of O2 against Star:
Independence of H20 Against Star:
Independence of O2 Against Date-Obs :
Independence of H/beta against Date-Obs
Independence of H/alpha against Date-Obs
- There are definitely some significant outliers that appear to be skewing the data, which is interesting because I have already sigma clipped the data through five iterations, maybe need more iterations
- also, I think the linear fit program I use tries not to use zero as a potential slope, so I can look into a linear fit that allows a zero slope (potentially)
Next time:
- lin fit w/o zero slope
- more iterations of sigma clipping
chi2 histogram of wavelength solution, where trying to convert from pixels to wavelength; separately for the different types of grating
Parangle -> Parangle rainbow appear to the north;
, histogram peak where data is good, and start guiding criteria