June 1 2022.
ATLAS covers sky to 19.5 at 5 sigma. That's an uncertainty of 20% or 0.2 mag. The all-sky, nightly coverage from multiple sites makes this an excellent resource for microlensing.
Microlensing surveys:
OGLE, Las Campanas in Chile, has been shut down for years due to COVID
MOA in New Zealand
KMTNET has telescopes in Chile, South Africa, Australia.
Web sites with microlensing events (note the anomalous ones are arguably the most interesting)
MOA: http://www.massey.ac.nz/~iabond/moa/alert2022/alert.php
KMTNET: https://kmtnet.kasi.re.kr/ulens/. and https://kmtnet.kasi.re.kr/ulens/event/2022/
OGLE: http://ogle.astrouw.edu.pl/ogle4/ews/ews.html
Galactic bulge reanalysis and compendium from OGLE: https://aasnova.org/2022/05/20/a-massive-reanalysis-of-microlensing-events/
MOA anomaly events http://iral2.ess.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/~moa/anomaly/
ATLAS forced photometry server: https://fallingstar-data.com/forcedphot/
Some examples:
event | link | RA | DEC | t_o, HJD-24500000 | baseline | notes | ATLAS |
KMT-2022-BLG-0061 | https://kmtnet.kasi.re.kr/ulens/event/2022/view.php?event=KMT-2022-BLG-0061 | 17:38:26.66 | -28:15:44.17 | 9688.13539 | I=16.6 | parallax event? | |
KMT-2022-BLG-1018 | https://kmtnet.kasi.re.kr/ulens/event/2022/view.php?event=KMT-2022-BLG-1018 | 17:49:24.11 | -26:16:31.40 | 9742.62921 | I=19.9 | long event, going on now | |
MOA-2022-BLG-275 | https://www.massey.ac.nz/~iabond/moa/alert2022/display.php?id=gb9-R-3-150516 | 17:57:24.45 | -29:19:50.96 | 9728.10 | I=20.2 | finite source effect | |
MOA-2021-BLG-015 | https://www.massey.ac.nz/~iabond/moa/alert2021/display.php?id=gb3-R-10-38233 | 17:54:40.47 | -32:04:37.96 | 2459281.18 | I=16.5 | finite source effect | |
MOA-2020-BLG-033 | https://www.massey.ac.nz/~iabond/moa/alert2020/display.php?id=gb5-R-10-121819 | 17:55:47.08 | -28:38:17.72 | 2458909.10 | I=26 | very high amplification, A | |
MOA-2020-BLG-031 | https://www.massey.ac.nz/~iabond/moa/alert2020/display.php?id=gb10-R-4-47615 | 17:58:21.80 | -27:53:10.34 | 2458920.11 | I=16.3, amp=6 | ||
MOA-2019-BLG-141 | https://www.massey.ac.nz/~iabond/moa/alert2019/display.php?id=gb1-R-4-37369 | designated anomaly event- short binary event |
KMT-2022-BLG-0061, difference request
JT says 2022 observations from Chile aren't in the forced photometry data, and that the Hawaii telescope stayed in the N after early calendar 2022. So need to look back into previous years.
Brighter ones do better:
Converting to magnitudes, for the more pedestrian among us:
m_AB=-2.5log10(Jy) + 8.90.
ATLAS started operation mid-2015, so it's appropriate to compile a list of events from calendar 2015 to 2022. That spans both OGLE (until 2020) and MOA, not sure about KMT.
MOA to OGLE correspondences: https://www.massey.ac.nz/~iabond/moa/alert2016/moa2ogle.php
MKTnet telescopes go fainter. Use their event catalogs from online data set.
text file columns:
name, DiscoveryField, Class(1=clear, 2=probable), RA, DEC, MJDcenter, duration (days), impact parameter ~ 1/Amplification, Iband1, Iband2, Iband3, Ctype (??), Amplification, other names
1) construct aggregated event list that spans years when ATLAS observed Galactic plane.
DONE- had to clean up changes in data format between years, for KMT alert files, and delete a few incomplete records. KMTevents.txt has around 15,000 candidate bulge events.
event file sorted from bright to faint: KMTeventsSorted.txt
2) for each event, do a query on forced photometry difference photometry for duration spanning 10 event duration times on either side of event center.
3) construct database of event photometry. We should extract both regular and difference image forced photometry.
Things we can do: 1) fill in gaps from Chile and S Africa
2) use multi-band data to plot c vs. o fluxes, investigate blending and chromaticity.
3) added information for anomalous events, temporal coverage.
stress in paper-
MJD coverage, esp for planets. example is MOA-2019-BLG-055 / OGLE-2019-BLG-0109. planet excursion. No planet indication in OGLE data, but it is there in MOA data.
blue is ATLAS, red is MOA, orange is OGLE
public server for photometry
CWS notes from Paris 2022 microlensing meeting
schedule is https://bit.ly/ulens25-schedule
planetary excursion of short duration, perhaps in halo, AT2021uey Makiko Ben
xallarap example is OGLE-2017-BLG-0114
another xallarap example is OGLE-2019-BLG-0825, 5.5 day period xallarap
See P. Rota et al 2021 for xallrap example,
Roman launch Sept 2026 is current best-guess
0.1 arcsec pixels, 8 filters, 0.43 to 2.4 microns.
Need to connect with Rachael Street about Omega project and all-sky microlensing
GAIA ends 2025, to 20.5 mag
one mas at 18th for DR3
GAIA 20 FNR is interetsing event
Gaia Microlensing data:
363 events from https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06121, used the Ex. 1 query in appendix B (which downloads the entire catalog) at https://gea.esac.esa.int/archive/
Note: used the event duration from the level 0 fit as the event duration (paczynski0_te).
also downloaded planet excursion RA Dec: 324.545 26.46656 for event AT2021uey (below is the plot of the data):