This is the landing page for workshops, courses and other events hosted by Harvard Library Digital Preservation Services.
- Digital Preservation Reading Club (monthly)
Past Presentations and Publications
- The [Past, Present, and] Future of Email Archiving at Harvard Library (February 18, 2020), Presentation for Harvard Library staff - link to presentation recording
- Policy-Driven Tiered Storage for Cost- and Curatorially-Effective Preservation (November 12, 2020), National Digital Stewardship Alliance Digital Preservation Conference
- Twenty Years of Preservation: Digital Preservation Milestone, 2000-2020 (October 23, 2020)
- Digital Preservation at Harvard Library (October 15, 2020), Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation Digital Preservation Affinity Group
- "How'm I Doin'?": Measuring Digital Preservation Efficacy (October 19, 2019), National Digital Stewardship Alliance Digital Preservation Conference, Tampa
- Electronic Archiving System (EAS) (September 19, 2019), 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Amsterdam
- Introducing the DRS Policy Guide, Version 4.0 (September 11, 2019), Harvard Library Leadership Team
- DRS Update (May 5, 2017), Harvard Library Leadership Team
- Harvard Library Preservation Week Demo (April 18 and 24, 2017) - link to digital preservation handout
- Digital Preservation Roadmap for Harvard (2014-2020), Harvard Library (December 15, 2016) <Short link>
- Harvard Library's Digital Preservation Repository, the Digital Repository Service (DRS), NISO-NFAIS Joint Virtual Conference (December 7, 2016)
- Tools for Preserving Performative Media, Harvard Library (July 22, 2016)
- ArchSC11 Short Course: Assessing Formats for Preservation, IS&T Archiving (April 19, 2016)
- Harvard EAST Workshop, Harvard Library (March 2-3, 2016)
- Developing a Framework for File Format Migrations [PPT], presentation given by Joey Heinen and Andrea Goethals at iPRES 2015 at Chapel Hill, NC on November 3, 2015.
- An Update on Harvard Library's Video Preservation Service [PPT], presentation given by Dave Ackerman, Abigail Bordeaux and Andrea Goethals at Harvard on September 11, 2015.
- The Evolving Process to Add Preservation Support for New Formats at Harvard Library [PPT], presentation given by Andrea Goethals at IS&T Archiving 2015 in Los Angeles.
- Even Better Metadata [PPT], presentation given by Andrea Goethals at SAA 2014 in Washington DC as part of a panel called Metadata and Digital Preservation: How Much Do We Really Need?
- Migrating Repository Metadata & Users: The Harvard DRS2 Project [PPT] presentation given by Andrea Goethals at IS&T Archiving 2014 in Berlin, Germany on May 15, 2014.
- The New DRS: Plan for Metadata Migration [PPT], presentation given by Franziska Frey, Randy Stern, Kate Bowers, Andrea Goethals and Bill Comstock for DRS users on February 26, 2014.
- DRS 2 Metadata Migration [PPT], presentation given by Robin Wendler and Andrea Goethals for Harvard Library on June 25, 2013
- DRS 2 Project (2008 - Present!) [PPT], presentation given be Andrea Goethals at the MIT Libraries' Digital Preservation Management Workshop on June 13, 2013
- NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation & NDSR Boston [PPT], presentation given by Andrea Goethals at the NE NDSA Workshop at WGBH on May 10, 2013
- Using FITS to Identify File Formats and Extract Metadata [PDF], ASERL webinar given by Andrea Goethals April 30, 2013
- The NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation [PPT], presentation given by Andrea Goethals at IS&T Archiving 2013 on April 5, 2013
- DRS [PDF], presentation given by Andrea Goethals & Wendy Gogel on August 6,2012
- Preserving Web Content: Harvard & Worldwide [PPT], presentation given by Andrea Goethals at the Harvard IT Summit, June 23, 2011
- Challenges of Digital Preservation [PPT], presentation given by Andrea Goethals for Boston University MA / CS 109 class, April 22, 2011
- Preserving Web-based digital material [PPT], presentation given by Andrea Goethals for the Why Books Conference at Harvard, October 28, 2010
- Digital Preservation [PPT], presentation given by Andrea Goethals & Wendy Gogel at NELA, October 18, 2010
- DRS 2 [PPT],presentation given by Andrea Goethals at LTS on October 28, 2009
- Digital Preservation at HUL & DRS 2 [PPT], presentation given by Andrea Goethals at Countway Library on July 20, 2009
- Digital Preservation [PPT], presentation given by Stephen Abrams and Dale Flecker for ULC in February, 2007
- Digital Archiving Without Preservation is Just Storage: Education is the First Step to Achieving Preservation Goals [PPT], presentation given by Sue Kriegsman and Lee Mandell at IS&T, April 21, 2004
Flyers and Handouts
- An Overview of the Digital Repository Service (DRS) in 2016 [PDF], last modified 12/16/2016
- An Overview of the Digital Repository Service (DRS) in 2012 [PDF], last modified 11/14/2012
- An Overview of the Digital Repository Service (DRS) in 2011 [PDF], last modified 8/1/2011
- Harvard University Library Office for Information Systems: An Overview of Digital Preservation in 2009-2010 [PDF], last modified 08/12/2010