Proxies are people who can edit other people's profiles on their behalf. For example, faculty can designate their assistants as proxies to edit their profiles. If you have a profile, then one or more proxies might be assigned to you automatically by your department or institution. You also have the option of designation your own proxies.
1. Visit the Harvard Catalyst Profiles website at:
2. Click on the "Login to edit your profile" link
Question .... Regarding above line: "For example, faculty can designate their assistants as proxies to edit their profiles. If you have a profile, then one or more proxies might be assigned to you automatically by your department or institution." Will this be the case for us? Or, should we nix this part?
3. Click on the "Manage Proxies" tab
4. Click on the "Add a Proxy" link
Question... Will HSPHers automatically have access to edit profiles? Or, will they needed to be granted access first on the catalyst side?