1. The Harvard Chan Intranet is in active development
Last updated 07/07/2024
In order to provide Intranet site editors as much time as possible to review and organize their content ahead of the community roll-out, we are providing users early access to the intranet. The service is still under active development, users should expect bugs and missing features, especially on the front-end (user facing). At this point there is no need to report bugs to IT, you will be notified by email when we change this guidance.
2. Only 2 options for content visibility
Last updated 07/01/2024
Site editors can adjust page visibility settings to HSPH access groups (Faculty, Staff, Students, etc.), and grouper groups. These features will be rolled out in early August.
3. Mobile layout and navigation are not working correctly
Last updated 07/01/2024
We are aware that the top navigation menu is not fully functional on mobile and that some
During the content review phase, the page visibility settings only allow access to Harvard Affiliates and Public. We will adding site visibility settings to allow access to HSPH groups (Faculty, Staff, Students, etc.), and grouper groups in early August
Posts are now called "News" in the WordPress dashboard.
The navigation menus on mobile devices (phones, tablets) only display the primary and secondary menu level at this time. We will be rolling out the third level display in early August.