Graduate Timeline

Graduate Timeline


  • Course work. (no incompletes are allowed)
  • Language study, if appropriate.

Possible Fellowship Applications: Summer Language Waiver; Graduate Society Summer Awards (see Fellowships section)

Note: In order to receive summer stipends, G1s must have completed all course work and one language by the third week in May.


  • Complete course work by end of academic year.
  • Complete language requirements. (Students in some fields will continue language study into the G3 year).
  • Complete final draft of the Qualifying Paper for submission first day of exam period. Approved paper and coversheet due to the department on June 1. (The QP can be undertaken in either the fall or spring semester).

Possible Fellowship Applications: Summer Language Waiver; Graduate Society Summer Awards (see Fellowships section)

Note: In order to receive summer stipends, G2s must have completed the Qualifying Paper, completed all course work, and fulfilled language requirements by May 30.


  • Work as a teaching fellow for fall and/or spring semesters. Teaching is guaranteed for G3s. Some students pursue opportunities at the Harvard Art Museums through internships.
  • Prepare and deliver G3 Presentation in October.
  • File Petition for Taking the General Examination and Thesis Prospectus (draft) in November.
  • Prepare and take the General Examination in May.
  • Submit final draft of Thesis Prospectus by November following generals.

Possible Fellowship Applications: Kennedy, Knox, Sheldon, Lurcy…. (expected application by all G3s, November deadline); for other external competitions see Fellowships); Summer Language Waiver; Graduate Society Summer Awards (prospectus must be completed by time of application) – January deadline.

Note: In order to receive summer stipends, G3s must have completed all course work, languages, the Qualifying Paper, and the general examination by May 15.


  • Dissertation research off campus.
  • Writing the dissertation.
  • Submit annual progress report in December.

Possible Fellowship Applications: CASVA, Kress, Dedalus, Graham (September 27 deadline), all requiring departmental nomination; Grad Society Merit Term-Time Fellowships (November 15 deadline); Dissertation Completion Fellowship (if 2 chapters are completed, February deadline.) For a list of other external fellowship competitions see Fellowships.

Note: In order to receive summer stipends, G4s must have completed all course work, languages, the Qualifying Paper, general examination, and thesis prospectus.


  • Continue teaching (unless on a term-time or completion fellowship) or working through an internship at the Harvard Art Museums.
  • Continue researching and writing the dissertation.
  • Apply for outside fellowships for support and/or dissertation completion fellowship to finish prior to G8 year.

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