this page document the steps to run WRF and WRF-Chem on Odyssey.  

We invite Lee Miller, Jiahua Guo, and Archana Dayalu to co-edit this page. 

Running WRF (and/or WRF-Chem) on Harvard Odyssey: REAL cases

PART I. Setting up/Configuration/Compilation.

#(3) Configure WRF


#(4) Choose 15. (dmpar) to compile MPI version with Intel compilers

              **Note! Do not use dm+sm or smpar options with WRF-Chem!! Choose either serial or dmpar**

#(5) Modify the file “configure.wrf” (around lines 149-150) to read the following. Note that you have to do this each time you run ./configure, because the configure.wrf script is overwritten each time.

 DM_FC = mpiifort -f90=$(SFC)
 DM_CC = mpiicc -cc=$(SCC) -DMPI2_SUPPORT

#(6) Compile WRF before WPS!! Compilation will take a while. If you're on an interactive shell, remove the "&" to avoid timing out.

      # For real cases:  
./compile em_real &> compile.log

  #(7) Configure WPS

      #Likely you will need GRIB2 Choose option #19: 
      #Linux x86_64, Intel compiler    (dmpar)

#(8) Compile WPS

./compile &> compile.output
   #(1)-(8) is adapted from Plamen's advice for v3.9.1


      #(9) Compile convert_emiss.exe, a program that converts binary intermediate chemical fields into netcdf WRF-compatible format. Navigate to your WRFV3 folder and type:

./compile emi_conv

     If compilation was successful, you should see convert_emiss.exe in the WRFV3/chem folder.

      #(10) Compile Prep-chem-sources (available HERE), a mapping utility for converting raw chemical fields to binary intermediates that are then fed into convert_emiss.exe. Unzip the tar.gz file into your main WRF folder. There are some typos, and missing details in the pdf guide above, so a modified version of the instructions (and Paul Edmon's help rebuilding HDF5 to fix an error message) enabled successful compilation of the utility. The modified instructions are located here:


In any case, a compiled version of prep chem sources utility using the instructions above is located here:


#(11) Other potentially useful utilities: EDGAR-HTAP, ANTHRO, MEGAN, MOZBC. Read the discussion here as to what each of these is:

And download here as needed for your purposes. Otherwise you can link to what has already been downloaded for the examples on this page.

PART II. Running WPS and WRF: Overview/General Steps

Now that you have a compiled version of WRF and WPS, you are ready to set up your model runs. Since these are for real cases, you need access to initialization data sets. You will need to figure out the initialization data set best suited to your domain and purposes. For the examples for China provided here, we are using GRIB2 NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, continuing from July 1999 ( For these examples, the files are already downloaded. Instructions to link to them are noted where necessary.

Regardless of whether you are running WRF or WRF-Chem, it is important that you do the following first and in this order (detailed instructions follow, including in the examples in Part III and IV):

(1) Run WPS (geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe, metgrid.exe) to create real data-based initialization files with of form

(2) Run real.exe to generate input and boundary files of form wrfinput_d0*, wrfbdy_d01 (and optionally wrffdda_d0*) to initialize WRF model 

If you are running WRF without chemistry, you can go ahead and run the main WRF model at this point. If you are running WRF-Chem, this is the point at which you run your chemistry data prep program (i.e., prep-chem-src, anthro_emis, and/or convert_emiss) which requires wrfinput_d0* files to actually work. Once you have your correctly formatted chemical data (they should be in the form wrfchemi_00z_d01 and wrfchemi_12z_d01). Once you are done with this and have all your requisite chem data in the right format stored or linked in the WRFV3/test/em_real folder, you can run the wrf.exe model.


Step 1: Running WPS (WRF Pre-processing System)

The pre-processing to create a real data-based initialization file. Read the README file in the parent WPS folder for a quick guide on what the programs do.

  1. Define model domains with geogrid. Edit the namelist.wps file, specifically:
 &share (e.g., core='ARW', max_dom, io_form_geogrid=2, opt_output_from_geogrid_path='/n/your_scratch_dir_path/GEOGRID_DUMP/’)

      2. View domain configuration, confirm it's correct.

 cp util/plotgrids_new.ncl . ; ncl plotgrids.ncl

      3. Run geogrid.

 mpirun -np 1 ./geogrid.exe

      1.Examine GRIB data (most likely GRIB2).

./util/g1print.exe /your_GRIB1_data_path/filename | more
./util/g2print.exe /your_GRIB2_data_path/filename | more

      2. Edit namelist.wps as needed.

&share (start date, end date, interval seconds=21600)
&ungrib (outformat='WPS',prefix='/n/your_scratch_dir_path/METEM_FILEDUMP/FILE')

               #note: be aware of 90-day retention policy of scratch data. Make sure you've emptied any files from previous runs in the dump dirs.

      3. link Vtable (it's like a Rosetta Stone) to appropriate GRIB data type to prepare for ungribbing. e.g., for GFS data. WRF has a bunch of Vtables already in the Variable_Table subfolder of ungrib, but sometimes you will need to do some sleuthing and download the one that you actually need into the Variable_Tables folder. For the examples that follow, this is exactly what we'll need to do. 

ln -sf ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.theVtableYouWantToUse Vtable

      4. link the GRIB data that you are going to use

./link_grib.csh /your_GRIB_data_path/XXX*

             #This should update GRIBFILE.AAA, .AAB, etc links in pwd.

      5. Run ungrib

mpirun -np 1 ./ungrib.exe >& ungrib.output

            #You should see FILE:YYYY-MM-DD_hh in your folder prescribed by “prefix”

  1. Edit namelist.wps as needed.

&share (this should be exactly as you need it already)
&metgrid (fg_name = &ungrib prefix; io_form_metgrid=2, outpath)

      2. Run metgrid

mpirun -np 1 ./metgrid.exe

      3. You should see met_em.d01(or d02 or d03....) files created. These are your WPS final output files that real.exe ingests.


Step 2. Running WRF

  1. First link your met files from metgrid.exe
cd run
ln -s /n/your_scratch_dir_path/METEM_FILEDUMP/met_em* .

      2. Edit namelist.input file.

&time #obviously should match namelist.wps.
&domains #obviously should match namelist.wps
#Customize other sections as needed.

#Particularly examine num_metgrid_levels and num_metgrid soil levels so they match with the input specified by the met_em* files. At command line:

ncdump -h | more
num_metgrid_levels is typically in the header of the file
num_metgrid_soil_levels is close to the footer of the file

#Execute real.exe ; no real benefit to running as a parallel job so…

mpirun -np 1 ./real.exe >& run_real.log #make sure namelist.wrf chem_opt = 0 for this step for now.

      3. Examine the run_real.log file. You should see SUCCESS EM_REAL INIT printed at the end.

      4. Make sure you have the following files output from this step:

wrfinput_d0* (one for each domain)
wrfbdy_d01 (just for d01)
wrffdda_d01 (just for d01 since nudging is happening only in this domain)


       5. Process gridded chemical data (biogenic, boundary conditions, anthropogenic) using specified utilities (e.g., MEGAN bio, prep-chem-src, mozbc). Note: there are other options, like fire emissions ... you need to figure out what is relevant to your question.

       6. Make sure your binary emissions files are saved in WRFV3/test/em_real either as hard or soft links. They MUST be in this directory in some form.

       7. Turn your chemistry back on (chem_opt=XXX) in the namelist.wrf file.

       8. Run convert_emiss.exe to convert the chemistry data from binary intermediate to WRF input form

       9. You should have your relevant chem data in  WRFV3/test/em_real at this point, ready for ingestion by the wrf model. At this point, the key files input files that WRF-Chem expects in order to run successfully may now include, but is not limited, to the following:

           wrfbiochemi_<domain> #if you planned to include biogenic chem

           wrfchemi_00z_<domain> #if you planned to use anthropogenic chem, for two sets of time 00z and 12z


           wrfbdy_d01 #Boundary file, should include chemical boundary conditions from mozbc for example if you chose to go that route.

           wrfinput_<domain> #your standard initialization file from real.exe

           wrffdda_<domain> #for the domain that you're nudging in (if you are nudging).


     10. If everything looks in order, run the wrf model. This is the only step that has significant benefit from running in parallel!

sbatch #Edit this script as needed; a template is provided.

     11. You should now have netcdf files of format, stored in /n/your_scratch_dir_path/WRFOUT/. If you are planning to drive an LPDM like STILT with these met files, these need to eventually be converted to .arl format using WRF2ARL directory contents. This is something that will be treated in a separate page. It is highly recommended that you get familiar with NCL (and have access to ncview) for post-processing and visualization of the wrfout files.


PART III. Running WRF With Chemistry: A PM2.5 example

The purpose of this example is to take the general steps listed above and actually run a three nested domain WRF-Chem PM2.5 simulation over Beijing during the January 2013 severe haze event and compare with observations. We are going to run WRF-Chem for a total of 10 days from Jan 6 2013 00:00UTC to Jan 16 2013 00:00UTC. We establish 5 days for model spin-up such that the usable simulation time period is 5 days. Make sure you have a local copy of the /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/WRF_CHEM_3-6-1/WRF directory and contents. You don't need to copy the geography data set.

Thanks to Meng Gao at Harvard China Project and Thomas Lauvaux at PSU for help with this and for providing their WRF-Chem namelist templates for this example!

At the end of this example you will have learned how to:

Step 1. Run WPS

wrf_core = 'ARW',
max_dom = 3,
start_date = '2013-01-06_00:00:00','2013-01-06_00:00:00','2013-01-06_00:00:00'
end_date = '2013-01-16_00:00:00','2013-01-16_00:00:00','2013-01-16_00:00:00'
interval_seconds = 21600,
opt_output_from_geogrid_path = '/n/regal/wofsy_lab/adayalu/GEOGRID_DUMP/WRF01/'
io_form_geogrid = 2,
parent_id = 1, 1, 2,
parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, 3,
i_parent_start = 1, 40, 17,
j_parent_start = 1, 26, 21,
e_we = 81, 49, 55,
e_sn = 57, 49, 55,
geog_data_res = 'usgs_30s+5m','usgs_30s+2m','usgs_30s+30s',
dx = 81000,
dy = 81000,
map_proj = 'lambert',
ref_lat = 35,
ref_lon = 110,
truelat1 = 30,
truelat2 = 60,
stand_lon = 116.397,
geog_data_path = '/n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/WRF_CHEM_3-6-1/WRF_GEOG_COMPLETE/geog'
out_format = 'WPS',
prefix = '/n/regal/wofsy_lab/adayalu/METEM_FILEDUMP/WRF01/FILE',
fg_name = '/n/regal/wofsy_lab/adayalu/METEM_FILEDUMP/WRF01/FILE'
io_form_metgrid = 2,
opt_output_from_metgrid_path = '/n/regal/wofsy_lab/adayalu/METEM_FILEDUMP/WRF01/'
ncl plotgrids_new.ncl
rm -f /n/regal/wofsy_lab/adayalu/GEOGRID_DUMP/WRF01/*
rm -f /n/regal/wofsy_lab/adayalu/METEM_FILEDUMP/WRF01/*
srun -n 1 --mem=10000 --pty --x11=first -p test -t 200 bash
mpirun -np 1 ./geogrid.exe 

And you should see something like:

Parsed 22 entries in GEOGRID.TBL
Processing domain 1 of 3
Processing XLAT and XLONG
Processing MAPFAC

[...etc for other variables, domains ...] 

! Successful completion of geogrid. !
ln -sf ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.GFS_new Vtable
./link_grib.csh /n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130106* \
/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130107* \
/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130108* \
/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130109* \
/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130110* \
/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130111* \
/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130112* \
/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130113* \
/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130114* \
/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF_GRIB2_NCEP_FNL/fnl_20130115* \


./util/g2print.exe /your_GRIB2_data_path/filename | more
mpirun -np 1 ./ungrib.exe > ungrib.out
tail -3 ungrib.out 
! Successful completion of ungrib. !


mpirun -np 1 ./metgrid.exe


Step 2. Run real.exe to get necessary intermediate files for WRF-Chem utilities.

ln -s /n/your_scratch_dir_path/METEM_FILEDUMP/met_em* .
mpirun -np 1 ./real.exe >& run_real.log
wrfbdy_d01 #the outermost domain parameter boundary condition file
wrffdda_d01 #nudging file, we requested nudging in the outer domain
wrfinput_d<domain> #initial condition files for each of your study domains.


Step 3. Prep the gridded chemical data

Step 4. Run WRF


Step XX. Prep the anthropogenic PM2.5 emissions data.

WRF-Chem only: Processing Gridded Chemical Data

In order to run WRF-Chem you need gridded chemical data related to the chemistry of interest. The gridded chemical data must be converted to a WRF-Chem compatible format and MUST be located in 


prior to running the model. You should have gridded chemical data at the resolution for each of the domains in your simulation. Read the WRF-Chem emissions guide for detailed guidelines.

To summarize, you will typically require the following sources of gridded chemical data: 

(1) Chemical boundary conditions (mozbc utility)

(2) Biogenic contributions (e.g., MEGAN)

(3) Anthropogenic emissions (processed via convert_emiss.exe; prep-chem-sources utility...; these are discussed below.). For non-contiguous US regions, you would likely need to use the prep-chem-sources grid mapping utility which converts the gridded emissions to your WRF forecast domain.

Note: Prep chem sources can be tricky to compile and run. You can download it here if you want to start from scratch: This guide is helpful:

There are some typos, and missing details in the pdf guide above, so a modified version of the instructions (and Paul Edmon's help rebuilding HDF5 to fix an error message) enabled successful compilation of the utility. The modified instructions are located here:


In any case, a compiled version of prep chem sources utility using the instructions above is located here:



> ncl_filedump -c
filename: 2012_12__transportation__PM2.5
file global attributes:
title :
source : MEIC Core gridding - GMTEngine
side = 2
xysize = 64000
double x_range ( side ) #reading this in NCL -- range is 70E to 150E
double y_range ( side )  #reading this in NCL-- range is 10N to 60N
double spacing ( side ) #reading this in NCL-- spacing is 0.25 degrees
integer dimension ( side ) #reading this in NCL-- X is 320 gridcells, Y is 200 gridcells.
float z ( xysize ) #Values. Mg/month.
scale_factor : 1
add_offset : 0
node_offset : 1
nodata_value : -9999
cd bin
ln -s /yourpath/PREP-CHEM-SRC-1.5/extra/UserData #make a symbolic link to the chemical data in your prep chem bin directory

PART V. Running WRF-Chem for real cases in Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Mode: A Beijing PM2.5 Case Study

Running WRF (and/or WRF-Chem) on Harvard Odyssey: IDEALIZED cases



Miscellaneous links

Google Docs:

Ding's notes: global_WRF_on_Odyssey.pdf

Optimizing performance:

Running on Cheyenne: