Fields in the bibliographic record

Fields in the bibliographic record

This manual is intended to cover the fields, subfields, and indicators in ordinary use in the Houghton Manuscript Section for collection-level MARC records. 

Note on content and what is "required":  A collection-level MARC record should be informative to the reader, but not exhaustive. If exhaustive description is needed, the finding aid is the place to develop this information. Think of the MARC record as a summary of what is in the finding aid. The fields below are required by our department, not as a bib-standard by Harvard.

For some of the fields, data will be system-supplied and unalterable; for others, the template for a given format will provide default values that the archivist may alter; for still others, the archivist will enter the encoded data in a blank field.

For information on inputting into Alma, see the Alma documentation on the LTS website.


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