Pre-Imaging Tracking Sheet
Pre-Imaging Tracking Sheet
Each tracking sheet covers a full fiscal year. The tracking sheets cover a lot of content, and so are divided in the documentation into "Pre-Imaging" and "Post-Imaging."
Aeon Transaction Number:
- Type the order number as read from the order sheet
- Some orders, primarily manuscripts, will be batched together. This generally happens when a patron is ordering multiple folders from a single collection. This can lead to long strings, as seen in cells A152 and A154
- Patron orders that have been completed using the Fill Out Fund will have two order numbers. Type the original patron order number as the first in the set, so it is easy to know to whom links should be delivered.
- Most orders will have no notes, so "n/a" can be entered
- Sometimes notes are around patron delivery (cell B139, or cell B149)
Metadata Created (Date)
- Enter the date metadata spreadsheets were created
Done By (column D)
- Enter the initials of the person who created the metadata
Hollis Number
- Enter Hollis number, copied from the metadata spreadsheet, or item record
Whole Item?
- Y/N
- Current practice is to only deposit whole items, but there may be rare exceptions
E-Delivery or Catalog Link
- e-d/c-l
- This information can be found on the order form, or by looking up an order invoice in Aeon
- On rare occasions an order may be shipped, or picked up personally (cell G155)
Restricted Record/Paper or Two Week Link/Two Week Link Access Expiration Date/Link Restricted/Done By (column L)
- For orders that are not restricted
- Restrict Record - n
- Paper or Two Week Link/Two Week Link Access Expiration Date/Link Restricted/Done By (column L) - n/a
- For orders that are restricted (due to rights concerns/curatorial discretion)
- Highlight cells in columns F-J and bold text (see row 153).
- Restrict Record - y
- Paper or Two Week Link - Most will be two week link, sometimes the order form will specific "paper"
- Two Week Link Access Expiration Date/Link Restricted/Done By (column L) - these cells will be left blank until Post-Imaging.
Hollis or ASpace Link
- H/A
, multiple selections available,