2020/02/21 Minutes
2020/02/21 Minutes
- With Carie and Francis needing temporary seating in Pusey from April/May-August while they renovate the Map Room we will be tight on space. We just need to be patient for a bit.
- Our next TS meeting will be to have status updates folks Year of Engagement projects who have not yet done them. Irina will present hers in April. I think we are going to have an all-Houghton summer event--a mini-unconference?-- allowing everyone to present their final projects.
- Lewis and Susan are taking the Inclusive Managers Toolkit course this spring; Adrien, Dorothy and Linda will take it either in the fall or next spring (whenever it is next offered.)
- Susan is coordinating the April all-staff agenda--what would we like to see happen at that meeting. Should it be TS-themed, or invite someone to come talk, or ....?
- POE sublibrary in Alma may change, Susan is working with Corinna and many others to find a good solution.
- Linda and Susan are getting Edison job descriptions over to HR.
- Rona has taken a position at the World Bank in DC, her last day will be in early May.
- Project archivist search should be wrapping up.
- Her workshop at Tufts went really well.
- Working on getting better procedures for vendor payments, particularly large monetary payments.
- Amy Sloper and Dorothy are thinking of holding a Creative Arts digitization meeting every other month to share information, updates on projects, and policies/procedures
- Adrien and Dorothy are going to come up with documentation regarding folders not in the finding aid when they are being digitized, or the folders need corrected metadata
- Eliminate the 908 from Holdings and move it to bib record, you will only need it if you DO NOT want the records to tape out.
- Vidal is close to finishing, we will finish on or before June.
, multiple selections available,