Removing Material from Photo Hold

Removing Material from Photo Hold

Materials should only remain on hold for three months after the invoice is issued. Occasionally large and/or complicated orders will remain on hold for a longer time. When in doubt, contact the patron to see if they plan on paying the invoice before returning material. 

  1. Go to Order Quote Issued queue.
  2. Move the data into a spreadsheet, by right clicking on the header of the first column, Transactions, and click Export.
  3. Delete any data that is not 3 months or older. Keep the following columns: date, transaction number, call number, item number, title, author and patron name. Delete the rest of the information.
  4. Print the list and use it to pull the old material off the shelf.
  5. Remove any flags in the item(s).
  6. Navigate to the Process tab. On the Cancel button un-highlight the Send Email button, then cancel order.
  7. Cancel several orders. After you have a stack, use the batch process Awaiting Item Reshelving.
  8. Reshelve items.

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