Material Return

Material Return

Once the images have been uploaded and sent to the patron, follow these instructions to return material to the stacks.

Items from Houghton Stacks

  1. In Aeon, click Reshelve Item.
  2. Stamp call slip with return stamp..
  3. When ready to return, check top of call slip for location.
  4. Return item to shelf.
  5. Reunite other right side of call slip (in the stacks) with left side of call slip (with item).
  6. Once items are shelved, in Aeon, click Item Reshelved.

Items from Offsite

  1. In Aeon, click Reshelve Item.
  2. Stamp call slip with return stamp.
  3. When ready to return, fill out this form.
  4. Package item(s) in red bin.
  5. In Aeon, click Item Reshelved.