Theodore Roosevelt Collection
Theodore Roosevelt Collection
Processing New Acquisitions:
- All new accessions for the TR collection will be assigned a Theodore Roosevelt accession number for the fiscal year as of 2022. The accession number will also serve as call number. For more information see Rare Book Section VIII. Classification.
Special Cataloging Project 2013-2014
- Previously uncatalogued material will be classed in LC. For items staying at Houghton, use collection code TRCLC in the 852 field. Books taller than 28 cm. should be coded TRLCF.
- Previously uncatalogued and newly arriving books will be given a date (of arrival) instead of an accession number. We are *not* writing anything in the book itself at this time.
- LC-classed items sent to HD should include an $$x note in the 852 field, reading “Theodore Roosevelt Collection”
Processing Classed Material:
- Use as much information as is provided for each item. 541 information can sometimes be found in the TR Shelflist, published in 1970. Many items contain slips inserted by the previous curator with acquisitions information—transfer the information to the holdings record, and discard slip. If there are instances where information from the slip cannot be adequately conveyed in the holdings, retain slip with the item.
- Classification typically begins with "Roosevelt" and contains a variety of letters and numbers. The entire call number should be entered in $$h of the 852 field, with spacing and punctuation as indicated by the curator.
example : 852 _8 $$b HOU $$c TRC $$h Roosevelt R010.R67 1919 (1924ed) v3
852 _8 $$b HOU $$c TRC $$h Roosevelt R060.R67a5b
If you see a Roosevelt class call number that has been divided between the $$h and $$i subfields, edit the call number and drop the $$i.
- If you encounter a holdings record with collection code ROOS in 852 $$b, replace it with either TRC or HD coding.
Indicate a TRC plate on the routing slip for items that originated from HCL and have no donor information. We are also using the TRC plate for purchases that only specify “TR Fund” and have no acquisitions record in Aleph. When donor information is available, indicate a custom plate reading "Gift of [ donor ]."
- When a bib record and a holdings record already exist in Aleph for an item, do *not* add a 920 field to the holdings. However, in the event a new holdings record must be created, code the 920 as both accessioned and cataloged, with your initials, so that the Associate Librarian of Technical Services can track new volumes being added to the catalog.
Widener Transfers:
- Upon receiving transfers from Widener to be added to the Houghton Theodore Roosevelt Collection, follow the instructions from Transfers - Classified Transfers with the following exception:
- Instead of adding an asterisk to the end of the call number, insert an “R” at the beginning of the numeric section directly after the word Roosevelt. Thus in the 541 field $e you have, “Roosevelt 200.R677” and in the 852 field $h you have “Roosevelt R200.R677.”