KIC Scanner Workflow

KIC Scanner Workflow

Order Prep and Paging

  1. Preparing to Page/Order Review in Aeon
    1. Update Aeon Request if necessary
      1. Review over the request. Adjust and move any information in the wrong field. Move any item numbers into the Folder/Item field.
    2. Navigate to the Catalog Search tab and use the buttons on top or search field to locate and import the catalog record
      1. If the request has AS in the sublocation field, then navigate to the ArchivesSpace Containers tab and import the corresponding box.
    3. Move the circulation queue to Awaiting Request Processing-Reviewed or Awaiting HD Processing.
    4. Add initials to the paging notes to "claim order" before printing call-slips
  2. Move transaction to Order Under Review
  3. All staff page their own materials to limit contact
  4. Once material is paged, change the circulation status to In Photoduplication – In House

Basic KIC Scanning

  1. Place document face up on the scanning bed
  2. Open the "Change Settings" tab at the upper right of the options screen
    1. Select "color" from the "Color Mode" menu
    2. Select "high quality" from the "Resolution" menu
  3. Using the touch screen click "Scan"
  4. Read and accept the copyright notice
  5. Cropping Images
    1. Click on Modify Image found on the top tab

    2. Click on Crop

    3. Drag mouse to resize.

    4. Click on Crop again

    5. To return to the previous screen: click Scan/Save

  6. Deleting Images
    1. Highlight images and select "Delete Current Image"
  7. When scanning session is completed select "Send PDF file(s) via E-Mail or Insert USB Drive" button and save PDF to the provided USB drive
  8. Upload PDFs to appropriate folders in the shared drive

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