V. Holdings Record

V. Holdings Record

Holdings record contains copy-specific information not contained in the bibliographic record.  In Alma, holdings and item records represent physical pieces in our collection, while electronic materials are represented by electronic collection and portfolio records. 

Any bibliographic or title record with a holdings record attached is referred to as a Physical Title.  Note that a Physical Titles search will only return results for records with a holdings record attached; if you aren't sure, use the All Titles search type instead.

Consult the LTS wiki on Creating, Editing, and Suppressing Holdings for details on working with holdings records in Alma.  Consult the Metadata Standards Working Group's Holdings Record wiki for best practices.

N.B. All holdings record should have a 920 field after cataloging each item.  Follow the instructions in the 920 section of the wiki for proper coding.


HUL Continuing Resources Working Group's Holdings Records in the Hollis Catalog Standards and Guidelines (revised and updated February 2010)

Harvard Library Best Practices - MARC Holdings Examples