VIII. Classification

VIII. Classification

Historically, Houghton Library used a variety of local classification schemes, some inherited from other Harvard libraries, others devised in-house.  Starting FY22, Houghton Library will implement using accession numbers as call numbers for all materials cataloged by the Rare Book Section.  The use of one local scheme will assist in providing optimal space and resource management, as well as uniformity in policies and efficiency in cataloging and production.  Most importantly, a neutral scheme such as numeric-based accession numbers provides better alignment with Houghton Library's continued efforts to move towards conscious and inclusive description practices.

A unique collection code appended to FY will be used to differentiate some collections from other Houghton materials:

2023H - Printing & Graphic Arts

2020HE - Edison Collection (books only; mss are designated as HEM)

2023HYDR - Hyde Reference Library (EARBM curator's office)

2023P - Woodberry Poetry (non-circulating)

2023T - Theatre

2023TW - Ward Music

2023TR - Roosevelt (books only; mss, including photographs, are designed as TRM)

Exceptions to applying the new policy will be made to the following collections:

  • Houghton Reading Room reference materials - These items will continue to be classified by the LC classification scheme.
  • Woodberry Poetry Room - Circulating materials are cataloged by ITS according to the LC classification scheme.
  • MSRef - These materials are housed in the Modern curatorial suite and will continue to use the sequential number added to the MS Ref call number prefix.

Caveat:  Newly received volumes to serials will remain in existing classification scheme if previously received volumes are classified under the old/obsolete local scheme. However, monographic series or titles resembling monographic series requiring new bibliographic or holding records should be classified under the accession number.  When in doubt, please consult the Head of Rare Book Section.

Updated location codes will be used in 852 $$c according to the item sizes.


Old classification schemes (archived)