Viewing Open Files

Viewing Open Files

Copy_Houghton_Macros.mex vs. Houghton_Macros.mex

Copy_Houghton_Macros.mex (on the C: drive) is the file needed to run Houghton shared macros on individual workstations. Houghton_Macros.mex (on the H: drive) is the master file for Houghton’s shared macros. Houghton_Macros.mex should be accessed only by authorized users and should never be left open on an individual workstation.

The following instructions explain how to see what files are open in Macro Express Pro and how to close files, like Houghton_Macros.mex, that should not be open.

To correctly install the Houghton macro suite on a workstation, see Installing the Houghton Macro Suite (https://wiki.harvard.edu/confluence/x/E4bmAQ) on the Houghton TS wiki and on the H: drive (H:\HOUGHTON\Technical Services\Shared\Macros\Documentation\Houghton Macro Suite Instructions ME4.doc). Contact Houghton's MEXpert if you have questions or need help.

Viewing (and Closing) Open Macro Files in Macro Express

1. Open Macro Express Pro Explorer by double-clicking on the red Macro Express icon in the system tray.

2. Look at the file names listed in the Categories pane on the left side of the Macro Express Explorer window.

3. If the Houghton macro suite is installed, Copy_Houghton_Macros.mex should be in the list, as well as any other personal macro files you have created.

4. If Houghton_Macros.mex is in the list, the master file for the Houghton macro suite is open and needs to be closed.

5. To close Houghton_Macros.mex, right click on the file name and select Close File.

These instructions are available as a Word document formatted for printing.

The Word document is also available on the H: drive: H:\HOUGHTON\Technical Services\Shared\Macros\Documentation\ViewingOpenFiles_ME4.doc