2021/06/11 Minutes
2021/06/11 Minutes
Present: Adrien, Dorothy, Lewis, Linda, Susan (minutes)
- Starting TS FY22 priories discussion on Monday, Adrien will lead the discussion. Important to set our priorities, then determine onsite/offsite flexwork.
- Please get your stats and any updates for the TS highlights email: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K3ONNFpHAzQm39fsJbo6ilAiTuLttbnsMb1ffSZZsqk/edit
- TS end of year discussions with direct reports between now and July 16. Nothing formal or documented.
- Preparing staff to return back onsite – cataloging/processing/acquisitions. we want to get folks who haven't returned onsite to start com ing back for a day in July/August.
- Grant with the SAEF project is moving ahead, she and Christine have been reviewing student application for writers.
- Digitization continues with the project.
- Reviewing grants for CLIR.
- RBS class next week.
- Vicki starts back onsite on Monday.
- Finalizing provenance guidelines
- Continuing work on reparative description
- She, Linda, and Carie have been working on a google form for requesting FY22 cataloging/processing and conservation priorities.
- Michael is working to resume CMI shipments.
- Meg and Michael continue working on cataloging projects
- Busy with end-of-fiscal year closing of the budget
- She, Susan, Micah and Ramon are meeting next week to talk logistics of classification proposal implementation
- Cataloging continues with Jennifer onsite.