Blue Star and Other Materials

Blue Star and Other Materials

Unlike Houghton, the Woodberry Poetry Room contains both circulating and non-circulating material.

The 625 Accessioning Unit purchases, receives, and copy catalogs circulating poetry.  Houghton staff are not involved in this process.

Rare or non-circulating material is referred to as "Blue Star" or POETRY*.

POETRY*/Blue Star

POETRY* (rare) items are acquired through gift or purchase by the Technical Services Librarian, following established processes (see Acquisitions and Accessioning Manual for Books for procedures).

Accessioning and classification procedures for POETRY* materials changed with the start of the 2022 fiscal and accessioning year. Prior to that, POETRY* items were not accessioned, and were classified using LC classification.

POETRY* items are accessioned by the Technical Services Librarian, with the accession number (using the form 2022P-123, and with the accession number written on the verso of the title page (one inch down from top and from fore-edge whenever possible) functioning as the call number; they are not classified.

There are no size designations, such as F or PF.

The default holdings record procedures for POETRY* items record the location as HD (852 |b HOU |c HDBLU); this displays in the public catalog as: Houghton Library Offsite Storage (Part of the Woodberry Poetry Room) (HD) 2022P-1.

Item records for POETRY* indicate the above sublibrary and collection (by being linked), and have the Item policy : Special Collections requestable (91); this displays in the public catalog as: 32044133489872 - Book - In-library use only - Available - Request to Scan or Visit.

The Aeon slip indicates the accession number, as well as disposition (HD) and fund information (following this form : 2021P-1  FUND: Aloian Book Fund). POETRY* items receive rare book end-processing, including retention and polysleeving of dust jackets. After end-processing, items are counted and dispatched to Harvard Depository.

POETRY* holdings record:


All POETRY* bib records should have the following repository access point regardless of format:

710 2_$$a Woodberry Poetry Room (Harvard College Library). $$t Collections, $$e repository. $$5 poe

Print Materials

For print material, add the following access points:

830 _0 $$a Woodberry Poetry Room Blue Star collection of books and manuscripts. $$5 poe

Reference Materials

The Woodberry Poetry Room contains a limited number of reference volumes. These are for use in the Poetry Room and do not circulate.

These items are coded LAM POEREF in 852 and coded 02 in item records (in-library use, and may be shared via ILL).

"Poetry Ref." is written above the accession number on the verso of the title page.

Non-Book Materials

Non-book materials follow the same cataloging and classification protocols as print materials, but have different notes, form/genre headings, collection headings, and item policies.

Bib Records

Fully catalog the material; add the appropriate collection access points, as well as appropriate form/genre headings.

For sound recordings, add:

650 _0 $$a Oral interpretation of poetry. (This was previously coded as 655 _0)

830 _0 $$a Woodberry Poetry Room collection of audio and video recordings $$5 poe

Add the appropriate form/genre term for non-print material, coding as follows:

655 7 $$a Poems $$2 rbgenr RBMS CV are no longer subdivided - will discuss in RBS but it would be a good idea to hold off on using subdivisions prospectively)

655 7 $$a Poetry readings (Sound recordings) $$2 lcgft

655 7 $$a Live sound recordings. $$2 lcgft

More than one term from the above list may be required.

CAVEAT: Previously, local genre/form headings were used to reflect carriers; this is no longer Harvard Library's preferred practice.  Genre/form headings should be taken from recommended controlled vocabularies and added as 655_7.  Use appropriate technical specifications of a resource fields appropriate to the resource being described.

344 Sound Characteristics

345 Moving Image Characteristics

346 Video Characteristics

347 Digital File Characteristics


338 __ $$a videocassette $$b vf $$2 rdacarrier
340 __ $$b 1/2 in.
344 __ $$a analog $$2 rdatr
344 __ $$b magnetic $$2 rdarm
346 __ $$a VHS $$2 rdavf
346 __ $$b NTSC $$2 rdabs
655 _7 $$a Videocassettes. $$2 aat

338 __$$a microfilm reel $$b hd $$2 rdacarrier
655_7 $$a Microfilms.$$2 aat

655_7 $$a Stats (copies) $$2 aat

Holdings Records

In the holdings record, modify the 852 subfields b and c to follow these formats:

$$b LAM $$c POECASS [cassette tape]

$$b LAM $$c POECD [compact disc]


$$b  LAM $$c POEDAT [digital audio tape (mini)

$$b  LAM $$c POEDISC [sound disc]

$$b  LAM $$c POEDVD [DVD]

$$b  LAM $$c POEVID [videotapes]

For these formats, the item record code is: 62 (In-library use, not eligible for ILL).

$$b  LAM $$c POETAPEA [tape archive recordings; shelved at Houghton]

These items are coded 97 (Special Collections Non-Requestable), and the records are suppressed in the Holdings Record. 

$$b  LAM $$cPOEMEDIA ) [backup copies of recordings; shelved at Houghton]

These items are coded 97 (Special Collections Non-Requestable), and the records are suppressed in the Holdings Record. 

Write the call number with a fine-tip magic marker on hard surfaces such as fronts of discs and write in pencil on paper labels and on any accompanying paper material, such as program notes.