Archival description feedback form

Archival description feedback form

The Archival Description Feedback Form is intended to be a landing spot for any issues users and/or staff find with archival description, whether in HOLLIS or HOLLIS for Archival Discovery. The form is intended for corrections (incorrect spellings, dates, etc.), notification of harmful or problematic language, and requests for additional description for use in cases where users struggle with minimal information in finding aids. The form itself has been created as part of a proposal that Zoe and Betts developed as part of their YPE project, and the language is based on similar forms implemented at Yale and Princeton. Though Zoe is going to be on a working group that will eventually develop a similar form for use directly from HOLLIS for Archival Discovery, we wanted to have a quicker implementation for Houghton users. We’re hoping that this form will provide valuable information about our archival description and allow us to not only improve it but understand our users’ needs better.

Archival description feedback form: https://tinyurl.com/HoughtonArchivesFeedbackForm