2022-03-01 Minutes

2022-03-01 Minutes

Attending: Betts Coup, Dorothy Berry, Lewis Day, Linda Isaac, Adrien Hilton, Susan Pyzynski  

  1. Brainstorm about the process for FY23 TS annual planning
    1. Ways to shape the process so there is enough structure for peoples’ comfort, but also not deeply tied to imposed hierarchies in the department
    2. Potentially developing a department information gathering survey to get some foundational ideas of what people are interested in/what growth areas we have
      1. Sharing the results so it isn’t managers gathering information, it is open to everyone
  2. Report from the Inclusive Onboarding training (Betts, Susan, and Adrien)
    1. New two-part training from HR- most likely will be required moving forward for people on hiring committees 
  3. Any update on the idea of having a TS reading meeting?
    1. Dorothy will send managers a list of potential readings by Friday

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