2022-05-03 Minutes

2022-05-03 Minutes

Attending: Betts Coup, Dorothy Berry, Lewis Day, Linda Isaac, Adrien Hilton, Susan Pyzynski  

  1. June 23 all-staff is TS focussed, thoughts about a program?
    • 5 lightning talks - Possibly Mary, Annalisa, Irina, Michael P., Meg; then an end of the year jamboard to say what you are most proud of this year that you accomplished and shoutouts to colleagues
  2. Next steps for FY 23 annual planning
    • We discussed the draft, Adrien (plus Dorothy) will edit, then review and send to department.
  3. Draft of email regarding inclusive and reparative Teams channel/office hours – Betts/Adrien
    • Betts and Adrien will put together an email to send to department
  4. Use of 585 MARC field across sections for items featured in DIBAR-themed exhibitions
    • We discussed and agreed this would be too time-consuming to do for books and manuscripts at this time
  5. Student hiring for summer: LHT + 1 from SEO posting; both cross-section at ½ time? - Lewis
    • Rebecca: 7-MS, 7-BKS, 7-DP, 21-John
    • Madeleine (DP)-(hours as yet unknown, but increasing from present)
    • SEO-advertised position; to be shared (with at least 5 hours BKS end-processing)
    • Iman (MS): hired and ready to work with Michael A.