Metadata Best Practices

NB: this page has recently undergone a reorganization (May 2024). Please leave comments below should you have requests or comments about the structure of this page.

This page is largely, but not exclusively, maintained by the Metadata Standards Advisory Group.

If you would like to request that a metadata best practice be addressed or updated, please leave a comment on the Metadata Best Practices Suggestions page page.

For information related to our Library Service Provider, Alma, please see Alma documentation

Authority related work

General Cataloging




MARC fields/subfields and related issues

Special Fields/Topics

Local Fields

LTS Information


Theses and Dissertations

Archival Description

Batch Jobs and Imports

Macros, etc.

The Metadata Standards Working Group recommends the use of macros, text strings, and other tools that will create greater consistency of metadata while reducing repetitive stress injuries.

  • Connexion macros, constant data, text strings, keymaps
  • Alma templates, etc.

Related Areas

Metadata Related Committees, Working Groups, Programs

Cataloging Discussion Group Presentations

Harvard Library Information and Technical Services pages

Harvard Library Technology and Systems documentation

Connexion Users Research Page

Link to Historical Documentation

MARC, RDA, and General External Resources


ClassWeb Plus:

Extended Date Time Format: (revised 2018-10-22)

PCC guidelines on using ISO 639-3 language codes in bibliographic and authority records:


RDA Toolkit (original):

LC vocabularies:

Feedback Form to submit LC-PCC Policy Statement revisions, questions, and other feedback about the Official RDA Toolkit and related documentation

Public Tracking Spreadsheet to review/check status of submitted feedback


MARC21 Bibliographic documentation:

OCLC Technical Bulletins:

Relationship designators

PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority Records (2018-11)

PCC SCT Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records (2015)

RDA Toolkit, Appendices I, J, K, and M

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