ERIN Application
ERIN Application
Complete ERIN documentation is located on the ITS wiki at /wiki/spaces/ITSworkflows/pages/54821515.
ERIN (E-Resource Initialization) is a tool for managing the initial segment of Harvard Library's e-resource lifecycle, from request through acquisition and access. After access activation, renewals and metadata are maintained in Alma.
ERIN’s scope consists of e-resources available to the following populations, and most are made discoverable publicly via Hollis or the library.harvard.com website:
- All Harvard ID holders ("Harvard-wide" access)
- Harvard Alumni
- Limited to Harvard Law School users
Activity Management by ERIN
ERIN instigates and routes work for the following activities:
- Selector requesting a new resource for acquisition and/or discovery
- Selector requesting a trial
- Acquisition decision
- Recording budgets for specific purchase or subscription
- Communicating acquisition information
- Licensing review and completion
- Ordering with publisher
- Order records (in external system)
- Access on platform
- Requesting proxy for a new domain
- Communicating information for discovery
ERIN manages throughput across staff by means of a customized user dashboard, notifications, and task queuing.
, multiple selections available,