Work Orders Staff Documentation - Job Aids

Work Orders Staff Documentation - Job Aids

All units - sending to Collections Care (Preservation Work Order) with piece in hand

(info) If an item is in an Acquisitions or other Work Order, you should create the new Preservation Work Order before marking the item as Done.

1) Create the new Work Order via the Item "Actions menu" from any of these paths:

a) Use a Physical Item search with the Barcode search criteria and scan in the item barcode.


b) Access the List of Items by searching All or Physical Titles, then choosing Items, or, via View Items in the Metadata Editor.

c) Upon check-out or upon return

d) Within the item record (in testing – there are some caveats with this method)

2) When the Work Order form opens: 

    1. For Process type, select Preservation Work Order
    2. Leave Do not pick from shelf checked (because you have the piece in hand)
    3. Add a note describing the issue (for example, "Some pages are loose")
    4. For Managing department, select Collections Care (Widener) or other appropriate location
    5. Click Submit button

Access Services Staff - Shared Services - to send for Shelf Prep or Cataloging Work

  1. Create a Work Order
  2. For Process type, select Technical Services Work Order and relevant Managing department
  3. Make sure the note completely describes what work needs to be done

Circulation Desk Staff - Local Services

For in-house cataloging, collection development, and shelf prep, your unit may have Temporary Locations, in which case you can follow the documentation for setting Temp Locs. 

Digitization Staff

  1. Scan In Item and choose status
  2. When complete, Scan in Item and mark as Done

Preservation: Collections Care Staff

  1. Scan In Item and choose status
  2. When complete, Scan in Item and mark as Done

Weissman Preservation Staff

  1. Scan In Item and choose status
  2. When complete, Scan in Item and mark as Done

Technical Services: Widener Area Studies Staff

  1. Receive item, click Keep in Department, choose status
  2. When ready for Shelf Prep:
    1. Scan in Item
    2. Choose status Shelf Prep (ITS 625)
    3. Send to Shelf Prep

Technical Services: ITS Receiving/Acquisitions Staff at 625

  1. Receive item, click Keep in Department, choose status
  2. When ready for Shelf Prep or Metadata Creation:
    1. Scan in Item
    2. Choose status: Shelf Prep (ITS 625) or Cataloging (ITS 625)
    3. Send to Shelf Prep

OLD: Shelf Prep at 625 Staff 

  1. For incoming material from 625, item has already been changed to a status for Shelf Prep so you do not need to scan it in until you are Done. See Marking Work Orders as Done.
  2. For incoming material from any otheTech Services department as part of the Acquisitions workflow, item has already been changed to a status for Shelf Prep, and you need to scan it in to transfer work order to your department at 625. When complete, mark as Done
  3. For incoming material from Widener Area Studies, change your Currently At to that Tech Services Unit before you mark as Done.
    1. Alternatively you can scan it in while you are "at" 625 ITS, but then you have to scan it in again when you are Done. 

Metadata Creation at 625 Staff

For incoming material from any Tech Services department as part of the Acquisitions workflow, item has already been changed to a status for Cataloging so you do not need to scan it in on receipt.

Example scenarios where work is initiated by ITS staff (e.g 625 or Langdell)

ITS actionCollections Care actionEnd Processing actionWhat happens next
  1. "Shelve and Pull"

A new piece is received and is in hand at ITS. Previous piece needs to be picked from shelf and sent to another location. 

Flag will be inserted into new piece as an indication that something special needs to be done. 

New piece
  1. Receive etc.
  2. Create End Processing Work Order.
    1. Select “Do not pick from shelf.”
    2. Add note if applicable.
  3. Mark the Tech Services work order as Done
  1. Scan in item
  2. (perform work)
  3. Mark as Done
  4. Item goes to Circ Desk of owning library
  1. Owning library scans in item and then sends to permanent location
Old piece
  1. Create End Processing Work Order.
    1. Select “Do not pick from shelf.”
    2. If piece is going to HD, add note that it needs HD processing
  2. Mark the Tech Services work order as Done


(Flag in book indicates what needs to be done, with Work Order as backup)

  1. Scan in item
  2. Perform physical work
  3. Update Alma to reflect new location
  4. Mark as Done
  5. Item goes to Circ Desk of owning library, or in grey bin for HD
  1. Owning library scans in item and then sends to permanent location. If going to HD, Alma background processes will set the item to "on shelf" after processing by HD staff. 

2. "Shelve and Pull" with weeding

A new piece is received and is in hand at ITS, and is kept in hand until previous piece can be verified. Previous piece needs to be returned to ITS for verification and weeding. 

Flag will be inserted into new piece as an indication that something special needs to be done. 

New piece
  1. Receive etc.
  2. Set item to correct status in the existing Tech Services Work Order

Later, when old piece is received, follow steps for "new piece" in normal "Shelve and Pull" workflow above

  1. Scan in item
  2. (perform work)
  3. Mark as Done
  4. Item goes to Circ Desk of owning library
  1. Owning library scans in item and then sends to permanent location
Old piece
  1. Create Technical Services Work Order.
    1. Unselect “Do not pick from shelf.”
    2. Add note.
  2. When item is received, scan in to see note.
  3. Verify item and withdraw (if applicable)
n/an/aIf applicable, item is sent to BWB, vendor imaging, etc. 

3."Shelve and Pull" with preservation

A new piece is received and is in hand at ITS. It needs to go to Collections Care (e.g. for pocket) before End Processing

Flag will be inserted into new piece as an indication that something special needs to be done. 

New piece
  1. Receive etc.
  2. Create Preservation Work Order.
    1. Choose “Do not pick from shelf.”
    2. Add note if applicable.
  3. Create End Processing Work Order.
    1. Choose “Do not pick from shelf.”
    2. Add note if applicable, esp. if it needs to go to HD
  4. Mark as Done
  5. Send to Collections Care
  1. Scan in item
  2. (perform work)
  3. Mark as Done, where pop-up will indicate that it needs to go End Processing
  1. Scan in item
  2. (perform work)
  3. Mark as Done
  4. Item goes to Circ Desk of owning library, or in grey bin for HD
  1. Owning library scans in item and then sends to permanent location If going to HD, Alma background processes will set the item to "on shelf" after processing by HD staff.