Alma Known Issues

Alma Known Issues

Page sections

Enhancement requests in Ideas Exchange - please vote


See Alma performance issues and tracking

Item Records

ProblemImpactCreated DateSalesforce CaseExpected resolution
Inability to pull patterns from 853 of holdings and apply upon save of itemStaff must do much more typing. In Aleph you could associated an item with a 853 instance and it would use that (and the lang 008) to generate the appropriate captions after you filled in the correct enum/chron in the item. You could leave the description blank and Aleph would create the correct Description upon Saving the item.(Noted to ExL as part of implementation) Case created 11/12/201900754388Not in roadmap

Metadata Editor

PriorityAreaProblemImpactWorkaroundCreated DateSalesforce CaseExpected resolution
MediumRelink holdings

When relinking holdings, can't search by MMS ID in the System Number field – it yields zero results. Use Any field instead https://www.screencast.com/t/bbrwbJln

If staff member copied MMS ID of target bib and tries to search in System Number, it fails. Use Any Field instead. Put MMS ID in other field to search. 10/28/202101008715
MediumHoldingsAutomatically generated 866/7/8 fields, based on 853/4/5 fields, are missing any alternative numbering subfields data $g, $h, $m. These should be compressed into 866/7/8 $aPublic display lacks alternate numbering in summary holdingsnon1/20/2306631447

Browse Bib Headings

GeneralProblemImpactWorkaroundCreated DateSalesforce CaseExpected resolution

Usability issues
  • Browse by Subject defaults to vocabulary selection for Haifa Children's vocab and needs to be changed every time you use Browse by Subject.  (resolved)
  • We need an option to leave the vocabulary blank in Browse by Subject. Otherwise we have no way of seeing headings that are not in one of vocabularies in the Alma CZ, such as Getty and AAT. 
  • Dropdown selections need to be sticky so you don't have to reselect every time. 
  • Subjects > Geographic names, there is both an option for LCSH and an option for LC Name authority records for 651. This is very confusing because both those vocabs read from 651/0 so you have to look in 2 different places depending on whether a 651 may be subdivided or not. There should be one LC vocab option when browsing by subject geographic names.
  • Vocabulary dropdown should be alphabetical, headings should be short enough so they don't get cut off, ideally show latest used on top (reported as part of new MDE via Usernap #50) (resolved)

(Initially reported as part of implementation)

Salesforce case created after lack of traction: 11/12/19

(Also reported to UX basecamp)


For Heading Information searches (via Open in Repository Search), when using "Exact phrase starting with" and a search term with more than one subdivision, the search truncates the terms and retrieves too many results

False hits retrieved. 

Example for LCSH topical heading: 

Use "Exact phrase starting with"

World War,1939-1945 Underground movements Germany 

retrieves everything with:

World War,1939-1945 Underground movements

Can narrow set further by adding another search parameter in Advanced Search using the + icon above the form10/29/2101009058


There is a character limit when using Exact phrase starting with. The limit is roughly 55 characters but varies slightly based on other search params. (CB followed up to see if a request to shorten the vocab name would increase the char limit on the search term, but it would not).  

If a heading has normal quotation marks (U+0022), the Open in Repository Search button does not work 

Must use workaround to conduct search

Copy heading, then choose View for a heading before or after the one in question. Use the "Open in Repo" button for that heading. From Adv Search results, click on the hyperlinked search string to open Adv Search field panel. Replace the text in the heading with the one you want to search, then execute search. 2/2/23


Heading Type: Source CodeProblemImpactWorkaroundCreated DateSalesforce CaseExpected resolution
Name240 is missing from index entries for 100 / 110 / 111

Name-title entries are incomplete because they include $t from 6XX/7XX but not 240 with 1XX

Update - all $t's have been removed from index. 


Working with ExL to develop new, separate name-title browse

(This didn't go anywhere as of Oct 2021)

Series: Uniform Title490/1 is included

490/1 is not a controlled heading, therefore the list cannot be used to verify whether the series headings in controlled fields have the correct term

(as of July 2022, all 490 have been excluded from the browse as a workaround)

12/18/2018 00634250Case closed. Needs to be enhancement or Ideas Exchange. Forwarded to ELUNA Authority Task Group.

240 uniform title is missing

740 title is missing

600 $t is missing





Original case was broader and is resolved except for 740. New case opened just for 740. 

Previous note: Working with ExL to develop new, separate name-title browse. Update Feb 2021: ExL reported this would not be part of current development work plan

Subject647 is missing from the Subject browse

Name600/30 is missing when it is linked to authority recordBrowse is incomplete. Use search "Subjects (LC)"4/21/2306731389

Authority Control

SOLUTIONS planned for 2025

SeverityTitleImpactCreated DateSalesforce CaseExpected resolution
HighPresence of |t prevents authority name from linking/flipping

Name headings with $t will only link if there is an authority for the name/title

(See also variants in next row)


#2 priority from AAFG (2021)

(variants of above)

Variant 1: If multiple authorities have the same 1XX where the only difference is $l (language), the bib heading will not link, and it will be reported as a multiple match (ambiguous). 

Variant 2: Same for subfield $k (added 7/25/22)

Variant 3: We noted that in at least one example the only possible sources of incorrectly assessed conflict in Alma were other vocabularies (e.g. Rameau). (added 4/24/23)


new case number 05307441

case number in previous salesforce: 00922961

(Same as above)
HighSubject headings that include subdivisions beyond subdivisions in authority record won't be flipped

If the authority is for the subdivided form of a heading, and the bib heading is further subdivided, it will not be flipped when the heading changes. Only the subdivided form that exactly matches to the authority will be flipped. For example, this authority changed from:

$a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century


$a Germany $x Politics and government $y 1789-1900

Bib headings that exactly matched that $a $x $y were flipped. Bib headings that were further subdivided did not, such as:

$a Germany $x Politics and government $y 19th century $v Congresses


NERS 6773

Idea Exchange.

LowPersonal series name headings not always linked

The presence of some punctuation prevents 800 field headings from linking. For example, the presence of a semicolon at the end of $f or $l prevents the field from linking.

800/1_ $$a Sibelius, Jean, $$d 1865-1957. $$t Works. $$f 1998 ; $$v ser. 1, v. 99. 

the above does not link, but if you remove the period after Works, and the semicolon after 1998, it does link.


Partially resolved Oct 2020

Outstanding scenarios will be resolved as part of partial heading linking work by ExL 


SeverityTitleImpactCreated DateSalesforce CaseExpected resolution
MediumHeadings with ampersands and commas may not link

Headings with ampersands, plus signs, apostrophes, and commas may be marked as Ambiguous instead of linking if there is another heading or cross-reference without the character. Examples of headings that may be reported as ambiguous instead of linking: 

  • Peabody Essex Museum
  • Peabody & Essex Museum

  • Ciné+ (France)
  • Cine France

  • Mohammad, Ali
  • Mohammad Ali (a cross-reference in the authority record for Ali, Mohammad)

  • McFarland & Company
  • McFarland Company (cross-reference in authority record for J. Horace McFarland Company)


MediumOrder of bib subfields not corrected (if they were incorrect to start with)

Example: our heading (incorrectly) has 651 a x y x

Matching authority has a x x y

Our heading is linked to authority but order of subfields was not corrected

Note: using F3 from MDE does correct the subfield order.

LowAlma ignores "not valid as subject" byte in LCNAMES

When a name is used as a subject, Alma will flip the heading even if the authority record has the fixed field that says the heading is not valid as a subject. 

5/11/21Reported to Alma Authorities Working GroupNONE
LowIncorrect indicators / thesauri when flipping LCSH to LCGFT

When a 655 field is coded for LCSH and matches a non-preferred term in LCGFT, Alma flips the heading to the preferred LCGFT term but does not update the coding (it should change the 2nd ind to 7 and add $2 lcgft). This does not have an effect on patrons using HOLLIS, but the incorrect coding may cause problems in future linked data projects or migrations. Genre terms in other thesauri are not affected (aat, etc.). Data correction needs to occur in Alma for flips where the LCGFT term DIFFERS from the LCSH term, such as Comics (Graphic works), Screenplays, Thrillers (Fiction), Academic Theses.

Please vote on the Ideas Exchange. (Clean-up of these was removed from the project request list in Nov. 2023 - data will need to be addressed during future migration projects). More background on LC FAQ on LCSH/LCFGT. At Harvard generally only legacy records use the 655/0 LCSH term. Current records generally use 655/7 LCGFT.

Note that the issue was discussed at length at ExL, and derives from the fact LC provides the LCGFT in the LCSH file, rather than as separate feeds.

(U-Minn case 00189209)


Please vote on the Idea  

Low630 links to Names even when fuller match is available in LCSH

When a 630 is followed by subdivisions for elements present in an authority,
Alma links only to the authority for the name heading, and not a matching LCSH. In the example below, the Bible heading with $x Criticism... is defined in LCSH, but the heading is linked to the LCNAME with $a and $p. 

01/15/2021Reported to AAWG
LowCZ bib records do not undergo authority control

CZ bib records have outdated headings. This will create split entries in the Browses and Primo facets if we use CZ collections for certain packages. ExL has no plans to perform authority control on CZ bibs. Revisit with Provider Zone.



RESOLVED (items are periodically removed from the list after they have demonstrated to be resolved for more than 2 years)
SeverityTitleImpactCreated DateSalesforce CaseExpected resolution
Critical PTC job stopped correcting some names that changed form

Death dates and other changes are not being made. 


Dec 2023


CriticalPreferred term correction job incorrectly flips headings with important subfield code differences: |x |v |t

Loss of data. Example of improper flips:

  • 600 10 $$a Shakespeare, William, $$d 1564-1616 $$x Comedies.  flipped to:
  • 600 10 $$a Shakespeare, William, $$d 1564-1616. $$t Plays. $$k Selections

Note - as of 6/25/18 this appears to be limited to 600 fields. The example below no longer occurs:

  • 650 $$a Motion pictures $$x Periodicals $$x History.  flipped to:
  • 650 $$a Motion pictures $$x History $$v Periodicals 

Fixed as of 6/26/24 for prospective jobs via new rule "respect subfield coding"


Preferred term correction process won't flip headings if the field number changes. It only reports them.

(E.g. bib headings is 110 and matches 410 xref, and preferred term is in 130)

These show up on the "Preferred Term Correction - BIB heading found no authorized term" report and need to be flipped manually.5/13/18551952

Fixed in Fall 2024. 


Also NERS 6670

High"Mixed" heading types don't link (and therefore don't flip)

When Alma tries to link a 110, 710, it only looks in LCNAMES, and not in LCSH for places defined in 151 which may be used as corporate names. For example, Massachusetts does not validate in bib 110, 710, only in 651.

When Alma tries to link a 610, it only looks in LCNAMES, not in LCSH for entities that may be used as subject names but not in 110/710. Example: Zimniĭ dvoret︠s︡ (Saint Petersburg, Russia) does not validate in bib field 610.

More: if a castle or similar heading is defined for LCSH (in authority field 110), it may not be used as a bib 110 or 710, only as a 610.  Because Alma only looks at LCNAMES when linking 610 headings, it will not find the matching LCSH heading (in LCSH authority field 110).  

Confirmed on Dec. 2024 that is is functional: 



"This will be fixed in the March 2021 release.

It depends on a setting that Support will do for you when the March 2021 release is installed"

May 2021


(The line item was briefly not working for a month or two in 2024 due to a regression that was then fixed) 

LowSubfield 3 of 830 is moved to end of statementInconsistent with other $3 displays (usually first subfield to display)10/7/1900738708

CB adjusted Primo rules to display in proper place


AreaProblemImpactWorkaroundCreated DateSalesforce CaseSalesforce Case StatusExpected Resolution
FundsOverencumbrance allowed in excess of rule limit when using order templatePossible to overcommit fund despite rule.
4/17/2019678250ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.
InvoicesOccasionally, an invoice with no visible errors won't move out of reviewStaff cannot submit invoice for approval.LTS submits ticket to Ex Libris; they have an internal tool to move invoice forward in workflow.12/3/2020905640ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.
InvoicesUser without proper role can delete approved invoiceA user without invoice operator extended is able to delete an approved and closed invoice via the EDI file reload functionality
11/9/2018620424ClosedEx Libris will not change this functionality.
InvoicesAlerts for invoice approval rulesAn invoice approval rule for a negative discount does not trigger an alert.
1/17/2018508728ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.
InvoicesError when reloading EDI invoiceAttempting to reload an EDI invoice file with a long file name via the reload function on the vendor record returns a file not found error. (The same is true when reloading via the EDI tab of the vendor record or via the Create Invoice From File function.)Manually shorten file name before reloading4/24/2019680093Closed
InvoicesBlank search box when creating invoice from POUsing the "Search from a list" functionality to find a PO when creating an invoice via PO may return a blank search box.Use the fix documented in this Knowledge Article.2/6/2020

Not scheduled to be fixed.
InvoicesBacking out of viewing unassigned invoice takes user to Assigned tabSome users report that viewing (not editing) an unassigned invoice from the In Review task list, then using back, take them to the Assigned to Me tab. Added click to switch tabs.4/6/202105318277Pending Work Plan
InvoicesClicking on a PO line using multiple funds does not lead to the POLUsers report that clicking on a PO line that uses more than one fund from the Invoice Lines tab of an invoice leads to the Transactions tab of one of the funds, not the POL.
11/18/202106040267Pending Development
Order LetterExL added the 490 and 830 to the Order List Letter. However, non-roman script may not display properly.Orders for CJK materials in particular may not display these values.None may be needed. Other fields (e.g., Title, Creator, and ISBN/ISSN) will display properly. Can also place order directly with vendor.6/15/2018566481ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.
Order LetterVendor name on the order letter includes a value not found in Alma.There is a known issue where a last name field can be associated to a vendor, and it can lead to a value that cannot be edited in the vendor record. The value can only be removed by Ex Libris support.Submit Salesforce case2/25/2019656219 ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.
Order TemplatesAmpersand in template name causes errorIncluding an ampersand in a template name causes a Java error when attempting to apply to a new POL.
2/14/2019652356ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.
Order TemplatesPOL template for contins does not save renewal infoValues in the Renewal area do not get saved in templates: renewal date, start/end sub dates, renew checkbox
12/12/201900754395ClosedNeeds to be handled via enhancement request.
POLCreating order via template allows use of fund not authorized for POL owner

Manually creating a POL does not allow the use of a fund not authorized for the POL owner. However, using an order template to create the POL does allow the use of a fund not authorized for that owner.

Not scheduled to be fixed.
PredictionMonths for prediction patterns are always in English despite Lang of holding (Fixed for requested languages.)Ex Libris has added requested languages and closed this case. Open new case if additional languages are needed.
Receiving ListInvoice not Found in Receiving List via Invoice Search

Occasionally, searching for a known invoice in the receiving list via the Invoice Search returns no results.

Search for the invoice via the All search2/4/2019648342ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.
Receiving ListNot possible to search via additional ISBNsAlthough the ISBN included in the order description can be found, others cannot. Can make it difficult to locate orders.Use alternative search method10/29/20211009009ClosedNeeds to be enhancement request.
Receiving ListNot possible to search by varying form of titleIt is not possible to search via MARC field 246. Can make it difficult to locate orders.Use alternative search method10/29/20211009010ClosedNeeds to be enhancement request.
Receiving ListKeep in Department status value not stickyWhen switching tabs or leaving, then returning to receiving the status value resets to the first in the list.
11/17/202106039596 ClosedNeeds to be enhancement request.
SearchingPO Line Type search for Physical - Standing Order Monograph returns results for Physical Standing Order Non-MonographsSearch results for this PO line type are not accurate within Alma.Use Analytics3/12/2018531720ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.
SearchingOrder lines > All cannot search MMS ID
Use Order lines > MMS ID3/1/202105300398Pending Development
VendorsA user without permissions can make vendors inactiveA user with read-only acquisitions administrator and purchasing operator roles–but not vendor manager–is able to use the toggle to make vendors inactive.
10/10/2018607817ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.
ProblemImpactCreated DateSalesforce CaseExpected resolution
Scan in Items and Manage in Process Items show POL description instead of bib titleFor items where the POL description (bib info at time of order) is different from the current bibliographic record title, the information in the display after using Scan in Items or Manage in Process items will be confusing or appear incorrect3/11/1900661936


AreaProblemImpactWorkaroundCreated DateSalesforce CaseSalesforce Case StatusExpected Resolution
Portfolio LoaderAdding Electronic Material Type via Portfolio Loader using loading policy type: incremental and operation: add new does not work for CZ bibs.Additional work to add Electronic Material Type.Re-run the same file as as policy type: incremental and operation: update.8/14/2019717989ClosedNot scheduled to be fixed.


Browsing titles

Vernacular titles from paired 880 fields do not show up in Browse: Title. (ExL case 00496918, Dec 5 2017, est. H1 2019)

Migration statuses

Item Process type: Technical Migration, Status: Item not in place

Items that had the following characteristics migrated to Alma with the status "Item not in place" and a process type of "Technical - Migration."  These items display in HOLLIS but are not requestable.

Aleph IPS

Aleph order status

Alma Item Process type

Alma Item status

Primo display

Primo Functionality

OI: Order initiatedall othersTechnical (Migration)Item not in placeTechnical; Not availableCan not request
OR: On orderall othersTechnical (Migration)Item not in placeTechnical; Not availableCan not request
RE: Ordered-Receivedall othersTechnical (Migration)Item not in placeTechnical; Not availableCan not request
NA: Not arrivedall

Some Technical, some Acq

Item not in placeTechnical or On order
CL: ClaimedAllTechnical (Migration)Item not in placeTechnical; Not available

Can not request

The Alma WG co-chairs will discuss and determine the best options for handling these migrated items. Since Alma does not utilize IPS, most new items of these types will be tracked via work orders. See Items Process Type: Technical Migration - Analysis/Cleanup for detailed remediation plan and status.

  • BD - At Bindery
  • BP - Bindery Prep
  • CT- Cataloging
  • CL - Claimed
  • CO - Conservation
  • DP - Digitization in Progress
  • MS - Lost
  • MI - Missing
  • NA - Not Arrived
  • OI - Order Initiated
  • OR - On Order*
  • RE - Order Received

Item Process Type:  Acquisition, Status: Item not in place 

Items that had the following characteristics migrated to Alma with the status "Item not in place" and a process type of "Acquisition".

Aleph IPS

Aleph order status

Alma Item Process type

Alma Item status

Primo display

Primo Functionality

OI: Order initiatedNEWAcquisitionItem not in placeOn orderCan request
OR: On orderNEW, SV, RSV, DNBAcquisitionItem not in placeOn orderCan request
RE: Ordered-ReceivedNEWAcquisitionItem not in placeOn orderCan request
NA: Not arrivedall

Some Acquisition, others Technical

Item not in placeTechnical or On order
CA: Cancelled + Item status NOT 88SVAcquisitionItem not in placeOn orderCan request

Items have a Process type of Acquisition because they had not been arrived in Aleph prior to migration. The items display as On order in HOLLIS and are requestable. Resolving these items will involve identifying sets that are likely on shelf and changing the status to received in Alma. An API is under development to do this work in batch. See Orders for received material that was not arrived in Aleph for detailed remediation plan and status. 

  • Ongoing analyses using Analytics of records where the item is "not in place" has begun. There is some low hanging fruit in items that are actually in place at HD based on their separate inventory system. This has resulted in a list of 6176 items which can have the Process Type removed and be marked In Place.
  • The APIs for doing this work in batch need to be developed.

ALL 02 items are now requestable for in-library use only. This is a change from Aleph, when only 02 remote storage items were requestable.

Alma Analytics Known Issues

See page at Analytics & Reporting for Alma Analytics Known Issues