Alma Project Requests

Alma Project Requests

Completed Projects List

Project requests included for prioritization/reporting require more than 16 hours of FTE time across one or more FTE.

Prioritized In Process Projects

RequesterRequest DateTarget Completion DatePrioritized DateSizePriorityTitle/ScopeLTS LeadLibrary OwnerStatus Update DateImpact/Status/Notes
Alma Tech Team1/1/2017 See individual items1/1/2017MediumHighData updates that adversely affect workflows Laura MorseTSWG

Workflows will not be possible without key updates to data in Alma

Status: See underlying pages for in process items.

Alma Tech Teamongoingongoing
MediumMediumO&M ProjectsTim ElliotVarious

Secure Job monitor with Harvard Key

Status: 11/23 - Is accessible to vpn tunnels only.  Tim to check with Sharon about if this is required 

Alma Tech Team1/1/2017 Fall 20211/1/2021MediumMediumInscriptio ReplacementLaura MorseAmy Boucher

Due to security issues with the application, this system needs to be entirely replaced. Scoping for this pojrect needs to be done ASAP. Below is initial scope:

  • HK integration for LTS App
  • Functional enhancement to use Alma API to loan carrel
  • Update 1/1/2021. Inscriptio now has huge technical debt and security issues and cannot be open to the public. This needs to shift to replacement of the system. Currently, LibCal Seats does not support year long appointments, and the map seat selection enhancement is not yet available.
  • Determine if HeyCarrel is still a need with new system.

Status: Ready. As of 3/3/2022, there is one remaining issue related to certain Frequency Limit values not working that Springshare will fix in the April release. However, we have a working configuration that prevents users from reserving more than one carrel, so this does not prevent go-live. Access Services plans to start migration of current carrel assignments the week of March 7th.


SmallMediumUpgrade Canvas Leganto LTI to LTI 1.3Kara YoungSpruill HarderTBD by June 2024Upgrading Canvas Leganto LTI (available from ExLibris in June 2021).
Jason Clarke8/6/2019


Analyze EZP/ILLiad infrastructure changes required to implement automatic patron creation from SAML data

Process of SSO setup began in Fall 2023 to facilitate this data exchange.

Kara YoungJason ClarkeTBD by summer 2024

Starting in ILLiad 9.1, ILLiad supports automatic user creation by leveraging authentication enhancements when requests are submitted to ILLiad from a non-registered user. This may finally allow patrons to skip the registration process when they submit an ILL or Scan and Deliver request for the first time. Here are the release notes: https://support.atlas-sys.com/hc/en-us/sections/360003610473-Pre-Release-v9-1-August-2019

(Note: Submitted in FP #37081 D&P). Significant analysis required to determine if this is possible in our environment and what data privacy concerns may be involved.

Alma EOC3/17/20226/30/20233/17/2022LargeMediumGoogle and HathiTrust Discovery and Data Maintenance (Ongoing Data Flows, Data Sync)Benson Smith/Corinna BaksikSuzanne Wones11/29/2023

Metadata flows to Hathi and Google are complete and in production. Designing process for prospective digitization projects. 

Michael Hopper (Was Richard LeSage)1/1/2022


BDRC Collaboration 2022

(Buddhist Digital Resource Center)

Corinna BaksikMichael Hopper11/29/2023

Test data being loaded. 


  • Load MARC for new assets
  • Load new assets into DRS
  • Overlay local Tibetan records with OCLC, since OCLC has already updated the transliteration. 
  • Create dark archive NET holdings for previously loaded assets
  • Check on 776 linking fields that have Harvard numbers. Replace with OCLC numbers to support catalog clustering. (e.g. 990142549470203941). Fix 020$z in initial batches (should be in 776)
Alma Tech Team3/7/2019

LowItems with Item Policy 88 (Suppressed) (These display to the public)Corinna Baksik/KY
12/5/23These items were suppressed from display in Aleph, but are displayed to the public in Alma. In Alma you can suppress entire holdings, but not individual items attached to holdings. Sometimes units have these items and just didn't want them to display to the public for misc. reasons; in other cases the libraries no longer have the item. Items with this policy are not requestable by patrons.
Chelcie Rowell12/12/232/28/23
SmallMediumStandardized Rights Statements for digital holdings contributed to DPLACorinna BaksikChelcie Rowell12/12/23Project is being scoped. Affects ~30k bibs and holdings. 
Kate Bowers

SmallSmallRetrospective conversion of ETD profiles to NET ETD holdings to be consistent with new pipelineCorinna Baksik
4/23/24Planning meeting held in April 2024. Work to be completed as time allows. Expected completion by end of May. 

Requests To Be Prioritized by the Alma Executive Committee

RequestorRequest DateRequested Completion DateTarget Prioritization DateSizePriorityTitle/ScopeLTS LeadLibrary LeadStatus Update DateImpact/Status/Notes
Anne Adams3/30/21

Medium(Suggest priority Medium)Batch tool to update sets of bibs with newer OCLC copyCorinna BaksikAnne Adams w/ Alma TSWG

When a bib already has an OCLC number, there is no straightforward way to update it with newer copy other than one at a time. This tool would allow staff to identify sets of records in Alma that are not fully cataloged, or less cataloged, and update with newer copy from OCLC.

9/22/21 - Should be reviewed post-BNS implementation to see if there is continue need.


MediumMediumHFA loadsCorinna Baksik

Lack of new/updated HFA data in HOLLIS

9/22/21 - ITS will review and determine if this is still a continued need.

Alma Tech Team7/1/2017


Mispaired non-Latin fields flipped to vernacular

Corinna Baksik

Loss of non-Latin data in local records. (More detail on Known Issues page)
Library Kiosk Machines (increased HOLLIS logout time)5/2019


Ensure that all library public terminals have kiosk accounts


Issues with HK logins on shared public library terminals

This project would allow all HOLLIS users to have an increased logout time so they are not logged out after 45 min, a significant complaint from patrons and staff.

9/22/21 - Laura to move this elsewhere


MediumLowOrder RequestsBill WashITS
System is used to triage requests largely from selectors and route internally to ITS departments. Project would analyze ways to utilize Alma or other systems to replace this system.
Alma Tech Team3/7/2019

LowItems with Item Policy 88 (Suppressed) (These display to the public)Corinna Baksik

These items were suppressed from display in Aleph, but are displayed to the public in Alma. In Alma you can suppress entire holdings, but not individual items attached to holdings. Sometimes units have these items and just didn't want them to display to the public for misc. reasons; in other cases the libraries no longer have the item. Items with this policy are not requestable by patrons.
Elizabeth Vernon6/4/2019

?MediumAPI Key on LTS Server - implement service to allow proxy API access locally on an LTS server 

This would allow sharing of utilities making use of write APIs while keeping the API key (and therefore Harvard data) secure. There are a number of areas where Alma write APIs could be put to valuable use at Harvard, particularly for encoding statistics information.
(D2D and other folks)(2015?)


Holdings Public Note clean-up (852 $z)

(Not including the Consult Circ Desk notes - those will be handled as separate project)

  • Prior to the implementation of MARC 5XX holding notes, important special collections information about binding, provenance etc. was added to the 852 |z, a generic public display note. This problem is that this info should be searchable but because it’s in 852 |z it isn’t searchable. 
  • Special collections info from 852 |z should be moved to 5XX notes so that 1) they are indexed 2) they display better to the user. There are too many of these to do manually. 

  • Staff may still create 852 |z notes for content that belongs elsewhere (e.g. source of acquisitions notes, etc.) so this is also a training issue. 

Complete for single volume titles.

Alma Tech Team11/14/2019

MediumLowOutstanding migration-related data cleanupTBDTBD
  • STA DELETED Bibs with attached STA SUPPRESSED Hols. This may be an accidental byproduct of the delete-holdings-bibs perlscript - Report (created 5/30/2018).
  • Suppressed holdings with active items: 266,599 / 103,609 - Report needed
  • Deleted bib with active holdings - Report
  • Convert all remaining item status 28 items to 01
RequestorRequest DateRequested Completion DateTarget Prioritization DateSizePriorityTitle/ScopeLTS LeadLibrary LeadStatus Update DateImpact/Status/Notes
Library Kiosk Machines (increased HOLLIS logout time)5/2019


Ensure that all library public terminals have kiosk accounts


Issues with HK logins on shared public library terminals

This project would allow all HOLLIS users to have an increased logout time so they are not logged out after 45 min, a significant complaint from patrons and staff.

9/22/21 - Laura to move this elsewhere


MediumLowOrder RequestsBill WashITS
System is used to triage requests largely from selectors and route internally to ITS departments. Project would analyze ways to utilize Alma or other systems to replace this system.
Elizabeth Vernon6/4/2019

?MediumAPI Key on LTS Server - implement service to allow proxy API access locally on an LTS server 

This would allow sharing of utilities making use of write APIs while keeping the API key (and therefore Harvard data) secure. There are a number of areas where Alma write APIs could be put to valuable use at Harvard, particularly for encoding statistics information.
(D2D and other folks)(2015?)


Holdings Public Note clean-up (852 $z)

(Not including the Consult Circ Desk notes - those will be handled as separate project)

  • Prior to the implementation of MARC 5XX holding notes, important special collections information about binding, provenance etc. was added to the 852 |z, a generic public display note. This problem is that this info should be searchable but because it’s in 852 |z it isn’t searchable. 
  • Special collections info from 852 |z should be moved to 5XX notes so that 1) they are indexed 2) they display better to the user. There are too many of these to do manually. 

  • Staff may still create 852 |z notes for content that belongs elsewhere (e.g. source of acquisitions notes, etc.) so this is also a training issue. 

Complete for single volume titles.

Alma Tech Team11/14/2019

MediumLowOutstanding migration-related data cleanupTBDTBD
  • STA DELETED Bibs with attached STA SUPPRESSED Hols. This may be an accidental byproduct of the delete-holdings-bibs perlscript - Report (created 5/30/2018).
  • Suppressed holdings with active items: 266,599 / 103,609 - Report needed
  • Deleted bib with active holdings - Report
  • Convert all remaining item status 28 items to 01
Alma Tech Team12/10/21

SmallLowWeed Acq records for closed libraries from AlmaCorinna Baksik

A number of closed libraries remain in Alma, because the library has never weeded Acquisition records (purchase orders, invoices). LTS has removed inventory for these libraries, but the libraries themselves remained configuration in Alma because we cannot remove them while the Acq data exists. Having closed libraries in Alma causes confusion and can create unnecessary overhead during other projects.  Libraries include:

  • GEO, closed in 2005
  • CEA, subsumded by Fung in 2005
  • SOC, closed in 2009
  • Hilles
  • BIO, closed 2007
  • PSY closed 2008
  • CHE
  • GRO, 2018
  • LIT, 2006 (still some outstanding inventory to resolve, records were suppressed but some physical inventory still exists on shelf)
Anne Adams

Project to unsuppress and adapt metadata for legacy preservation facsimiles

Info in ticket: https://harvard-lts.libanswers.com/admin/ticket?qid=11164606