Using MARCedit to batch download bibs with holdings info

Using MARCedit to batch download bibs with holdings info

MARCedit can be used to batch download Alma bib records embedded with holdings fields (such as binding notes, etc.). 

Configure MARCedit to connect to the Alma z39.50 server

Prepare your input file

  • Create a list of Alma MMS ID in a .txt file. No header is needed

Batch search 

  • Tick the box for Batch Search
  • Use the folder icon (the top one) to choose your input file
  • In the "Select index" dropdown, choose Record number. 
  • Enter a name for the output file in the second field
  • Tick the box for Retrieve Unicode. Choose character set UTF8.
  • To execute the search, click on the magnifying glass. 
  • When MARCedit indicates that the search has completed, the output file will be available in .mrc format. The location of the file may vary per operating system, but it will likely be in the same directory as MARCedit itself (2nd screenshot below).