Jobs & Batch Processes

Testing on sandbox

If you are on sandbox and see a job you would like to test, please feel free, within reason (i.e. on small sets, etc.). Do not change Configuration options, even if you see instructions in the Ex Libris training / documentation.


  • In Alma, a job is a scheduled or on-request process that runs in the background
  • They are called jobs or processes in different places in the system, but they refer to the same thing: being able to act on batches of records in bulk
  • This includes the ability to run Import Profiles as well
  • While staff members may see a number of jobs in the Alma menus, they should only run the jobs for which they are approved per the matrix below

Process for getting sign-off to run jobs in production

  1. Staff member submits ticket to LTS expressing interest in specific jobs. 
  2. LTS Support gives user appropriate permissions on sandbox. 
  3. Staff member reads Jobs & Batch Processes Overview and Required Readings
    1. Import Profiles, also read Import Profiles
  4. Staff member reads the job-specific documentation for the job they want to run: Current LTS-Approved Manual Jobs That May Be Run By Designated Staff Members
    1. For any of the import profiles, make sure to read the main Import Profiles page, and the page specific to the type of profile you want to run
  5. Staff member performs test on Sandbox and updates ticket with job info for LTS review
  6. LTS systems Librarian reviews test results on Sandbox, signs off on production use of this particular job and adds staff member to list below. Closes ticket. 
  7. If new Alma role is needed for staff member's login, staff member asks their Alma liaison to update form and submit to LTS. LTS Support Team will update production permissions. 


Master list of jobs and batch processes that can be run by designated staff

Staff members are added to the list below after their test on sandbox has been reviewed. Staff members need to ensure that the Alma liaison submits a login form where applicable. 

The (warning) symbol indicates that a job is particularly damaging if done incorrectly. 

ScopeJob nameStaff name (unit)
ItemsChange physical items
  • Anne Adams (ITS Music)
  • Amy Dittman (ITS)
  • Brandon Lebel (Access Services, MED GUT KSG SEC)
  • Chiun Chau (ITS)
  • Cindy Reid (Access Services, FAL)
  • Denise O'Malley (Access Services, FAL)
  • Honor Moody (ITS)
  • Joshua Parker (DIV)
  • Julie Petzold (HKS/GUT)
  • Katheryn Marchak-Wansor (ITS)
  • Kristin Kulash (AEOD)
  • Laura Hartnett (ITS)
  • Laura Sherriff (LAM/CAB)
  • Lori Schulsinger (LAW)
  • Mariko Honshuku (LAW)
  • Mihyang Na (HYL)
  • Paris O'Donnell (BER)
  • Te-Yi Lee (GUT)
  • Todd Moody (ITS-LANGDELL)
  • Vardit Samuels (JUD)
  • Vernica Downey (HOU)
(warning) Batch item withdrawals
  • Honor Moody (ITS)
  • Josh Parker (DIV)
  • Julie Petzold (HKS/GUT)
  • Marek Kornilowicz (Access Services)
  • Brandon Lebel
  • Cindy Reid (Access Services, FAL)
  • Paris O'Donnell (BER)
  • Te-Yi Lee (GUT)
Work ordersBatch create work orders
  • Julie Petzold (HKS/GUT)
  • Laura Sherriff (LAM/CAB)
  • Jason Clarke (Resource Sharing)
  • Madeleine Newell (Imaging Services)
Create new import profiles

Creating new profiles (Physical)

(includes running any import profile below)

  • Minna Popkin (ITS)
  • Gerald Walden (ITS)

Creating new profiles (Electronic)

(includes running any import profile below)

  • Minna Popkin (ITS)
  • Gerald Walden
Import profiles WITH ORDERS

Staff import profiles - Bibs, Hols, Items + ORDERS
  • Albertina Rua (ITS)
  • Chiunkwan Chau (HYL)
  • Karim Rouqui (Mideast)
  • Patty Sutton (ITS)
  • Rebecca Gabriel (HYL)
  • Vardit Samuels (JUD)
  • (All staff listed here may also run the jobs without Orders - see below)
Middle East LoC Acquisitions Profiles
  • Michael Hopper (Mideast)
  • Karim Rouqui (Mideast)
/wiki/spaces/ITSworkflows/pages/54823382 (managed by ITS)
  • Ryoko Yamamura
  • Wei Zhang
Import profiles (without orders)

Staff import profiles - Bibs, Hols, Items (multiple formats)

  • (All staff with Import profiles WITH ORDERS permissions may also run the jobs without Orders)
  • Catherine Garcia (ITS)
  • Charlotte Lellman (MED)
  • Craig Thomas (ITS)
  • Honor Moody (ITS)
  • Ivonne Nolasco (ITS)
  • John Dickson (ITS)
  • Kate Bowers (HUA)
  • Katherine Sweeney (DIG)
  • Mingtao Zhao (DIG)
Staff new item, old/new holding - multiple formats (CSV)
  • Eric Brownell (MED)
  • Honor Moody (ITS)
  • Katheryn Marchak-Wansor (ITS)
  • Tom Ma (ITS)
  • Vardit Samuels (JUD)

(warning) Staff upgrade bib 001 match (MRC) and variations

  • Anne Adams (ITS-MUS)
  • Honor Moody (ITS)
  • Karim Rouqui (Mideast)
  • Michael Hopper (Mideast)

(warning) Staff upgrade bib OCLC number match (MRC)

  • Anne Adams (ITS-MUS)
  • Craig Thomas (ITS)
  • Honor Moody (ITS)
  • Tom Ma (ITS)
Upload single record from file(Anyone with import permissions may run this)
Import profiles (without orders) - unit specificHUA Profiles
  • Kate Bowers (HUA)
Judaica Digital Projects
  • Elizabeth Vernon
  • Violet Radnofsky
/wiki/spaces/ITSworkflows/pages/54823266 (managed by ITS)
  • John Dickson (ITS)
  • Keena Hilliard
Bib changes

(Use of local authority records to update Authorized Access Points)

  Running norm rules on bibs


  • Anne Adams (ITS-MUS)
  • Anthony Terrizzi (ITS)
  • Linda Isaac (HOU)
  • Nell Carlson (DIV)
  • Vardit Samuels (JUD)
  • Vernica Downey (HOU)


  • (All of the above)
  • John Dickson (ITS)
  • Paris O'Donnell (BER)
 (warning) Delete Bibliographic records (for CZ/IZ issue)
  • Amy Armitage (ITS) change in role
Suppress / unsuppress bibliographic record
  • Honor Moody (ITS)
  • Vardit Samuels (JUD)(Judaica sets)
Unlink bib headings
  • Andrea Cawelti
  • Anthony Terrizzi
Holding changes (remember the important info regarding the type of input file)

   Running norm rules on holdings

  • Amy Armitage (ITS) change in role
  • Amy Dittman (ITS)
  • Anne Adams (ITS-MUS)
  • Chiunkwan Chau (HYL)
  • Gerald Walden (ITS)
  • John Dickson (ITS)
  • Katherine Sweeney (DIG)
  • Karim Rouqui (MED)
  • Linda Isaac (HOU)
  • Mingtao Zhao (DIG)
  • Nell Carlson (DIV)
  • Paris O'Donnell (BER)
  • Vardit Samuels (JUD)
  • Vernica Downey (HOU)
 (warning) Delete holdings without items (WID only)
  • Vardit Samuels (JUD)
PO Lines

Update PO lines information (NOT Update PO lines information - advanced)

Change PO lines status

Update PO lines workflow

  • Amy Dittman (ITS)
  • Paris O'Donnell (BER)
  • Elke Piontek (ITS-LANGDELL)
  • Alla Saltanovich (WID-EUROPEAN LANG)
  • Jane Skoric (ITS)
  • Lauren Syer (ITS)
  • Chiunkwan Chau (HYL)
  • Gerald Walden (ITS)
  • Colin Van Alstine (ITS)
(warning) Update PO lines transactions
  • Amy Dittman (ITS)
  • Gerald Walden (ITS)
  • Colin Van Alstin (ITS)
Update PO lines information ADVANCED
  • Amy Dittman (ITS)
  • Lauren Syer (ITS)
Export bibliographic recordsExport Bibliographic Records
  • Paris O'Donnell (BER)
  • Vernica Downey (HOU)
  • Honor Moody (ITS)
  • Michael Beckett (ITS)
PortfoliosChange Electronic Portfolio Information
  • Amy Dittman (ITS)
  • Lauren Syer (ITS)
  • Dennis Flanders (ITS)
(warning) Delete Electronic Portfolios
  • Amy Dittman (ITS)
  • Lauren Syer (ITS)
  • Dennis Flanders (ITS)
Electronic CollectionsChange Electronic Collection Information 
  • Amy Dittman (ITS)
Move Electronic Portfolio Information