Run & Modify a Shared Analysis

Run & Modify a Shared Analysis

Analytics users at Harvard have and are continuing to develop a set of core analyses in Harvard University. These analyses can be run and viewed as-is, or saved to My Folders to be modified and then run.

To Run/View a Shared Analysis

To view the output for a shared analysis:

  1. Go to Analytics >> Design Analytics to open Analytics
  2. Go to the Catalog directory
  3. Look to the left to see the folder directory
  4. Find the Shared Folders directory and click on the triangle icon to expand the list
  5. Find the Harvard University directory and click on the triangle icon to expand the list
  6. Click on a subject area folder (or the triangle icon next to it) to see analyses
  7. Find the analysis you want to run/view results for
  8. Click on Open, select prompts (if needed), then the results will be generated on-screen

Options for Results

Once the results are generated, you have these options:

  • Edit opens the Layout view, where you can change criteria and edit the display of results, among other things
  • Refresh will refresh the results, if they're generated in real-time or if criteria have been changed
  • Print will open a PDF (to be printed or saved) or an HTML page that can be printed
  • Export offers several options for exporting and saving the results
  • Add to Briefing Book creates or adds to a compilation of multiple reports in a single PDF document
  • Copy will copy the analysis to another location

Modify a Shared Analysis

Save the Analysis to My Folders

If you are not the originator of a shared analysis, you must save it to My Folders area before you can make changes.

  1. In the Catalog, find the shared analysis you want to modify using steps 1-6 above.
  2. Select and copy the analysis by
    1. Clicking on the title of the analysis to highlight the row, then clicking on the Copy icon in the toolbar
    2. Clicking on the More menu under the analysis name, then choosing Copy  
  3. In the left-hand directory window, click on the folder you want to copy it to
  4. Click on the Paste icon in the toolbar   

After saving the analysis in My Folders, it no longer has restrictions set by the originator and you can go ahead and edit the criteria.

Edit an Analysis

There are several ways to open and edit an analysis from the Catalog view:

  • Double-clicking on the analysis name icon
  • Selecting the Edit link under the file name
  • Opening the analysis and selecting Edit

In the Edit screen, you can add or change:


Alma Analytics has data tables grouped in similar subject areas to Alma’s menus. For example, data populated in the process of creating a purchase order in Alma - such as the POL number, item description, status, currency, list price, reporting code, and vendor name - are accessible in Analytics as attributes grouped in the subject area Funds Expenditure. This data can be reported on by choosing the relevant fields.

For more on editing analyses, see: