Comparison of ListView Instances

Comparison of ListView Instances

 HOLLIS ListView (More about...)DRS ListView (More about...)
What content is supported?Any web-accessible digital content is eligible, hosted at Harvard or not.Any PDS objects are eligible if they share the same owner code as the PDS document list.
How are lists created?Lists are created and maintained using the HOLLIS ListView Admin site (login required).PDS document lists are created thru DRS batch deposit and maintained using DRS Web Admin (DRS authorization required).
Are lists customizable?Yes. Author/title/publisher fields can be auto-filled with catalog data or manually customized. Display labels can be added for individual list links.Yes. Author/title/publisher data is furnished by MODS descriptive metadata stored with the PDS document list object in DRS. Display labels can be added for individual list links.
How are lists delivered?

List will be available from a "View Online" link in HOLLIS. But the list link is portable and can be included on other sites as needed.

List link format is https://listview.lib.harvard.edu/lists/hollis-[Aleph/Alma Number]
E.g., https://listview.lib.harvard.edu/lists/hollis-002017107

At DRS deposit, PDS document lists are assigned a URN that resolves to a DRS ListView url. At the curator's discretion, this URN can be included in a HOLLIS catalog record and/or another site as needed.

List link format is https://listview.lib.harvard.edu/lists/drs-[DRS-ID]
E.g., https://listview.lib.harvard.edu/lists/drs-2573358 

Full text searchable?Full text searching is supported for PDS documents with OCR text.Full text searching is supported for PDS documents with OCR text.
Level of preservation?This type of list is stored in the HOLLIS service, with bit-level preservation only.PDS document lists are stored in DRS with full preservation service.