Alma Executive Oversight Committee
Reporting to the Library Leadership Team (LLT), the Alma Implementation Executive Committee (EOC) will provide guidance for the Alma Working Groups and will serve an ombudsman role for those decisions that require a third party and raise, as needed, any additional concerns to LLT for resolution. Working Group members will advise the EOC as needed for project management and system design and will bring periodic updates to LLT. In addition, the group will provide regular updates on adoption of Alma to LLT and the larger Harvard Library community.
The group reports to the Library Leadership Team.
Group Membership
Amy Boucher, Access Services
Claire DeMarco, Information and Technical Services
Michelle Durocher, Information and Technical Services
Spruill Harder, Access Services
Laura Morse, Library Technology Services (co-chair)
Suzanne Wones, Harvard Library (co-chair)
Contact Team Members
Open Meetings
Alma Open Meeting 20190208 .pptx
Alma Open Meeting 2_8_2019Public.docx